Message 14855

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:50:21 +0100
We are the Vost. Rules and regs is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

>> With my own list, the subscribers get a list of rules when they sub

> Do people want afb to become a police state like James' list? :)


It's not really as bad as it sounds. More often than not, a simple
warning is enough. But my point in all that was, showing that you're
serious about enforcing the rules makes your list better. Otherwise,
people will think that nothing will happen, and carry on breaking the
rules (well, those that are inclined towards breaking the rules, at

[Subject: line]

> And perhaps you should be banned for leaving it the way it was? :)

Erm... okay, it's a fair cop! But I was talking about the Subject:
line, so it was still relevant. Sort of ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

... Windows Error #019: User error. It's not our fault. Is not! Is not!
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 30% - 80 tags in Windows.tags >>

Message 14856

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules (WAS: Albatross)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:06:58 +0100
Oh, no! It's Ashley Scott, muttering something about Rules again!

> Quoting. That Albatross thing was "Taking the PISS" ;). But I still

Yes, it was, and it got taken well OTT :)

> balls up or two when I first joined the list (Mr. Vost put me right
> pretty quickly). At the end of the day I think Ben does a good

Keeping people on the right track by warning them every time that they
do something naughty is okay, but a list of rules prevents it.

> enough job of keeping People under control. We don't need a load of
> stupid rules to be forced upon us. Right, I'm gonna do some

See above. I don't agree when you say that we don't need rules. You
may think that governments may be useless, but it would be anarchy
without them. Same with mailing lists, and that's why my own list has

> programming (Instead of repling here), hehehe. TTFN. ;)


I should really do the same. Get stuck into the network code for

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

... Monty Python of Borg: And now for something completely irrelevent...
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 41% - 7 tags in MontyPython.tags >>

Message 14857

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:42:32 +0100
Rules and regs? What are you talking about, Ferenczy?

> More like throttlings to the ears and head... Since it's a first
> offence! ;-)

Throttlings? You want Ben to strangle my ears and head? :)

> having such a strict, watchful master, who chastises them on a
> regular basis if they misbehave! ;-)

> Only joking... or am I? Heh heh.

I'm not *that* strict! :)

I missed out the fact that a warning is nearly always given out before
they get points. And besides, the rules have been discussed between
myself and my co-moderator, and we both agree about the content.

TBH, you have to see the rules. I made it sound a little harsh, but
they aren't really. I based my list for the most part on Fidonet, the
only diffences being that it's E-Mail and that most Fidonet echoes
have the 'Three Strikes And You're Out' system.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

... "Bother," said Ferenczy, as he received an e-mail from an AOL newbie.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 31% - 553 tags in Personalised.tags >>

Message 14858

Subject: [afb] Re: What no Boxer????
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:08:44 -0000
Hi Speedy,
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > What has happened to the Boxer. > 
> > ALex Paton
> > 
> > 
> The last information I had was from Anti Gravity, the 
> US distributors of the Boxer. They said that the European launch would be at
> this year's WOA.
> Wanna know more about the Boxer? Visit AG (Blittersoft has no up to-dat
> news) at:
> Hope you will find all your answers there.
> Greetings from Bert Volders (also known as Speedy)

Thanks, I'll have a look.


Message 14859

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:48:47 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> I was just going to bed, when Neil Bothwick wrote this and I just HAD to read
> it:

>> If you never run a virus checker, how do you know you've never had a
>> virus?
> Um, because, er, I just /know/, ok?

If you say so...

>> Virus checkers are a PITA. I scan my drives every week or two but
>> don't like the hassle of having one running all the time. It jumps at
>> too many shadows on a heavily patched system.

> My thoughts exactly. I suppose I could run one occasionally but is
> that really worth it? Surely within a week most would have done their
> dirty deeds.

It's certainly worth it. The best time to run a virus scan is just
before you do a backup. The worst thing to do is overwrite your
clean backups with corrupted files.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Despite the cost of living it remains popular.

Message 14860

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:51:52 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> At 23:45:06 you said about [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?:

>> >> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be
>> > I Killed William's Yappy Mongrel....
>> You have *far* too much free time.

> You must be joking. I'm seriously running short of it. That took about
> two mins to think up some random words. I really haven't got a clue
> what you meant. I've got IYKWIM, PITA and IMHO. What /are/ the others?

TLA  = Three Letter Acronym
ETLE = Extended Three Letter Acronym (I know that's an oxymoron but
	   these were invented by Americans, so you have to give some leeway :)

> (I'm sure you made the long one up).

First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes :)

> No-one beats the anorak [smug face]

Why would anyone want to beat an anorak? Beating a smug face is
another matter entirely :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WinErr 01B: Illegal error - You are not allowed to get this error.
			Next time you will get a penalty for that.

Message 14861

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: 11 Jun 1999 23:59:26 +0100
Stephen Harris said, 

> Please set your clocks

> Correctly

Followed by a bloated HTML copy of the same post, thirty times the
size of the original.

Please set your mailer correctly :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 18: Taped live

Message 14862

Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:13:12 -0000
> Anyone know whats wrong with the Amiga Web Directory. It hasn't had
> any new items since 16th May. Usually it has items added every couple
> of days.

I suggest you clear your cache. It had new stuff in there this morning...


Message 14863

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:50:22 +0100
Greetings  Mark

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know whats wrong with the Amiga Web Directory. It hasn't had
> any new items since 16th May. Usually it has items added every couple
> of days.

You arn't reading the UKonline mirror are you? That isn't uptodate.

The main site was updated yesterday I think.
> *MO*



/PGP Key available on request/
Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 14864

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:31:09 +0100
Greetings  Alex

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Andy
> [snip]
>>> .. and more importantly GIF.
>>> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
>>> people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
>>> kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??
>> If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
>> stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.
> But then it would have been "JIFFE" which a) doesn't fit the acronym and
> b) would sound "jife" as in "life".

you have misunderstood what I have said. The two Fs with an E on the end
go with a word starting with G. Note the word "or" in the sentence :)

> Tatty byes
> ==========



/PGP Key available on request/
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 14865

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:20:43 -0000
> > Something weird about your mailer...
> I expect it's because I put one of these:
> -- 
> in and you have "snip signature" enabled.  If this is
> causing problems let me know and I'll stop doing it.

Yes, please do, there's a good chap.
> >>> No, I was a grammar school oik.
> >> Posh git.  :)
> > No, just intelligent.
> The wise man knows he is a fool - only a fool
> thinks he is wise.  :)

Was a bit pompous wasn't it.
> > as a base, but the other languages that have been created all suffer
> > similar problems. I think that if you only took the morphemes that exist
> in
> > every country in the world you'd end up with a very restricted language.
> Morphemes?

Smallest units of a spoken language. Some languages don't have the morphemes of
others, making it very hard for people learning the language to have a good
> I found some interesting (IMHO) statistics online that
> say English is on it's way out as the default language
> of the net.  Maybe it's about time that Esperanto (or
> an alternative) took over.  Not that it'll actually
> happen though.

I shouldn't think so, but it would be a good idea since it wouldn't take all
that much learning, and with its very simple grammar and vocab perhaps the
standard of writing would be higher than it is in English (which is a much
harder language to learn, thus people only used to it as a second language have
a harder time with it, before anyone here thinks I'm referring to them).

Message 14866

Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:27:49 -0000
Paul Cundle said:

> ... AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse

You can't use this tagline any more as, unless you pronounce the words like
a scream in a comic, it's not an acronym. :)


Message 14867

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: 12 Jun 1999 0:32:13 +0100
ben said, 

> I suggest you clear your cache. It had new stuff in there this morning...

How do you know what Mark's cache had?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 14868

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:33:35 -0000
>    o wuh wuh wuh
>    o w w w (lower case sound)

I don't think you ever explained what you mean by "lower case sound" here, nor
how that was different from wuh wuh wuh...


Message 14869

Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:36:23 -0000
> If a spread sheet on the Amiga had a flight sim in it, then u wudnt be
> crying wud u. And i think u r forgetting all those hidden things in
> Workbench 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 IIRC. Does that (by your logic) make Workbench
> bloatwear too?

Sam, I hate to criticise anyone's spelling and grammar, but please spend a
little time writing out your emails, would you? Reading email like this makes
me think I'm reading the output of some brain-damaged six year old.


Message 14870

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: ex-AP editor Stu Campbell
Date: 12 Jun 99 00:50:22 +0000
Matt Voiced his opinion of Stuart Campbell with

> Yes, and he's right. That article about "The PC is the new Amiga" because
> now PC owners are whining hatemongers made me laugh loads. But when
> he just starts ranting about Amigas and this and that it`s just all plain
> crap and he knows it.. he just says it to get kudos from his freelancer
> journo mates.

Well I don't know the guy but I've always enjoyed his writing which it
has to be said was always aggressive and controversial (anybody
remeber the intro to the cannon fodder 2 demo he did for AP whilst at
Sensible where he had a go at Cam Winstanley after his CF2 review ?).

The point is Stu is a games journo and he's not interested in what
machines got the best OS or ray tracing package and we have to be
honest here if you were depending on the Amiga games market for your
next meal you would heave starved a long time ago.

We lost in the big games struggle to the PC ages ago, of course the
Amiga still has the odd really good game but not enough to interest
any outside interest (big games recently ?  Quake, Heretic, Hexan (all
old PC ports) Napalm, is it really groundbreaking outside of the Amiga
market ?).  Now in Stu's eyes (I suppose)  the PC is struggling
against the consoles.  Remember back in the AP days Stu was never very
keen on the strategy / RPG / sim type stuff which seems to be what the
PC excells at and what the consoles struggle with.  

I guess if we can take any comfort from all this is that people like
Stu are still attacking the Amiga, it sort of proves there is still
something left to attack.  Most games journos that I've ever read
(including Stu) are from the "I remember when games were really good
not like this modern rubbish trying to cover up dodgy gameplay with
fancy graphics" school of writing, if the Amiga was really dead and
buried it would be ranking with the Spectrum etc. and completely
beyond criticism.  I bet he still play Sensi,  Speedball 2 & Rainbow
Islands anyway :)

Anyone know his e-mail address ?  Maybe we could invite him to join
the list ;) (then we would see some off topic volume traffic).

Still in Accy , Lancs.

Message 14871

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
Date: 12 Jun 99 01:16:01 +0000
Hello Folks,

With all the recent talk about WOA I was wondering if Ben (or anyone
else) could say whatever happened to FES (Future Entertainment Show )?
I would have thought with the likes of T3 and Total Film that Future
would be in a better position than ever to host this kind of thing. 
And what better oppertunity to remind people about our favourite
machine ? (even if it was held in that southern place).

Accy, Lancs.

Message 14872

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:24 +0100
Hei Even,

> Personally, I bought the CD edition way before I got my first CD drive for
> the Amiga. Too much good stuff there to miss it all, I thought, and stored
> the CDs safely away ready for usage the day I got my CD-ROM player. 

Same here, but I never used the stuff on the coverdisks anyway, and I
already had access to a PC with CD-ROM so they did get *some* use :)
I have terrible memories of copying programs one file at a time onto 720k
floppies, noting down the names, then renaming the individual files from
MS-DOS 8.3 format once they were back on my miggy :-/ (this was before I
managed to find a working copy of Zip for my Amiga, or LhA for Windows - no
net access at the time either, you see...)


Message 14873

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:30 +0100
Hi Malcolm,

> Just purchased a scandoubler and FF from Eyeline and the picture
> quality in pal on an SVGA monitor is crap any info would be
> appreciated.

Give more details about your set-up. ie, what make, model and size of SVGA.
What screen resolution are you running in, how many colours, etc. I use a
Power Scanmagic internal with a 17" Philips 107s in PAL Hi-Res Laced
overscan and find the quality is far better than when I used a...
*shudder*... television.
By the way, I presume you mean *Eyetech*, not Eyeline :)


Message 14874

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:34 +0100
Hi Paul,

> Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
> example would be
> SCSI (scuzzy)

Eeek, I've *never* called it "scuzzy", always "scizzy", that's the way my
computing teacher said it, that's the way everyone I know says it... Scuzzy
just sounds daft :)

> HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)

How exactly would you pronounce "htmul"? "hutumul"?? I think it's fairly
safe to say it's pronounced H.T.M.L. :) X.P.K is the same, isn't it?


Message 14875

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:39 +0100
Hi Andy,

> I've mentioned this before. But I'll do it again. If anyone is into
> off-topic/weird/scientific/theological debate/chat etc. then Amilluminati
> (sister list to the CU List) is the place for you. There is only one
> rule. no ON-TOPIC chat is allowed (though you won't get a bollocking for
> it (unless Korny wakes up with a hangover) :)

How much traffic does it generate, on an average sort of day (wednesday, for
example ;)?
Ok, here's something that's been bugging me, what is the accepted way of
putting a smiley in brackets? Is it like I've done above, where the smiley
itself closes the brackets, or should I have added another bracket after
it, which would have made it look stupid...


Message 14876

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:44 +0100
On 10-Jun-99, Paul Cundle wrote:

>>> Cheaper phone calls, cheaper postage.... it ain't fair :(
>> No free healthcare
> It's not free here - what about taxes?
>> rampant unemployment
> I'm allowed to ignore that - I'm a student (until September)

Paul, *please* sort out your quoting, I'm not sure how MD colour-codes
quotes, but the way you reply makes it very difficult to read in YAM (which
a lot of people on this list are using).

Taking the example above, after each line that you quote, can you please
insert a blank line, so that the quoted text is properly separated from
your reply. (Tim Seifert explained this a lot better than I'm doing about 4
months ago I think). Those using YAM will see what I mean here:
This is what we see - 

> No free healthcare
It's not free here - what about taxes?
> rampant unemployment
I'm allowed to ignore that - I'm a student (until September)

All this is in the same colour, which makes it very difficult to scan
through a message, reading only the responses.
Instead, this is better - 

> No free healthcare

It's not free here - what about taxes?

> rampant unemployment

I'm allowed to ignore that - I'm a student (until September)

Now Ben's original text is displayed in a different colour to your reply. It
looks a lot better, IMHO. Sorry if this seems like nitpicking, and I'm not
picking on you really, just making a general comment about quoting...
thanks for listening :)


Message 14877

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:49 +0100
>  How about www.  So far I've heard
>   - double-U double-U double-U

I generally go with either this, or "wub wub wub" :)

>  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.

That's how it's pronounced?


Message 14878

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:54 +0100
Hi Daniel,

> If you don't like it, don't read it. Personalyl, the only computer I have
> is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga jokes. Why can't
> anyone else?

Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no sense of humour or
humility :)

Bauglir... probably shouldn't be sending this to an Amiga mailing list, but
does anyway for reasons explained above ;)

Message 14879

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Who buys Amiga Games?
Date: 12 Jun 99 04:10:36 +0000
> Ok, be honest guys, but how regularly do you
> buy Amiga games, and what kind:
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o I buy any game all the time to help the amiga=2E
>    o I buy any game every few months
>    o I buy only good games (+80% in AF) all the time
>    o I buy only good games every few months
>    o I buy good budget games (<=A310) all the time
>    o I buy good budget games every few months
>    o I only buy 2 or less amiga games a year
>    o I don't buy amiga games any more
> Thank you!

You forgot -=20

o I only buy games that take advantage of/or match my system spec
(see my sig)


Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM=2E=2E=2E=2E
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

Message 14880

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:12:37 +0100
Hello nick

> my 32 meg simms are 60 ns edo and they were 28 quid from a local comp
> shop a few months back

beat you mine was =A323 full price with VAT (brand new)

                 Cheers all the best

                        Ken =

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 =

Message 14881

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: Opus was Digital camera
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:29:17 +0100
Hello Oliver

>> Sorry to keep ranting on, but actually that's a good idea. Do you
>> reckon it will be worth even though OS3.5 is supposed to be coming out
>> in August?
> DOpus is a workbench replacement, and workbench is only a part of os3.5

thats my question as well I'm still using 5.5 so might wait and see what
OS3.5 looks like first (my money will be spent on upgrade OS and ROM

                 Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14882

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: Stargate
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:58:27 +0100
Hello Andy

> Yam is very good, but lacks decent news support...
>> Try the demo on Aminet.
> Nah thanks, I'll stick with Thor. :)

I think YAM is ace been with it for years since it came out so all my
email goes through this and use MD2 just for for news (all running at the
same time)

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14883

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] cards
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:04:12 +0100

    Does anyone know of a wes site (or a place i can get say a template
for Final Writer) as I want to be able to make my own Birthday cards and
other type of cards 

See You
                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14884

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:07:23 +0100
Hello Gerald

>> I would say its just as good only TurboPrint looks more user friendly
>> (i've got Studio as well got it before Turbo' came out)
> Doesn't it depend on the printer you're using? Since Studio is pretty
> old I doubt it has support for all the new printers that Turboprint
> does. Or is Studio still being updated as well?
> Bauglir

You could be right not to sure on that but its all upto date with my
printer a Canon BJC-610 maybe if/when I upgrade to another printer I'll
take another look at printer software

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14885

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 12 Jun 99 00:09:15 +0000
Hi Alex Furmanski, re your comments on [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?.

> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make an
> 050?

I can't help with point 1, but I seem to remember that the 050 was
bought outright by Ford for their EEC range of engine management

Oh and before they kick off again, for the benefit of Messrs Vost,
Drummond, Korn and Bothwick, EEC is pronounced "EEK", e.g. "My
engine is controlled by an EEK4 EMU" ;)

Cheers for now.
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14886

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 12 Jun 1999 9:21:6 +0100
Anthony Prime said, 

> Oh and before they kick off again, for the benefit of Messrs Vost,
> Drummond, Korn and Bothwick, EEC is pronounced "EEK", e.g. "My
> engine is controlled by an EEK4 EMU" ;)

"EEK 4 EMU"? I'm sure Emu said a lot more than that when Rod Hull
shoved his arm up it's arse :-O

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
My wallet's cache is disabled.

Message 14887

From: Peter Wesson
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 00:12:29 gmt0bst
On 11-Jun-99, Jonathan M. Dudley wrote:
>Alex said:
>Strange, I think, how we say "scuzzy" for SCSI, but not "ide" for IDE.

There are a few who pronounce it Secsy, I think it was the oroginal plan to
have something that sounded like sexy, 'course it could be an urban myth..

Message 14888

Subject: [afb] Re: Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:42:20 -0000
> With all the recent talk about WOA I was wondering if Ben (or anyone
> else) could say whatever happened to FES (Future Entertainment Show )?
> I would have thought with the likes of T3 and Total Film that Future
> would be in a better position than ever to host this kind of thing. 
> And what better oppertunity to remind people about our favourite
> machine ? (even if it was held in that southern place).

Future hasn't actually organised a show since the last one, except for the
music, bike and cake shows which weren't completely organised by us anyway.
Basically we got our fingers burnt and lost a lot of money on that last FES, so
Future have decided to stick (in the main) to writing mags, which we do quite
successfully it seems. :)


Message 14889

Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:46:32 -0000
> > Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
> > example would be
> > SCSI (scuzzy)
> Eeek, I've *never* called it "scuzzy", always "scizzy", that's the way my
> computing teacher said it, that's the way everyone I know says it... Scuzzy
> just sounds daft :)

Hmm, perhaps that's because of your predilection for different vowel sounds
being a scot? I've always pronounced it scuzzy, and so has everyone I've ever
met, except for those that call it "ess sea ess eye", who, in the main are
those that also say "Pee sea emm ay" instead of PCMCIA and "aga" instead of "Ay
Gee Ay"...

Message 14890

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: 12 Jun 99 08:38:42 +0100
[ My *PPC* & *CVPPC* Amiga made me reply:|
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:37:30 +0100

[afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers

> Hi Malcolm,
> Give more details about your set-up. ie, what make, model and size of SVGA.
> What screen resolution are you running in, how many colours, etc. I use a
> Power Scanmagic internal with a 17" Philips 107s in PAL Hi-Res Laced
> overscan and find the quality is far better than when I used a...
> *shudder*... television.
> By the way, I presume you mean *Eyetech*, not Eyeline :)

Yep Eyetech

Well hopefully the problem is now solved, after numerous phone calls
Eytech have said that their external SD & FF does not work properly
with A4000`s. They have offered me an internal one as a replacement.

The monitor works great from the CVPPC but as soon as I go into any
Pal program no matter what resolution the contrast produced on the
screen forms vertical bars of colour that make viewing impossible.

Mind you I`m not to impressed with the 25.dpi display.

Here is my hardware list:-

Hardware List
A4000/40/40Mhz PPC 200Mhz + 64 Fast
Zip Drive
Oktagon Controller
1.3Gb SCSI II Hard Drive (1 partition)
4.3GB SCSI III Hard Drive (3 partitions)
Toshiba 12xCD
IOBlix Super Fast Serial Card
Epson GT-6000 Flatbed Scanner
Pace 56 Voice (V90)(ISP=Wirenet)
Micronik A4000 Tower case
Epson Stylus Color 800
External floppy Drive
Minolta 7000 Camera
External Speakers
*Belinea 17" SVGA Monitor 30-95 Khz 50-160 Hz*
Tabby (Drawing Pad)
Sound Sampler
Prelude Sound Card
*Scandoubler & Flicker Fixer EZVGA-SEFF*

So the next question is how good are the internal Scandoublers and do
they fit into a Micronik tower set up?

Only the Amiga makes it possible (Especially the *G4* Amiga)
Malcolm Harnden

      /|  |\
     / |  | \
    /  ----  \_
   /   \  /  | |May the Force be with you.
   \   /||\   /
    \        /
      :    :
      :    :

Message 14891

Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:48:39 -0000
> >  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.
> That's how it's pronounced?

No, oit's not, you need to read back over the older messages in this thread


Message 14892

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Happy birthday Jayne!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 09:49:55 +0100
For Jayne Johnson

Happy birthday,  have a good one!

Bye for now,
Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14893

Subject: [afb] Re: cards
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:50:46 -0000
>     Does anyone know of a wes site (or a place i can get say a template
> for Final Writer) as I want to be able to make my own Birthday cards and
> other type of cards 

There are loads of templates for Final Writer on Aminet.


Message 14894

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:13:59 +0100
Hi Samuel

>>Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make
>no, but Philips did and they used it in their CDi - or was that the 68070?

No to which question?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14895

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:19:03 +0100
Hi fool

>>>>> 2
>>>> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.
>>> an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!
>> Oh what wonders can be worked with "View Source" eh?
>What are you talking about?

I assume that's how you got 2, seeing as it wasn't one of the choices - did view
source then wrote a little bit of HTML to do it?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14896

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:00:43 +0200
Richard Drummond ( wrote:
> Hello Richard
> On 11-Jun-99, you made a typo
> > wk is a contraction and as such does need a full stop.
> Should have been doesn't need a full stop.

Yeah, damn right. To quote Richard Drummond, "Check your facts before you
criticize :-b"      ;-) 

> BTW, I hope you realize you are talking to yourself.

Nothing new there. Hell you're even doing it!   :)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14897

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:13:21 +0200
Anthony Prime ( wrote:
> Hi P Gordon aka Mr Tickle, re your comments on [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!.
> > 
> > > GRRRR!
> > 
> > That is very definately bloatware. As is the stupid 90
> > degree rotated toolbars in MS Word... FYI, a requester
> > in AmigaDOS adds about 10 bytes for the setting up and
> > calling of a library function + the text for the
> > message. 3D flightsims take a little more :)
> I couldn't agree more. This is symptamatic of the problem of the PC
> upgrade treadmill. Jim Collas was right when he inferred that M$
> simply develop lazily on the grounds that the h/w will continue to
> advance to accomodate them.

And (unfortunately) that has been the case. And as well as lazy
development, I understand they also have "lazy" compilers that aren't very
good at optimization either (unconfirmed rumour this, not fact ;) ...

> When I buy a spreadsheet I don't want to land in fog at Heathrow, I
> want to, erm, spread sheets I suppose. Why waste resources just for
> the sake of it?

Okay I started this thread, I'll quash it here. I've had a go at the
"flight sim" and it is in fact a mere voxel space demo so you can fly to
the monolith with the scrolling "we made this" message. However, despite
(Matt Sealey?) someones criticisms, I very much doubt Excel already had the
facility for generating a 3d voxel space as part of the graph drawing
facilities. Text scrolling doesn't strike me as a commonly used feature

Okay, so it's a multi-megabyte package anyway, but I feel that the addition
of a few hundred kilobytes with this is still going too far. In the Acorn's
OS (RiscOS is it? I forget) there's an "Easter egg" like the Amiga's
requestor. However, based on the fact it is going into a 512k ROM it isn't
that big. Will the creators of such stuff (Who remembers "We made it, they
****** it up" from kickstarts up to and including 1.2, but not in my 1.3 :(
 ?? ) naturally follow progression and take up more space if they had the

Imagine it next, the installer gives you 2 options.

1) Install full package (needs 53 megs hd space)
2) Don't install programmer's ego-boosting crud (needs 32 megs hd space)

Of course, all this meant in jest   ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14898

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:20:30 +0200
Anthony Prime ( wrote:
> Hi Alex Furmanski, re your comments on [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?.
> > Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make an
> > 050?
> I can't help with point 1, but I seem to remember that the 050 was
> bought outright by Ford for their EEC range of engine management
> systems.

Just to add my $0.02, the 050 was basically a re-hashed 68000, with a new
number, and IIRC was done by (or for?) Phillips, not Ford. And it
definitely wasn't released on general sale by Motorola!

Of course, I could be entirely wrong ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14899

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:27:57 +0200
Ken Walsh (bigken@ukonline=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hello nick
> > my 32 meg simms are 60 ns edo and they were 28 quid from a local comp
> > shop a few months back
> beat you mine was =A323 full price with VAT (brand new)

What?? Where from?

Mine were =A3200 for 128Mb (4 32Mb simms) from maplins=2E That was when the
price was rocketing=2E Just my luck for it to drop again straight afterward=

AND I haven't got the PPC board to put them in yet!!   :((


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14900

From: "paulhill"
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:28:55 +0000
 i would like to add some sort of
> zorro expansion to my a1200 eyetech tower, 
hi, I too wished to do this and so rang around all the ads in the AF,
trying to purchase myself one as it is an easy way of expanding the
a1200, however the overwhelming response that I got was that I
shouldnt bother and should use other methods of expansion instead, the
general opinion being that zorro was hopelessly outdated or not
implemented to a decent level. 


Message 14901

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:31:57 +0100

>> HMV "hmmmmv" and similarly FMV "fmmmmv" and also FHM "fuhum".


>Has anyone actually seen the latest FHM in the shops? Can't find it
>anywhere probably because it's got the 100 sexiest women booklet in

It's in a gold envelope-type-thing.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14902

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:33:36 +0100

>> >Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) and it was a piece of piddle!
>> >Hoorah!
>> Don't you mean your Maths exam (AQA)?  They've changed their name now.
>Really? The exam said NEAB on it, but the formula book did say AQA. I
>was wondering.

They changed quite recently methinks.  If you started the course ~2 years ago I
think they were still NEAB, so the papers would probably have that so people
didn't complain they were sitting the wrong exam.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14903

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:36:15 +0100

>> >What do you mean 'surprised'? It's pretty obvious just looking down my
>> list of messages ;)
>> You're not all that quiet y'self ;-)
>Looking at the AFB statistics you'll notice that I'm only 13th on the
>list. Just a /tad/ below second, I think you'll find :)

[insert your own 'sheepish smiley' here]

>> does that mean you are at the end of your first year?
>> Ding.  Another 2 points.
>So you're not a maths teacher then? Seriously, I though you were older
>than that. Shows how useless email technology is. For some reason I
>feel like I know you. Scary.

I'm not on no Netconnect mailing list either ;-)

>[gibberish cut out]
>> Pardon?  BZZZT.  No points
>You rearranged that on purpose! It made complete sense when I wrote

My tagline appears to have drifted into your sentence.  I'll repremand it

>... Got Mole problems?
>        Call Avogardo 6.02 x 10^23


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14904

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:38:35 +0100

> > I know. Give me a good POP3 email account any
> > day. And then make me use hotmail with it completely
> > cock it up :)
> I would, but i'm not an internet provider... :)
> > "You're better than everyone else". Everybody on
> > this
> > list, remember that :)
> This may be so, but you're still the only person that
> talks to me... :(

I'll talk to you if you like, but PC might start calling me a spammer again ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14905

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: cards
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:40:27 +0100

> There are loads of templates for Final Writer on Aminet.
> Ben

yes thought there might be some other stuff some where else, thanks though

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14906

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: 12 Jun 99 09:15:11 +0100
On 11-Jun-99 01:43:50, Paul Cundle ( wrote:

>Frogs can do it as well. I bet there are some fish who have changed
>from female to male - visit Dungeness. (for those who don't know, that
>is an incorrectly spelt place in the SE of England where there is a
>nuclear power station by a river filled with dayglow fish).

I live about 20 miles from there :)

Its not /that/ bad really, we did our GCSE geography coursework there.


Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14907

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Polls
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:42:06 +0100
Hi guys

Uhm, that polls page is getting a bit long.  Any chance of closing a few of the

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14908

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:44:46 +0100
Hi Andy Kinsella

>>>> .. and more importantly GIF.
>>>> Compuserve say 'JIF' but CU said GIF and so do most
>>>> people I meet. When people say JIF I think either
>>>> kitchen cream cleaner or Giraffe. What`s the deal there??
>>> If they want us to say Jiff they shoulda used a J or used two F's and
>>> stuck an E on the end! GIF is obviously a hard G.
>> But then it would have been "JIFFE" which a) doesn't fit the acronym and
>> b) would sound "jife" as in "life".
>you have misunderstood what I have said. The two Fs with an E on the end
>go with a word starting with G. Note the word "or" in the sentence :)

Okay, but that would still make either JIF (which doesn't fit the acronym) *or*
GIFFE, which looks like a type of padded envelope.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14909

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:48:58 +0100
Hi Ben

>> > Can you do a little bit somewhere on "How to pronounce things" Some
>> > example would be
>> > SCSI (scuzzy)
>> Eeek, I've *never* called it "scuzzy", always "scizzy", that's the way my
>> computing teacher said it, that's the way everyone I know says it... Scuzzy
>> just sounds daft :)
>Hmm, perhaps that's because of your predilection for different vowel sounds
>being a scot? I've always pronounced it scuzzy, and so has everyone I've ever
>met, except for those that call it "ess sea ess eye", who, in the main are
>those that also say "Pee sea emm ay" instead of PCMCIA and "aga" instead of "Ay
>Gee Ay"...

The ones with the low foreheads you mean?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14910

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Who buys Amiga Games?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:51:44 +0100
Hi Chris Millar

>> Ok, be honest guys, but how regularly do you
>> buy Amiga games, and what kind:
>> ----
>> Please select one of the following:
>>    o I buy any game all the time to help the amiga.
>>    o I buy any game every few months
>>    o I buy only good games (+80% in AF) all the time
>>    o I buy only good games every few months
>>    o I buy good budget games (<10) all the time
>>    o I buy good budget games every few months
>>    o I only buy 2 or less amiga games a year
>>    o I don't buy amiga games any more
> Thank you!
>You forgot -
>o I only buy games that take advantage of/or match my system spec
>(see my sig)

>A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
>Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
>Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14911

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:54:59 +0100
Hi there  fool

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Ah well, I don't need to as with the telly sitting
>next to my monitor, I can watch and do something
>more interesting at the same time.

If you have a Picasso IV and a Paloma card you can watch
telly in a window whilst doing something more interesting!
Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14912

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:55:34 +0100
Hello Kevin

>> beat you mine was =A323 full price with VAT (brand new)
>> =

> !!!!!
> =

> What?? Where from?

from a place in Salford (manchester) i can get you details phone no if yo=

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 =

Message 14913

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:09:51 +0100
Hi there  Albert

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Q1:     I am a newby of nearly 2 Months now and would like know why do =
> grind to a near halt at 8 pm every night. It takes ages to look at loca=
> sites    ie BT, BBC, Tesco etc
> =

> Q2:     Does it take longer to send Mail than it does to recieve.?
> =

#> Q3:     I use an Epson GT-5000 scaner, I got a few years ago from Powe=
r. Are#
#> there any progs around other than the one I got,  Powerscan Profession=
#> V4. as this one is very temperamental.#

#Any demo of ImageFX will scan from an Epson GT5000 as will ADPro using E=
pson Scan.#
There is also Scanquix, all of these are far superior to Powerscan Profes=
sional which
should never have been offered by Power Computing as 'Professional' scann=
ing software.
It is just a rehash of the old software which they sold with hand scanner=
s and it wasn't any
good for that neither!

> Q4:     I have a lot of photos on my hard drives (4000) stored as 24 bi=
> Jpeg scrunchs em  Brill  but will they print out the same in photo qual=
> as the 24 bits. Can not aford the Photo colour Cartridge to test it out=
> the mo.
> =

#> Q5:     A week or so ago there was some talk about a spliter box for s=
#> and printer use.#
#>        I picked up a splitter from Maplin but The SYS would not recogn=
#> the Scanner unless I turned it on before boot up. I dont have to turn =
#> printer on before I need to use it !!!      #

A switchbox will work perfectly with your scanner and printer but you mus=
pay close attention to which leads you use as some ( PC ) parallel leads =
are wired =

differently to the Amiga specific ones. I have found that cheap (=A31 . 5=
0 ) leads from
computer fairs work perfectly!

Hope this helps!

-- =

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14914

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:12:05 +0100
Hi there  Albert

>        I picked up a splitter from Maplin but The SYS would not recognise
> the Scanner unless I turned it on before boot up. I dont have to turn my
> printer on before I need to use it !!!      

P.S. You should ALWAYS turn on your peripherals BEFORE your computer!
Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14915

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Who buys Amiga Games?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:20:33 +0100

> >A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
> >Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
> >Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....
> Git

Yeah but he only has a 200Mhz PPC - bit on slow side  :-}~

bye for now


Message 14916

From: "Primo Busancano"
Subject: [afb] Cerebus
Date: 12 Jun 99 11:25:04 +0000
I've been on this list now for about 4 months now,and in that time
I've never seen or read any thing regarding the "Cerebus"  computer
from Weird Science.Or may be I've missed it.If so then please forgive
in draging it up again.
      So what do fellow Amigans think of it? Is it a good idea to have
three computers in one case? Is it more efficent to be able to cross
over one to another? Is this the way to go? And would it help stop all
the competition between the platforms regarding who has the best 
machine,or  what ever?Personaly I think It's a good idea--- but would
I buy one?--I don't know. Primo.   

Message 14917

From: Neil Ives
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 zorro board
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:54:05 +0000
Hello Matt

On 10-Jun-99, you wrote:
> I think I'll buy a G3 Mac for my next machine and leave you all to it.
> --
> Matt Sealey
> Distributed Systems Support
> Computer Centre
> University of Leicester

        NEIL IVES
[HomeMade Software]

Amiga owners know the difference

Message 14918

From: Neil Ives
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:19:18 +0000
Hello Matt

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>> GRRRR!
>>> It`s not bloatware at all. I saw this in January 1998, it`s not new.
>>> Think about it - all the maths code for a flight sim style app is IN
>>> ALREADY, as is 3D drawing code (for the graphs) and the mouse movement
>>> functions (taken care of by Windows). It`s no more Bloatware than the
>>> "We made this" requester in most AmigaOSes - the requester function is
>>> there and a few lines of text and code take up little or no space.
> [snip]
>>> Get your facts right next time. Now you know why a well known Channel
>>> 4 teletext computer page has a go at us..
>> That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
> No. You obviously don`t know much about Operating Systems design or
> anything similar, do you?
>> Also, why are you sticking up for MICRO$OFT?
> Because they don`t deserve blatant abuse from ill-informed arrogant
> consumers
> like you. Most of the stories you see on Wired, Excite and The Register
> are plain
> overhyped bollocks. These news forums blame Microsoft for spreading FUD,
> but in reality the news forums do a much better job - alienating the
> public as to
> the reliability of Microsoft products and putting a bad name onto an
> already all-
> too persecuted company.
> As I said, get your facts right first. Us guys at work can take the piss
> out of
> Microsoft all we like because we beta test certain office products and
> millennial
> operating systems and we can justifiably point out flaws and laugh
> heartily. Then bug report them.
>> I think that maybe YOU are one of the reason's why Teletext's Sub-Page
>> about 'computers' always goes on about how 'sad' we are.
> No, I advocate Amigas but that doesn`t mean I have to blindly rip the piss
> out of other companies on the basis of a passing trend. I take pleasure in
> ripping the living daylights out of Linux (it really is shite, trust me.
> If you`ve
> never used a Unix other than Linux before you`re missing out) and other
> systems because they are no better than Windows. But that doesn`t mean to
> say that Windows is bad. It`s actually quite ... nice.. for all it`s
> quirks
> and faults. Sure, the Virtual Mem stinks and it sucks resources like a big
> sucky thing, but when you can see ROUND the user interface and the
> uninformed sniping of you, the general public, then you`ll see that it`s
> as good as any operating system of it`s type and size as any other.
> D_g_t_s_r rips the piss out of US because we blindly advocate our own
> system and never acknowledge the niceties of others. PC owners do it
> too with their Voodoo cards and their ATI Rages and that new sound
> card when they compare it to the N64, DreamCast or whatever.
>> no offence intended, but when someone sticks up for M$ they deserve
>> to be put down. :o)
> No they *don't*, and that`s exactly my point. I`ll just assume you`re
> part of the reknowned Amiga Zealot Task Force and leave you to your
> narrow-minded little ways, shall I?
> --
> Matt Sealey
> Distributed Systems Support
> Computer Centre
> University of Leicester
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
        NEIL IVES
[HomeMade Software]

Amiga owners know the difference

Message 14919

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:51:52 +0100

>Hi folks,

Hi Dave,

>Can anyone suggest a good program for the creation of an encrypted
>on my 1200? Sometime back I was using a couple that made use of the XPK
>just how do you pronounce that...) ciphers, but I never found anything

I use MultiUserFileSystem myself, it can take a while to set up but it works
fine on my 030. Its on AFCD35:-in_the_mag-/under_the_bonnet/multiuser. Check
the docs to make sure it is what you want and that you understand how it
works, the only things you need on floppy is a backup of config and
You log on with a password and then protect all the files you dont want
other people to see. If you let someone else log on they can see anything
that hasnt been protected.
I've got five users set up on my system, and havent had any trouble.


Message 14920

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] I.S.Porkies
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:02:27 +0000
Hiya afb'ers

I'm sure you've all seen these crap adverts fror ISP's.. AOL, Compuserv and
with freeserve been the latest. Now in EVERY one, they claim to be the UK's
#1 ISP. Now they can't ALL be #1, so methinks there's a bit of bullshiftin'
going on. I wonder if I could take 'em to court over false advertising...
Also, the only ones that say this are usually the crap ISP's... AOL, need I
say more.



A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14921

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: Cerebus
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:13:56 +0100
Hello Primo

On 12-jun-99, you wrote:

... Is the Cerebus a good thing?

IF YOU LIKE WINTEL machines then yes. I do not have one of these Cerebus
things and I never will. Why? It is no Amiga and never will, no matter how
good the emulation. My bet still is the comming Boxer (WOA 1999). With that
Amiga machine with a PPC processor and the PPC versions of PCx and Fushion
you would also have a (at least) three in one box, with the right

WHO AM I? Check
Send with: A3000/40/25

Message 14922

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Omnipresence
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:39:55 +0100

I am wondering what has hapened to the Omnipresence homepage. The last week
I am not able to get to their homepage. The URL I use:

Kind regards
WHO AM I? Check


Message 14923

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] time Again!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:32:56 +0100
Hi Folks,
                Just having a look at the source of 1 of my mails to =
check my "time", and it would seem that the E-groups server has the =
wrong time ie; GMT +0000
Have a look and see what you think :-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 14924

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:36:22 +0100
> > Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them,=20
IIRC a minor fix on the 68000

> Did Motorola ever make an 050?

    Bomber Harris

Message 14925

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:22:09 +0200
Hello Kevin

> Just to add my $0.02, the 050 was basically a re-hashed 68000, with a
> new number, and IIRC was done by (or for?) Phillips, not Ford. And it
> definitely wasn't released on general sale by Motorola!
> Of course, I could be entirely wrong ...

Yep. That was the 070.

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 14926

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Scandoublers
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:20:24 +0200
Hello Malcolm

> Well hopefully the problem is now solved, after numerous phone calls
> Eytech have said that their external SD & FF does not work properly
> with A4000`s. They have offered me an internal one as a replacement.
> The monitor works great from the CVPPC but as soon as I go into any
> Pal program no matter what resolution the contrast produced on the
> screen forms vertical bars of colour that make viewing impossible.

Odd ... My Ez ext SD/FliFi works OK in my A4000 - excluding the "nice"
effect that the brightness in upper border of the screen is greater and
gradually diminishing downwards. And some trimming is needed due to
temperature changes. But my piece of HW is one of the first made. Ugly.


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 14927

From: Peter Wesson
Subject: [afb] Re: Omnipresence
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:32:48 gmt0bst
On 12-Jun-99, B. A . Volders wrote:

>I am wondering what has hapened to the Omnipresence homepage. The last week
>I am not able to get to their homepage. The URL I use:

Ik ook!

No luck reaching omnipresence.

The Ibrowse mailing list: I'm used to that falling over and unsubscribing me
for no apparent reason but the ML seems very dead this time around. I might
ask hisoft what's going on, though obviously it isn't their site, they may
know. You can read the progress of Ibrowse2 there -
it's still in beta test but should support HTML 4 amd Javascript 1.2 when it
finally arrives (according to the hisoft page).

Message 14928

Subject: [afb] Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:10:56 -0000

I need some help. I have purchased the Netconnect 2 package but I cannot get the Genesis TCP stack to work with Tesco ISP. It is returning a PAP validation error. Yet if I use the demo of Miami I can log onto Tesco and there is no problems. Using Genesis I can log onto the Freeserve network so it appears to indicate that Tesco does not like something that Genesis is doing. 

All advice appreciated.


Message 14929

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:17:25 +0100

>I need some help. I have purchased the Netconnect 2 package but I cannot
get the Genesis TCP stack to work with Tesco ISP. It is returning a PAP
validation error. Yet if I use the demo of Miami I can log onto Tesco and
there is no problems. Using Genesis I can log onto the Freeserve network so
it appears to indicate that Tesco does not like something that Genesis is
>All advice appreciated.

Make sure your login id contains


Message 14930

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:24:44 +0100
>Oh COME ON!!!!! How much more system resources can a few text messages
>take up? Then think how much space a flight sim (however crap) would
>take up, especially programmed by those inefficient gits!

How much more space is 2 textures and a few hundred lines of code -
compaired to the actual spread sheet, its not going to make much difference.

You are going on about that the Workbemch stuff doesn`t take up much space,
this true, but on a modern PC the amount of extra space used by the flight
sim is tiny if you compare it to other files. If most of the programs on
your PC are a about a hundred meg, whos gonna care or notice a file which is
about a meg or three bigger than the rest?

People spend to much time giving M$ crap from all the bad things they have
done and completely forget all the good stuff that they have done. I
personally think that OS 3.5 should include some stuff from windoze - not
the size or instability, but the things like the ALT-TAB function.

As people say, "the *have* done some good stuff, but most of it is pant."
They themselves admit that they like *some* m$, so why dont they give them
at least *some* credit.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14931

From: Duncan Gibb
Subject: [afb] Glut of system config polls
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:24:34 +0100

As there seems to be a glut of "how big is your Amiga" polls here and on
ANN, do I take it we've all filled out the Amiga Format reader survey and
are looking forward to the results?  When can we expect to see them in
print, BTW?


Message 14932

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: 12 Jun 99 14:19:25 +0000
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:10:56 -0000,  wibbled...

> I need some help.  I have purchased the Netconnect 2 package but I cannot
> get the Genesis TCP stack to work with Tesco ISP.  It is returning a PAP
> validation error.  Yet if I use the demo of Miami I can log onto Tesco and
> there is no problems.  Using Genesis I can log onto the Freeserve network
> so it appears to indicate that Tesco does not like something that Genesis
> is doing.

TescoNet is run by BTInternet, and Genesis has problems logging onto
BTInternet machines for some reason, although Miami will work fine.

This was brought uip on the NetConnect mailing list some weeks back, and
Chris Wiles is testing it now. There'll probably be a patch in the near
future, but until then, you'll have to use Miami or another ISP.


.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 14933

Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:35:38 -0000
Original Article:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:10:56 -0000,  wibbled...
> > I need some help.  I have purchased the Netconnect 2 package but I cannot
> > get the Genesis TCP stack to work with Tesco ISP.  It is returning a PAP
> > validation error.  Yet if I use the demo of Miami I can log onto Tesco and
> > there is no problems.  Using Genesis I can log onto the Freeserve network
> > so it appears to indicate that Tesco does not like something that Genesis
> > is doing.
> TescoNet is run by BTInternet, and Genesis has problems logging onto
> BTInternet machines for some reason, although Miami will work fine.
> This was brought uip on the NetConnect mailing list some weeks back, and
> Chris Wiles is testing it now. There'll probably be a patch in the near
> future, but until then, you'll have to use Miami or another ISP.
> Sorry.

Thanks for the info.

Life is never simple.


Message 14934

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:41:28 +0000
Hi Paul,

> (I'm sure you made the long one up).


Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |

Message 14935

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:40:19 +0000
Hi Paul,

> My thoughts exactly. I suppose I could run one occasionally but is
> that really worth it? Surely within a week most would have done their
> dirty deeds.

I only check my system if I have any reason to believe there is a virus on it -
Virus Checker brings my Amiga to a halt while its scanning my hard drive so I
very rarely check at all.

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |

Message 14936

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Opus was Digital camera
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:38:26 +0000
Hi Ken,

> thats my question as well I'm still using 5.5 so might wait and see what
> OS3.5 looks like first (my money will be spent on upgrade OS and ROM
> chips)

OS3.5 will probably make your computer quicker and more stable, plus any other
improvements it will make in terms of functionality.

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |

Message 14937

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:37:01 +0000
Hi Ken,

> beat you mine was =A323 full price with VAT (brand new)

Mine was =A320 including VAT from Maplins when they were having a sale :P=

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |=


Message 14938

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:00:35 -0700 (PDT)
> You are going on about that the Workbemch stuff
> doesn`t take up much space,
> this true, but on a modern PC the amount of extra
> space used by the flight
> sim is tiny if you compare it to other files. If

And the reason its tiny is because everything is so

Do You Yahoo!?

Message 14939

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: 12 Jun 99 14:31:52 +0200
Ken Walsh (bigken@ukonline=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hello Kevin
> >> beat you mine was =A323 full price with VAT (brand new)
> >>=20
> > !!!!!
> >=20
> > What?? Where from?
> from a place in Salford (manchester) i can get you details phone no if yo=
> want

Too late for me, but post them anyway cos other peeps on here may be


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14940

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:07:19 +0100
>> TescoNet is run by BTInternet, and Genesis has problems logging onto
>> BTInternet machines for some reason, although Miami will work fine.
>> This was brought uip on the NetConnect mailing list some weeks back, and
>> Chris Wiles is testing it now. There'll probably be a patch in the near
>> future, but until then, you'll have to use Miami or another ISP.
>> Sorry.
>Thanks for the info.
>Life is never simple.

Hmm. I managed to connect to TescoNet using the AFCD demo of Netconnect2, if
its any use I could send you my config alex


Message 14941

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:46:34 +0000
Bother said as he realised we were talking about
[afb] POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh again...

In the grand old tradition of picking holes in the polls:

> Please select one of the following:

>   o double-U, double-U, double-U
>   o dub dub dub
>   o wuh wuh wuh
>   o woo woo woo
>   o w w w (lower case sound)
>   o wee wee wee
>   o double-U ...slurred speach for the rest
>   o other

What about:

    o I don't bother to say it at all since it's pretty
obvious (you don't say http:// do you?)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14942

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:54:24 +0000
Bother said James Lowe as he realised we were talking about Rules and regs

>> Do people want afb to become a police state like James' list? :)

> :)

> It's not really as bad as it sounds. More often than not, a simple
> warning is enough. But my point in all that was, showing that you're
> serious about enforcing the rules makes your list better.

In your opinion.

IMHO, afb's relaxed atmosphere and lack of fixed rules makes
it a pleasant place to be.

> Otherwise,
> people will think that nothing will happen, and carry on breaking the
> rules

In most cases, when people have had a polite warning they
seem to stop whatever behaviour is causing offence.  And,
in all the time I've been here, I've only seen one person

IMO, rules and the net don't mix very well.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14943

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:58:38 +0000
Bother said Pete Sullivan as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Subs mag again...

>> Ah well, I don't need to as with the telly sitting
>> next to my monitor, I can watch and do something
>> more interesting at the same time.

> If you have a Picasso IV and a Paloma card you can watch
> telly in a window whilst doing something more interesting!

I don't particularly want my screen cluttered up with tv
in a window.  It's got great pose value but I'd rather watch
telly on a telly.

Of course things would be different if I had a PIV and Paloma. ;)

What's the picture quality (tv) like on that anyway?


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14944

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:04:15 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about Voting
Results: The AFB Age Range again...

>>>>>> 2
>>>>> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.
>>>> an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!
>>> Oh what wonders can be worked with "View Source" eh?
>> What are you talking about?

> I assume that's how you got 2, seeing as it wasn't one of the
> choices - did view source then wrote a little bit of HTML to do it?

Me? Hack egroups website?  With my reputation?  :)

No, I didn't.  I don't know how it happened, or why.
At a guess, egroups screwed up or it's just a typo.

Still, I probably would have if I'd thought of it and if I
knew how.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14945

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: 12 Jun 99 12:11:58 +0000
Hi Neil Bothwick, re your comments on [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?.

> > Oh and before they kick off again, for the benefit of Messrs Vost,
> > Drummond, Korn and Bothwick, EEC is pronounced "EEK", e.g. "My
> > engine is controlled by an EEK4 EMU" ;)
> "EEK 4 EMU"? I'm sure Emu said a lot more than that when Rod Hull
> shoved his arm up it's arse :-O

Trust you to lower the tone Neil :D
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14946

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: 12 Jun 99 12:15:09 +0000
Hi James Lowe, re your comments on [afb] Re: Rules and regs.

> TBH, you have to see the rules. I made it sound a little harsh, but
> they aren't really.

Lets have a look at them then. I think we do need to do something so a
starting point for discussion would be a good thing IMHO

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14947

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 16:56:25 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 12 June 1999 14:24
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off

> >Oh COME ON!!!!! How much more system resources can a few text messages
> >take up? Then think how much space a flight sim (however crap) would
> >take up, especially programmed by those inefficient gits!
> How much more space is 2 textures and a few hundred lines of code -
> compaired to the actual spread sheet, its not going to make much difference.
> You are going on about that the Workbemch stuff doesn`t take up much space,
> this true, but on a modern PC the amount of extra space used by the flight
> sim is tiny if you compare it to other files. If most of the programs on
> your PC are a about a hundred meg, whos gonna care or notice a file which is
> about a meg or three bigger than the rest?

Me. Considering I only have about 4MB hard disk space left now

> People spend to much time giving M$ crap from all the bad things they have
> done and completely forget all the good stuff that they have done. I
> personally think that OS 3.5 should include some stuff from windoze - not
> the size or instability, but the things like the ALT-TAB function.

Now that's one thing we can do without. They have some good features, but
none of them appeared in Windoze 3.x. This especially. Much prefer Left

> As people say, "the *have* done some good stuff, but most of it is pant."
> They themselves admit that they like *some* m$, so why dont they give them
> at least *some* credit.

To be quite honest, I could have lived without ever knowing windoze
existed... and even if it didn't exist, someone, somewhere would have come
up with the same ideas eventually. Like I've said, M$ do not deserve credit,
some features in their products, do.


Message 14948

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:35:23 +0100
Hi and thanks for offering your help.

Sorry If youve already received this, but I've been having trouble sending
email, so i am sending this agin in case it didnt reach you.

>Hmmm... When you say won't recognise incoming signals I take it you mean
>it doesn't do the desired task? What I would want to know first of all, is
>the receive LED light up when you point it at the Airlink unit?

Yes it does.

>If it is picking it up, then the problems lies elsewhere - either you
>set the action for the codeset, or something like that...

my recieve command is: cd_play.irx   This is saved in the Rexx: directory,
and the file looks like:

    address 'ACDPLAY'


>By the way, which codeset are you using here? I have two Panasonic
>Neither hold specific commands for stereos - TVs and videos look to be the
>items listed in there. Have you added these to the existing set, or do some
>the existing commands overlap?

I loaded the codeset of the CU Amiga CD and deleted the codes (I left the
BitRate  at 2,500 and the frequency at 30,400) and then learned the commands
from my  remote. My stereo is a Cobra (RX-ED77). I have just tried learning
a command and I noticed that it keeps changing so I guess the bitrate or
frequency isn't quite right?

If yours are different would you mind letting me know the settings?

If I've  got any of the above wrong please let me know :)


Message 14949

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:38:35 +0100
Hi all,
Oops I didn't mean to send that to the  list


Message 14950

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 12 Jun 99 13:24:01 +0000
Hi 4-0, re your comments on [afb] I.S.Porkies.

> I'm sure you've all seen these crap adverts fror ISP's.. AOL, Compuserv and
> with freeserve been the latest. Now in EVERY one, they claim to be the UK's
> #1 ISP. Now they can't ALL be #1, so methinks there's a bit of bullshiftin'
> going on. I wonder if I could take 'em to court over false advertising...
> Also, the only ones that say this are usually the crap ISP's... AOL, need I
> say more.

It's that old marketing babble again (PMPO rating anyone).

It's always possible to justify a claim such as number 1, just depends
on how narrowly you define what you mean by number 1.

I don't know but I suspect Wirenet could claim to be the number one
ISP because of a low churn rate as most people will make a concious
decision to join Wirenet because of Neils USP. (Sorry if I do you an
injustice here Neil).

Au Revoir
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14951

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Cerebus
Date: 12 Jun 99 13:29:08 +0000
Hi Primo

>So what do fellow Amigans think of it [Cerberus]? Is it a good idea
> to have three computers in one case?

I find that with most things in life the term "Multipurpose" or
"Universal" usually means compromise, and I suspect this is the case
with Cerberus. It may be a very good Wintel machine, and for a Windoze
user it allows them to retain compatibility and experience the thrills
of the other 2 machines, but IMHO  I don't think it's really the way
forward. NG for ME!

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14952

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: Omnipresence
Date: 12 Jun 99 15:14:57 +0100
On 12-Jun-99 13:39:55 BST, B. A . Volders wrote:

> I am wondering what has hapened to the Omnipresence homepage. The last
> week I am not able to get to their homepage. The URL I use:

The machine has probably gone down for some reason, as I haven't received
anything from the IBrowse mailing list for around 3 weeks.  And mails to bounce as well, indicating that the machine is
down or inaccessible :(

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

    Amiga F1GP Webring  ==>

Message 14953

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Bounced messages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:10:33 +0100
Hello All,

A few minutes ago I received this following message from e-groups

>eM Messages to you from the afb e-group seem to have been
>eM bouncing.
>eM If this message bounces too, a probe will be sent to you.  If the
>eM probe bounces, you will be removed from the afb e-group,
>eM without further notice.
>eM The Team
>eM ---
>eM FREE Web-based e-mail groups!

Has anyone else received a simular message? AFAIK I am receiving all of my
messages, (there has certainly been enough of them lately) and all of the
ones that I have sent seem to have been received.
All the Best
The TV series M*A*S*H lasted three times longer than the Korean War on which
it was based.


                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 14954

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:45:23 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> Ok, here's something that's been bugging me, what is the accepted way =
> putting a smiley in brackets? Is it like I've done above, where the =
> itself closes the brackets, or should I have added another bracket =
> it, which would have made it look stupid...

IMO this is a mailing list not a "get your spelling/punctuation right" =
I do variations on smilies/punctuation - whatever looks right at the =
time :-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 14955

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:23:33 +0100
> > > Please set your clocks Correctly
> Wehey. Saves me doing that :) And I'm using a PC that can handle the =
> crap. The next person that complains about people not setting their =
> correctly can buy everyone a battery backed clock, if they don't =
already have
> one. And if they do already have one, an A4000T wouldn't go amiss :)

How about putting=20
RUN SYS:Prefs/time
in your user-startup sequence? That way you can set it right every time =
you boot
I did this before I had the 8mb ram card installed

    Bomber Haris

Message 14956

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:33:02 +0100
Hello Dominique,

> > Please set your clocks
> > Correctly
> Please turn off the HTML attachment.

I have :-)
Just making sure that those who need to set their clocks, see this big =

And to Neil,
sorry - I didn't realise that would happen

    Bomber Harris

Message 14957

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 12 Jun 99 16:29:44 +0100
On 12-Jun-99 16:10:33 BST, Colin Buckenham wrote:

> A few minutes ago I received this following message from e-groups

>>eM Messages to you from the afb e-group seem to have been
>>eM bouncing.
>>eM If this message bounces too, a probe will be sent to you.  If the
>>eM probe bounces, you will be removed from the afb e-group,
>>eM without further notice.
>>eM The Team
>>eM ---
>>eM FREE Web-based e-mail groups!

> Has anyone else received a simular message? AFAIK I am receiving all of
> my messages, (there has certainly been enough of them lately) and all of
> the ones that I have sent seem to have been received.

Yes, I got one of those too (this afternoon), but it's nothing to worry
about really.  It seems that eGroups has the occasional dislike for
Freeserve addresses :)

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

        [ PGP public key available on request ]        Team *AMIGA*

Message 14958

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 12 Jun 99 13:52:27 +0000
Hi Ben ,

> > If a spread sheet on the Amiga had a flight sim in it, then u
wudnt be
> > crying wud u. And i think u r forgetting all those hidden things
> > Workbench 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 IIRC. Does that (by your logic) make
> > bloatwear too?
> Sam, I hate to criticise anyone's spelling and grammar, but please
spend a
> little time writing out your emails, would you? Reading email like
this makes
> me think I'm reading the output of some brain-damaged six year old.

Perhaps we should have a new thread trying to work out the
pronunciation of Sams mails :))

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14959

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
Date: 12 Jun 99 14:31:25 +0000
Hi Ben

> Future hasn't actually organised a show since the last one 

You don't say ;0)

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 14960

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:10:19 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Harris 
Sent: 12 June 1999 14:23
Subject: [afb] Re: Time

>> Wehey. Saves me doing that :) And I'm using a PC that can handle the HTML
>> crap. The next person that complains about people not setting their clocks
>> correctly can buy everyone a battery backed clock, if they don't already
>> one. And if they do already have one, an A4000T wouldn't go amiss :)

>How about putting
>RUN SYS:Prefs/time
>in your user-startup sequence? That way you can set it right every time you
>I did this before I had the 8mb ram card installed

Could do, but wouldn't make much difference. I'm using a PC. My Amiga's
clock is fine (if 12 hours slow - and setting it 12hours fast doesn't help
either :)   <--- smiley ending brackets


Message 14961

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] afb messages
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:12:27 +0100
Is it just me who seems to get the following at the top of quite a few egroups
messages, this appears in the message body

Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS NC 1.2 [NC2-#000007CC]
X-SLUIDL: 3A467A99-20C111D3-B7DD0090-275149F0
Subject: [afb] Re: Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

or something similar? btw, because of this, some of the messages which I get
from afb don't have any subject.

Or is it just OE5, and will I have to live with it?

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14962

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:11:48 +0100
Hi Ben, does that mean that you want me to spell everything correctly - eg,
use "are" instead of "r" and "you" instead of "u" or are you just saying
that my writing doesn`t make sence?

BTW, from now on i will write all my mails in proper english - well as much
as i can anyhoo - oops :)

I havent actually recieved your email critisising me yet, but i read it on
the afb web site. I haven`t had any AFB messages since about 8pm friday!

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14963

From: "Dave"
Subject: [afb] header pins
Date: 12 Jun 99 16:31:51 +0000
Does anybody know where I can get some highdensity  ( 2.5" ide ) or
clockport pins from? I sent my portplus to Eyetec to be altered so it
can be used when I fit my blizzardvision card. However the pins they
soldered to the back of the portplus have come off. After talking to a
friend I have an idea that might be better. If I use a set of header
pins to join 2 cables together and then use headerpins to fit on the
original port would it work? I have tried to get some pins but maplins
dont sell them.
Thanks in advance
AMIGA 1200t-ppc

Message 14964

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:46:55 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 12 June 1999 17:11
Subject: [afb] My bad England

> Hi Ben, does that mean that you want me to spell everything correctly - eg,
> use "are" instead of "r" and "you" instead of "u" or are you just saying
> that my writing doesn`t make sence?

Righty ho - sense, not sence :)

> BTW, from now on i will write all my mails in proper english - well as much
> as i can anyhoo - oops :)



Message 14965

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:10:22 +0100
Hello Oliver

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

>OR On 12-Jun-99 16:10:33 BST, Colin Buckenham wrote:
>OR> A few minutes ago I received this following message from e-groups
>OR>> eM 
>OR>> eM Messages to you from the afb e-group seem to have been
>OR>> eM bouncing.


>OR>  Has anyone else received a simular message? AFAIK I am receiving all
>OR>  my messages, (there has certainly been enough of them lately) and all
>OR>  of the ones that I have sent seem to have been received.
>OR Yes, I got one of those too (this afternoon), but it's nothing to worry
>OR about really.  It seems that eGroups has the occasional dislike for
>OR Freeserve addresses :)

Or of course they may have a dislike of Norfolk people. 

The TV series M*A*S*H lasted three times longer than the Korean War on which
it was based.


                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 14966

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:04:05 +0100
Hi fool,

>    o I don't bother to say it at all since it's pretty
> obvious (you don't say http:// do you?)

It's not obvious at all. What about all the websites that don't begin with
www? Not all of them do, most websites do however begin http://


Message 14967

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:21:15 +0100
Hi Sam,

> Hi Ben, does that mean that you want me to spell everything correctly -
> eg, use "are" instead of "r" and "you" instead of "u" or are you just
> saying that my writing doesn`t make sence?

I think he means stop writing r, u, wud, shud, ur, etc..
It's fine on IRC and such, but looks a bit crap in email, IYKWIM :)


Message 14968

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:23:12 -0000
> I think he means stop writing r, u, wud, shud, ur, etc..
> It's fine on IRC and such, but looks a bit crap in email, IYKWIM :)

I spend far too much time on IRC and i end up using the above abreviations everywhere - including my GSCE English exam a few days back - oops

Samuel Brookes
Trogladite Software

Message 14969

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:00:10 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12 June 1999 17:23
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England

> > I think he means stop writing r, u, wud, shud, ur, etc..
> > It's fine on IRC and such, but looks a bit crap in email, IYKWIM :)
> I spend far too much time on IRC and i end up using the above abreviations
everywhere - including my GSCE English exam a few days back - oops

I did something like that once :) didn't please the teachers much.
I notice you're sending from the egroups site :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14970

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] OT: Essential Chinese
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:27:16 +0100
Hi all

A while back someone asked for a dictionary of fake translations (Ben methinks),
I've found this Chinese one and it made me laugh.  English is on the left.

Are you harbouring a fugitive? = Hu yu hai ding?
See me ASAP = Kum hia nao
Stupid man = Dum gai
Small horse = Tai ni po ni
Did you go to the beach? = Wai yu so tan?
I bumped into the coffee table = Ai bang mai ni
I think you need a facelift = Chin tu fat
It's very dark in here = Wai so dim?
Has your flight been delayed? = Hao long wei ting?
That was an unauthorised execution = Lin ching
I thought you were on a diet = Wai yu mun ching?
This is a tow-away zone = No pah king
Do you know the lyrics to the Macarena? = Wai yu sing dum song?
You are not very bright = Yu so dum
I got this for free = Ai no pai
I am not guilty = Wai hang mi?
Please, stay a while longer = Wai go nao?
Our meeting was scheduled for last week = Wai yu kum nao?
They have arrived = Hia dei kum
Stay out of sight = Lei lo
He's cleaning his automobile = Wa shing ka
Your body odour is offensive = Yu stin ki pu

Sorry if this is of no interest to anyone, but it made me laugh.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14971

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:28:09 +0100
>> I think he means stop writing r, u, wud, shud, ur, etc..
>> It's fine on IRC and such, but looks a bit crap in email, IYKWIM :)
> I spend far too much time on IRC and i end up using the above abreviations
> everywhere - including my GSCE English exam a few days back - oops

So long as you didn't punctuate it with smileys, and TLAs as well :)


Message 14972

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:30:56 -0000
> I notice you're sending from the egroups site :)

I am not getting any AFBs in in my mail box and i am on a different ISP at the mo - so i cant check mail :(

hope you dont mind me nicking your signature :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                      Samuel Brookes                       
__  ///
 \XX/ #trogsoft


Message 14973

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:34:15 -0000
>So long as you didn't punctuate it with smileys, and TLAs as well :)

No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or "possion" :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                      Samuel Brookes                       
__  ///
 \XX/ #trogsoft

Message 14974

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:11:18 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12 June 1999 17:30
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England

> > I notice you're sending from the egroups site :)
> I am not getting any AFBs in in my mail box and i am on a different ISP at
the mo - so i cant check mail :(

Oh. Ok then. I can send mail using Freeserve no matter which ISP i'm on

> hope you dont mind me nicking your signature :)

Yes, I do. I'm going to sue you :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14975

From: "Moat_Monster"
Subject: [afb] Re: Cerebus
Date: 12 Jun 99 18:27:03 -0500
> I've been on this list now for about 4 months now,and in that time
> I've never seen or read any thing regarding the "Cerebus"  computer
> from Weird Science.Or may be I've missed it.If so then please forgive
> in draging it up again.
>       So what do fellow Amigans think of it? Is it a good idea to have
> three computers in one case? Is it more efficent to be able to cross
> over one to another? Is this the way to go? And would it help stop all
> the competition between the platforms regarding who has the best 
> machine,or  what ever?Personaly I think It's a good idea--- but would
> I buy one?--I don't know. Primo.   
> 12/6/1999
> one
How do
My brother has the Cerberus Pro Voodoo2 Matrox G200 millenium thingy 
  What I will say is, yes it's a p.c.  The software Amiga is in a word
shit.  Sorry some ppl like Amiga Forever, I just don'tseem to get on
with it.  However on the plus side the machine is relatively cheap for
the power and is a good entry machine for homecinema buffs. 
Especially if you get the Jammin DVD2 (I think that is the right one)
it is %100 hardware decoded rather than software or hardware\software
which many others are plus it has direct t.v out, so you can enjoy the
benefits of widescreen, whereas many p.c DVD's just output the entire
monitor screen out to the t.v which looks crap and is pretty
pointless.  It is nice with the 5.1 speakers and Dolby Digital
decoder.  It is a highend P.c capable of running some stunning looking
  I was thinking going this route myself, but decided that it isn't
Amiga, the new Amiga offers this and more (or so I am lead to believe)
 The new Amiga will be cheaper by far.  For a p.c, it is lovely I just
dislike using p.c's, they give me a headache (saying that Need for
speed 3 looks and plays nice 80) and link up is rather fun also)  The
case looks good, the gold is actually silver with a hint of gold and
looks very nice.  If you need a p.c or wnat to enter the homecinema
scene and cannot wait for the AmigaNG then I would recommend
(spelling?) the Cerberus.  Many ppl slag it off just because it is a
p.c but truth be told if you can put up with windows then it isn't
that bad.... perhaps if it had the hardware Amiga-on-a-board it might
be more tempting or if the new Amigasoftware had some kind of daul
boot to allow you to run either o.s. 
  I'll shut up now

Due to my anti-spam address, please either remove the ".snip" from the
address before sending or
Click below to reply:
Amiga Computers

Message 14976

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:07:59 +0000
Bother said Gerald Mellor as he realised we were talking about POLL: Woo Woo
Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh again...

>>    o I don't bother to say it at all since it's pretty
>> obvious (you don't say http:// do you?)

> It's not obvious at all.

Oh yes it is. :)

> What about all the websites that don't begin with
> www?

Simple, if it starts with something other than www, I say what it
starts with.  If it does start with www, I don't say what it starts
with since it's obvious.

If I said go to then anyone with a brain would assume
that it started www.

> Not all of them do,

99.999999% (approx :) do though.

> most websites do however begin http://

But you don't bother to say that part unless it is different
from http:// do you?  Which (I think) proves my point.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14977

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 20:14:44 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: fool 
Sent: 12 June 1999 19:07
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh

> Simple, if it starts with something other than www, I say what it
> starts with.  If it does start with www, I don't say what it starts
> with since it's obvious.
> If I said go to then anyone with a brain would assume
> that it started www.

Ah, yes, but some sites don't start with anything special at all.
Just a http://

> > most websites do however begin http://
> But you don't bother to say that part unless it is different
> from http:// do you?  Which (I think) proves my point.

ummm... ok :) I get ya, I think


Message 14978

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 11 Jun 99 18:31:27 +0000
On 09-Jun-99 15:54:57, Matt Sealey said:
>> Hi Ben
>> >> Are you left-handed?
>> >
>> >No, are you?
>> No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
>> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person
>> does.  My mind is at rest now.

>You know WHY people laugh at you? Because wearing your watch on your
>right arm is what WOMEN do. Like how the buttons are on the other side of
>shirts/blouses/trousers (if you have button up flies) etc. and stuff..

Come over and say that!

Tom (a right wrist watch wearer)

Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 14979

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 11 Jun 99 18:34:14 +0000
On 09-Jun-99 21:03:20, Andy Kinsella said:

>Wrist watches did not exist in those days. Cack handers wear watches on
>their right hands so that they can manipulate the buttons and stuff with
>the good hand.

Try wearing a watch on your right wrist on using the buttons.  You'll find
it incredibly difficult unless you have a left handed watch!

The reaon I wear my watch on my left wrist is that it's less likely to get
in the way.


Tom (Left handed and proud)

Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 14980

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:00:47 +0100
> If I said go to then anyone with a brain would assume
> that it started www.

Why would anyone assume that?
Take, for example, Channel 4's website. If I said go to,
"anyone with a brain" would go to, which is in fact
not the same website as, so you would find yourself at
the wrong site.
If I directed you to the RC5 Stats website, at, inserting a www in front of it would send
you to the wrong site.
Similarly with all the,,,, etc redirection
services available. *Not* including the whole URL when you're telling
someone about it just leads to confusion


Message 14981

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello!?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:08:20 -0700 (PDT)
> I'll talk to you if you like, but PC might start
> calling me a spammer again ;-)

It seems my mails dont smell any more then :)

Message 14982

Subject: [afb] Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:08:55 -0000
Hello my name is Bill, can any body out there help a novive Amigan? I have 3 problems, But first let me tell you what my set up is:-

Amiga 1200, OS3, 1.2 gig Hard Drive, Blizzard 68030 mk4 turbo,fpu,mmu,32 meg ram, extra external floppy, 8 speed CD rom via Squirrel, Canon bcj4200 colour printer and a fidelity cm14 colour monitor.

Problem 1
How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when an audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX CD, Song Player, ACD Player and MCD Player)

Problem 2
Recently my Hard drive failed to validate, as I would like to low level format it, then find the bad blocks and mark them, is there any utilities that can find and list the bad blocks on my drive. I have tried HD inst tools, Disc Salve 2, and Quarter back Tools, but they just hang the system and I have to re-boot without finishing the task.

Problem 3
I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after installing it and clicking on game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO MEMORY' why is this? when I have 32 meg. This also happens if I boot with no start up.

Thanks to who so ever replies. 

Message 14983

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:01:23 +0100
Hi folks,

>>    o I don't bother to say it at all since it's pretty
>> obvious (you don't say http:// do you?)
>It's not obvious at all. What about all the websites that don't begin with
>www? Not all of them do, most websites do however begin http://

I thought all websites, by definition, begin with http:// whether you choose
to say it is up to you since 99% of browsers will automatically add it in.
http:// only actually indicates a request for connection via Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as opposed to FTP, etc, and so the corresponding

As for www that's just the standard name for a web server if you aren't
going to use your plain domain name for all access, which is common. This is
often done when a site is very busy and splits the load to various servers
for each service, extremely busy sites will even have addresses that begin
www2 to spread the load further. Of course, low traffic sites can have a www
address as well as the plain domain name to catch all attempts to connect.

For example, the site I do a little work on is - will initiate a HTTP connection for web access, will work for FTP access. It can also be reached by but there is actually only one physical server, we
just redirect www back to

And this all leads to the difference between "address" and "URL", but I
usually get them the wrong way round, so I'll leave that to someone else...

Well I'm done plugging the site :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14984

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:17:24 -0700 (PDT)
> > It's not obvious at all.
> Oh yes it is. :)
> > What about all the websites that don't begin with
> > www?
> Simple, if it starts with something other than www,
> I say what it
> starts with.  If it does start with www, I don't say
> what it starts
> with since it's obvious.

Hmm.. lets say you'd never heard of Someone
says "oh yeah, its at"
would you assume it started with www or not?

Message 14985

From: Pam
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Survey and Problem (Was RE:Subs mag)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:11:41 +0100

>> Also it only happens when I turn on my Miggy for the
>> first time of the day but not when doing a warm reset.

>You definately put the right sort of battery in the
>right way round?! Other than the battery, the clock
>hardware could be shagged :( if you use the internet
>much, i think you can set AmiTCP or miami to set your
>time to the ISP machine automatically....

I've checked and the battery is the right way round. I take it that the
clock hardware must be knackered :(  Is there any way to fix this?

I know I could use the Internet to set my clock but I always write my
mails off-line so I need the clock to be right before I log on. Thanks for
the tip though.



  --------------------     Team *AMIGA*

Message 14986

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:24:44 +0100
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 06:07:59PM +0000, fool wrote:

> > What about all the websites that don't begin with
> > www?
> Simple, if it starts with something other than www, I say what it
> starts with.  If it does start with www, I don't say what it starts
> with since it's obvious.

But how is the person you're telling supposed to know if what you're
telling them is the full hostname or whether they need to add www to it?
It's not as simple as just adding a www to anything that only has two
parts already - as has been pointed out, and
are different...

> If I said go to then anyone with a brain would assume
> that it started www.

When you're dealing with networks, you soon learn that the only reasonable
part of a hostname you can drop is at the end - and then only if you have
your own domain. and could be completely different
computers - if I told someone to go to I'd certainly hope they
did so rather than assume that I meant something other than what I said...

> But you don't bother to say that part unless it is different
> from http:// do you?  Which (I think) proves my point.

Websites almost exclusively use http:// for the simple reason that it
integrates nicely with web pages and you have no guarantee that a user's
web browser will support anything else. Assuming that a website is running
an http server is a sensible assumption, assuming that all websites start
with www is not...

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14987

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:32:31 -0700 (PDT)
> If a spread sheet on the Amiga had a flight sim in
> it, then u wudnt be
> crying wud u. And i think u r forgetting all those
> hidden things in
> Workbench 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 IIRC. Does that (by your
> logic) make Workbench
> bloatwear too?

Actually, I would be annoyed if an Amiga spreadsheet
had a 3d flightsim in, unless there was an option NOT
to install it from the installer.

Message 14988

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 02:26:35 +0100
After steaming open a mail from Ben Vost, I read the words "The future's =
bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft". Keen to find out more, I followed t=
his up...

> I would absolutely love it if more people could get the sense of awe
> that was felt at the K=F6ln show when Dan Dodge shifted a Doom window
> from one machine to the other with it working still.

Absolutely. Although I've been told that Envoy is able to do
transparent networking, I feel that having it integrated into the OS
level is obviously much better. And, of course, the new machines will
be able to do it better than Envoy on any 68K processor.

My jaw did drop when I read the feature in AF about it, and read that
you could drag a program from one machine to another, without any
hiccups. And all that with an OS that takes up a single DSHD MS-DOS
formatted disk? I can't express in words how amazed I was :)

Although I was obviously not at that conference, I don't doubt for a
second that with the current owners of the Amiga, we've at least got a
chance of obtaining a decent sized market share (even 2% compared to
the less than .5% we've got right now would be nice), while still
keeping us, the existing userbase, happy. But the machine has to be
well designed, and that's the good thing about starting again from
scratch - you're not held back by archaic architechture, unlike the
68K and x86 architechtures.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

=2E.. I will not go near the kindergarten turtle.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 14% - 86 tags in Bart's_Blackboard.tags >>=

Message 14989

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: +4.1 gig hd.
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 02:59:43 +0100
After steaming open a mail from Andrew Crowe, I read the words "+4.1 gig =
hd.". Keen to find out more, I followed this up...

>   I may be getting a 4.3 gig hard drive soon, and I'm just
> wondering:

> I know FFS only works up to the 4.1 gig margin, but would it work if
> say I made the last few hundred megs my shapeshifter partition?

Wouldn't worry about it - most of the time, a drive advertised as
4.3GB is actually 4.0GB, due to salespersons thinking that 1Mb=3D1000KB.
You *should* be able to use it without any problems.

If, however, the drive *is* a 4.3Gb drive (doubtful, but it's
possible), you should be able to use it - FFS is limited to 4.3GB, not

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Want a face lift?#

=2E.. "Bother," said Andrew Crowe, as he lost antimatter containment.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 34% - 553 tags in Personalised.tags >>=

Message 14990

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:08:29 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gerald Mellor 
Sent: 12 June 1999 19:00
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh

> > If I said go to then anyone with a brain would assume
> > that it started www.
> Why would anyone assume that?
> Take, for example, Channel 4's website. If I said go to,
> "anyone with a brain" would go to, which is in fact
> not the same website as, so you would find yourself at
> the wrong site.
> If I directed you to the RC5 Stats website, at
>, inserting a www in front of it would send
> you to the wrong site.
> Similarly with all the,,,, etc redirection
> services available. *Not* including the whole URL when you're telling
> someone about it just leads to confusion

Well, that's what I was trying to tell him, but I made a right old
pigs ear of it :)


Message 14991

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:13:06 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12 June 1999 19:08
Subject: [afb] Help!!!!!!!!

Dunno about prob 1, sorry
> Problem 2
> Recently my Hard drive failed to validate, as I would like to low level
format it, then find the >bad blocks and mark them, is there any utilities
that can find and list the bad blocks on my >drive. I have tried HD inst
tools, Disc Salve 2, and Quarter back Tools, but they just hang the >system
and I have to re-boot without finishing the task.

You don't say whether your hard disk is IDE or SCSI. Don't low level format it
if it is IDE or you will break it. I don't know if there are any bad block
checkers around, but it certainly helps if you have your hard disk split into
partitions as I did.

Then you can see which partition the errors occur on and get rid of the
partition (IE, not use the space it is occupying). True, this reduces the size
of the disk dramatically, but it's the only fool-proof solution I've come

> Problem 3
> I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after installing
it and clicking on >game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO MEMORY' why is
this? when I have 32 meg. This also >happens if I boot with no start up.

Porbably due to lack of chip memory, not fast memory. Try closing any programs
you are using, reduce the Workbench screen to 2 colours and try running it

Message 14992

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:18:23 +0100
Hi Tom,

>I use MultiUserFileSystem myself, it can take a while to set up but it
>fine on my 030. Its on AFCD35:-in_the_mag-/under_the_bonnet/multiuser.
>the docs to make sure it is what you want and that you understand how it
>works, the only things you need on floppy is a backup of config and
>You log on with a password and then protect all the files you dont want
>other people to see. If you let someone else log on they can see anything
>that hasnt been protected.
>I've got five users set up on my system, and havent had any trouble.

Nice one! MUFS never occurred to me. How secure is it though? I helped a
friend install it some time ago and we thought it was great. When we
installed it I saw no use of encryption though, just a change of file system
which prevented access. In fact, I got round it when I lost my key by
booting from a floppy and changing the filesystem back to FFS and all was

Did I miss something during install (quite possible) or is it a new feature?

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14993

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:02:05 -0700 (PDT)
> clock is fine (if 12 hours slow - and setting it
> 12hours fast doesn't help
> either :)   <--- smiley ending brackets

Why not just set it to the right time instead of 12
hours slow or fast?

Message 14994

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:51:03 +0100

>Then you can see which partition the errors occur on and get rid of the
>partition (IE, not use the space it is occupying). True, this reduces the
>of the disk dramatically, but it's the only fool-proof solution I've come

A long time ago I managed to do it using, I think, DiskSalve. I made my
backups and then ran DiskSalve, I forget which mode. Then, it would through
up errors and report the bad blocks in them which I wrote down. I then
marked 'em with HD Tool Box and tried again until DiskSalve eventually
completed without trouble. It took quite a while but I only lost about 50k
of the drive! Since then it's been fine.

However, you say you've got DiskSalve, if you've not noticed it reporting
the numbers of the bad blocks, then perhaps my memory is failing me. In
which case it must have been ReOrg I used to get the block numbers, it must
be one of the two as they were the only tools I had which could have done
the job at that time. In fact, I think ReOrg was probably it after all.

I'm off to get me brain medicine...

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 14995

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:28:24 +0100
On 12-Jun-99, Wrote........

[=> Problem 1
[=> How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when an
[=> audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX CD,
[=> Song Player, ACD Player and MCD Player)

Are you using the software suplied with the Sqirrel?  If you are... Try
another filing system like CacheCDFS or IDE FIX. I know you can set the
tooltype in the def-Icon to point to you're favourate CD Player.

[=> Problem 2
[=> Recently my Hard drive failed to validate, as I would like to low level
[=> format it, then find the bad blocks and mark them, is there any
[=> utilities that can find and list the bad blocks on my drive. I have
[=> tried HD inst tools, Disc Salve 2, and Quarter back Tools, but they just
[=> hang the system and I have to re-boot without finishing the task.

Erm, could you not just salvage the bad partition to a good one.  The format
the Bad partition and copy the files back?  You don't need to LOW LEVEL
FORMAT an IDE HDD.  If you do it will f*ck it up!  With the crashing
problem.... You may have some dodgy patches set up on you're system.  Try
booting with no Startup-Sequence.

[=> Problem 3
[=> I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after
[=> installing it and clicking on game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO
[=> MEMORY' why is this? when I have 32 meg. This also happens if I boot
[=> with no start up.

It just sounds like it's not compatable with the 1200?  There maybe a
JST/WHDload HD installer for it somewhere.  Hope this helps.

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Ura Redneck if Potted meat on a saltine is an appetizer.

Message 14996

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:32:21 +0100
On 11-Jun-99, David Patterson Wrote........

[=> Hi folks,
[=> Can anyone suggest a good program for the creation of an encrypted
[=> partition on my 1200? Sometime back I was using a couple that made use
[=> of the XPK (so, just how do you pronounce that...) ciphers, but I never
[=> found anything secure, my PC one is Blowfish so that kind of level. I've
[=> only got a an 030 so nothing too CPU intensive thanks and I'd like to
[=> avoid diskfiles as now I've moved back to IDE my drives are slow enough
[=> :(

I used to use something called the Enigma-II Project.  It was a bloody good
HD Encryption Proggie :).  Definatly kept nosey brothers 'n' sisters from
using anything but Floppies :).  If you want a copy of it, I still have it
archived here and I'll mail it to you :).

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
"We have two sorts of pies: undercooked and overcooked."

Message 14997

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:55:31 +0000
Bother said lots of people as they realised we were talking about POLL: Woo
Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh again...

Right, rather than waste bandwidth by replying to each point
individually, let me explain this again since you all seem to
be missing the point:

The majority of sites start with http://www.
So, when saying it to someone it is only neccessary to
specify what it starts with if it *doesn't* start with

If, for instance, someone said go to, it would
be logical for you to assume it was
since they didn't specify that it wasn't.

In that case they would be in the wrong for not giving the
whole address and you would be right for making that assumption.

May I also remind you that the original question was:
"How do you say www?".  Which is a very different question
from: "Should you type the full address in an email?"


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14998

From: Ben Vost
Subject: [afb] The Matrix
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:06:15 +0100
Hello all,

If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.

All the best,
Ben Vost    UIN: 17940138
t/f:     +44 01225 460292

Message 14999

Subject: [afb] Re: afb messages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:20:13 -0000
I seem to have the same problem, but I put this down to the fact that
I've only been surfing the net for 2 days.
Maybe something has to be configured to eliminate this?

Message 15000

Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:26:13 -0000
Hi Tom,

> >> TescoNet is run by BTInternet, and Genesis has problems logging onto
> >> BTInternet machines for some reason, although Miami will work fine.
> >>
> >> This was brought uip on the NetConnect mailing list some weeks back, and
> >> Chris Wiles is testing it now. There'll probably be a patch in the near
> >> future, but until then, you'll have to use Miami or another ISP.
> >>
> >> Sorry.
> >>
> >
> >Thanks for the info.
> >
> >Life is never simple.
> >
> Hmm. I managed to connect to TescoNet using the AFCD demo of Netconnect2, if
> its any use I could send you my config alex
> Tom

I'll try anything once. Look forward to your prefs. I checked the user
details and it does include One thing for sure, I can get
the modem to connect but it will not authorise the user details.



Message 15001

Subject: [afb] Re: Glut of system config polls
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:29:33 -0000
Original Article:
> Hello,
> As there seems to be a glut of "how big is your Amiga" polls here and on
> ANN, do I take it we've all filled out the Amiga Format reader survey and
> are looking forward to the results?  When can we expect to see them in
> print, BTW?
> Duncan
 I've filled in the AF Survey and can say that I'm looking forward to
  finding out what kind of machine(s) the other Amigans own.


Message 15002

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 12 Jun 1999 19:1:33 +0100
Anthony Prime said, 

> I don't know but I suspect Wirenet could claim to be the number one
> ISP because of a low churn rate as most people will make a concious

Number One Amiga ISP at least :)

> decision to join Wirenet because of Neils USP. (Sorry if I do you an
> injustice here Neil).

The line in my sig was chosen because it is undisputable fact. I could
have said "only" but that could cease to be true is someone else set
up an Amiga-specific business.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Message 15003

Subject: [afb] New to egroups
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:37:48 -0000
 I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.



Message 15004

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:39:33 +0100

>I used to use something called the Enigma-II Project.  It was a bloody good
>HD Encryption Proggie :).  Definatly kept nosey brothers 'n' sisters from
>using anything but Floppies :).  If you want a copy of it, I still have it
>archived here and I'll mail it to you :).

Yes please, I'll give it a shot! You can send it to
thanks. How big is it? It doesn't matter, I don't mind the download, I just
need to know so I can decide whether to dial up from here on the modem or
the ISDN in the next room.

Thanks again for that, much appreciated :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15005

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: 12 Jun 99 21:16:26 +0000
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:06:15 +0100, Ben Vost wibbled...

> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.

Wow! It's just like a review from CVG :)
Except there is more depth to it than the average CVG review, natch.

.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15006

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help - Netconnect and Tesco
Date: 12 Jun 99 22:21:59 +0000
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:26:13 -0000,  wibbled...

> > Hmm. I managed to connect to TescoNet using the AFCD demo of Netconnect2, if
> > its any use I could send you my config alex
> > 
> > Tom
> > 
> I'll try anything once. Look forward to your prefs. I checked the user
> details and it does include One thing for sure, I can get
> the modem to connect but it will not authorise the user details.

It might've worked using the older version of Genesis, but LineOne won't
work with the current Genesis.

You could try using the old Genesis from the NC CD-rom, which might not
have had the bug.

.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15007

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off
Date: 12 Jun 99 19:08:51 +0000
Hi Samuel Brookes, re your comments on [afb] Re: M$ slagging off=2E

> People spend to much time giving M$ crap from all the bad things they hav=
> done and completely forget all the good stuff that they have done=2E I
> personally think that OS 3=2E5 should include some stuff from windoze - n=
> the size or instability, but the things like the ALT-TAB function=2E
> As people say, "the *have* done some good stuff, but most of it is pant=
> They themselves admit that they like *some* m$, so why dont they give the=
> at least *some* credit=2E

Sorry Sam, I couldn't disagree more=2E

There are very few industries in the world that routinely waste
resources=2E You say that there are good features within Windoze=2E Fine,
I've  no problem with this=2E But given the requirements to run this
stuff it really should be outstanding=2E

Let us consider an analogy=2E

You have 2 cars, one priced at =A310K and one at =A350K=2E The 10K car
performs well and meets its users need=2E Everyone expects the =A350K car
to be outstanding, and whilst accepting its good points *will* point
to flaws=2E

In Amiga/Windoze terms we are not talking about price, but
resources, but the principle holds good, Windoze should be far far
better than it is given the environment it operates in=2E

I'll get my coat=2E
Mr Anton=2E

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe

ICQ# 39564005

Message 15008

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:39:51 +0100
Bill  of wrote,
And asked for help - Ok we all do this from time to time :-)
I Noticed the answer came before the question.
So I looked at the source and it's not his machine that has the wrong =
time, coz in the source is

X-Mailer: Message Poster
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:08:55 -0000

meaning that Bill used the web to do the mail.

    Bomber Harris

Message 15009

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: OT: Essential Chinese
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:25:21 +0100
Hi Alex H,
> A while back someone asked for a dictionary of fake translations (Ben =
> I've found this Chinese one and it made me laugh.  English is on the =
        {snip list}
> Sorry if this is of no interest to anyone, but it made me laugh.

I found it amusing, Going to pass it on if it's OK with you?

> For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Just the one tag line?. Seem to have  Been looking at this one for quite =
a while now!  :-)

    Bomber Harris=20

Message 15010

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:22:26 +0100
Hi bill,

>Problem 1
>How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when an
audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX CD, Song
Player, ACD Player and MCD Player)

You want an icon in sys:prefs/env-archive/sys called In
its tooltypes (select the icon then Right Amiga and I) enter the path to
your cd player in the default tool string to load the player when you double
click it.


Message 15011

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:12:38 +0100
HI dave,

>Nice one! MUFS never occurred to me. How secure is it though? I helped a
>friend install it some time ago and we thought it was great. When we
>installed it I saw no use of encryption though, just a change of file
>which prevented access. In fact, I got round it when I lost my key by
>booting from a floppy and changing the filesystem back to FFS and all was

How it works (I think, check the docs) is when its set up you log on ( you
can have a password ) and use a special version of the protect command to
change the rwed tags of files, if someone else logs on, they cant access
anything you've protected.

I dont think it encrypts it but if you havent got the docs you've got to be
pretty smart to change it back again the way you did :) So you should be
alright unless someone in your house is as smart as that.

Oh, and only people you who set up are allowed to log on to the amiga.

>Did I miss something during install (quite possible) or is it a new

    I'm not sure but there is a hell of a lot of information in the docs.


Message 15012

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:15:42 +0100
Hi there,

>Or of course they may have a dislike of Norfolk people.

Nah, I got it too and I live in Devon.

If you log on to the Egoups website and go to  the user info section you can
reset the bounce counter which might have appeared on that page.


Message 15013

From: "Primo Busancano"
Subject: [afb] Tabby
Date: 12 Jun 99 17:51:57 +0000
Malcolm Harden wrote,among other things,about his set up.In the list
he gave was mentioned "Tabby" as a drawing pad.Now can any one tell if
it is still available or is there some thing just the same on the
market.If so where can it be got from and the price.
Many thanks.
Primo.       12/6/1999

Message 15014

From: Wesley Potter
Subject: [afb] MUI Registration
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 20:55:59 +0000

With regards to your problems registering MUI the address given in the SA=
SG registration
is wrong Paul Jewells address is not in cardiff he has moved

the adress is

48 Park Avenue
CF36 3ER

Kind regards
-- =

Email :
ICQ: 34306277
Online Amiga Support available @

Windows 2000, now with crash on demand!

Message 15015

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: The future's bright. The future's erm, AmigaSoft
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:36:36 +0100
Hi Ben

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I would absolutely love it if more people could get the sense of awe that
> was felt at the Kln show when Dan Dodge shifted a Doom window from one
> machine to the other with it working still.

Me and a couple of other people have been spreading the word about the new
Amiga throughout work (a well-known PC support call centre). When I first
started there I was surprised to still see how many of these PC users still had
nostaglic feelings for the Amiga, althouhg they had lost touch with much of the
more recent events. When I started mentioning details about the new design, a
good number of people were suitably impressed.

I really do believe that if the new machine has features like this, as well as
other items previously mentioned, we could really be onto a winner. A lot of
serious computer users have second or even more computers, and so a PC user
wouldn't necessarily disregard getting a new Amiga as well...

We have to keep spreading the word though...


Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 15016

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: 11 Jun 99 23:07:53 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Ben Vost wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> >> John Kennedy's pic
> It's on the last Workbench page of any recent issue before the current one.
That's why I couldn't find it. I was looking in AF125
> > Could you not make them a bit more "squished" then? They seem very
> > spaced out (a bit like some people on this list).
> They aren't any more spaced out than the other reader ads,
So? I just think that once they've been in an issue once, they should
be squished up from thereafter.
> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... Why are they called apartments if they're all stuck together?

Message 15017

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: 12 Jun 99 22:54:55 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Ben Vost wrote this and I just HAD to read it:
> Paul Cundle said:
> > ... AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse
> You can't use this tagline any more as, unless you pronounce the words like
> a scream in a comic, it's not an acronym. :)

I knew someone would say that.
Okay ...AAAAAA - American Association Against Acronym-Alike Abuse :)
> Ben
Paul C.
... Windows '95 artificial intelligence: Unable to FORMAT A: Having a
go at C: 

Message 15018

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:49:31 +0100
Hi David,
                Welcome on board :-)

>  I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
> easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
> them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
> on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.

IMO it is better to read off-line, because then you are not on the =

    Bomber Harris

Message 15019

Subject: [afb] Hard drive woes :(
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:18:35 -0000
Hi folks,

I hope someone can help me here.

I bought a new hard drive for my miggy today.  It's a 16.8Gb.  I have
FastFileSystem 43.20 and IDEFix using an Eyetech Mk4 interface.

The problem is that the Amiga only recognizes it as 8Gb :(  All the
figures such as Cylinders, Heads and sectors per track are all read
correctly in hdtoolbox and hdinsttools.

Is it possable that the drive has been marked up wrong?  or that the
Amiga doesn't like the Hard drive being that large?  Will a Power
flyer fix this?

Thanks for you help,


Message 15020

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] M$ Slagging off
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:19:44 +0100
What is this, a `Pick on Samuel` weekend?

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15021

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Whither Futurenet?
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:30:11 +0000
Anyone know where Futurenet has gone? I can't access it at all.
Both and are down :(

.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15022

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:37:50 +0100
Hi Samuel

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever make
> an
>> 050?
> no, but Philips did and they used it in their CDi - or was that the 68070?

No Amigas made with 68010, but it was pin compatible, so you could do a stright
swap - about 10% faster, which isn't a lot these days, but back then...

68070 in the CDi - that was back in 1991 - somehow I doubt it! Can't remember
what it used now - haven't though about them for a long while....


Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 15023

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HD Encryption
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:34:42 +0100
Hi Tom,

>How it works (I think, check the docs) is when its set up you log on ( you
>can have a password ) and use a special version of the protect command to
>change the rwed tags of files, if someone else logs on, they cant access
>anything you've protected.
>I dont think it encrypts it but if you havent got the docs you've got to be
>pretty smart to change it back again the way you did :) So you should be
>alright unless someone in your house is as smart as that.

I'll give it shot too then, not sure if it's quite what I'm after - I really
need secure encryption (paranoia really) but I'll give it a go anyway just
because I fancy the accounts for each person in the house bit, etc.

Thanks! I'm off to the Aminet...

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15024

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:48:22 +0100
Hi David,

> I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
> easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
> them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
> on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.

If you're reading all the messages online then it's definitely cheaper to
have them delivered to your email account. It should only take you 5-10
minutes to download the 100-200 emails a day that the AFB generates, I
presume you spend a longer time than that on the web reading the mails. If
you change your preferences then decide you don't like it, you can always
go back to reading on the web :)


Message 15025

Subject: [afb] Word Processor packages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:02:07 -0000

Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97 (CD-ROM or 
disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have neither of 
these two programs for sale.

Do either of the programs have up to date support web pages?

Much obliged

John Hart

Message 15026

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard drive woes :(
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:05:29 +0100
> The problem is that the Amiga only recognizes it as 8Gb :(  All the
> figures such as Cylinders, Heads and sectors per track are all read
> correctly in hdtoolbox and hdinsttools.
> Is it possable that the drive has been marked up wrong?  or that the
> Amiga doesn't like the Hard drive being that large?  Will a Power
> flyer fix this?

I think your problem is with FFS. This doesn't recognise drives bigger than
4Gb... not sure why it sees 8Gb, but there are a couple of fixes...

The Power Flyer works by splitting large hard drives up into 4Gb parts, so
that, for instance, with a 16Gb HD, the Amiga will actually see 4 different
drives, which can then be partitioned however you want. So yes, it will fix
your problem.

However, if you want to use a partition bigger than 4Gb, your best bet is to
get PFS2. This is an alternative file system and replaces FFS on the RDB of
your hard drive. PFS2 allows hard disks up to 2000Gb, with partitions up to
104Gb, so should handle a 16Gb drive ok :)


Message 15027

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:09:00 +0200
Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hello all,
> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.

Are we likely to see a similar review of it in the next AF?

And if so, will it be in more detail, if only to add padding? Who knows,
maybe you could have a new section entitled "film reviews" ... I'll write
it if you pay me to go watch the films!!  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15028

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Mail
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:06:06 +0100
Hi, i found out how to get afb back into my mail box, but i still dont have
the ones inbetween

So can someone on this list send me all messages starting at a message
called "Re: Poll: Who buys Amiga games?" by Chris Millar sent *about* 04:13
12/06/99 upto the message called "Re: Help!!!!!!!!" by David Patterson sent
*about* 20:17 12/06/99

I say *about* that time as that is when i downloaded it from the server -
but i did check my mail regulary.

Thank you - I *DO* know that this will mean a lot of mails heading my way.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15029

Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:21:08 -0000
Hi John,

 <7juotf$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Hi
> Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97 (CD-ROM or 
> disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have neither of 
> these two programs for sale.
> Do either of the programs have up to date support web pages?
> Much obliged
> John Hart
Funny old world. I have just visited Digiti's site(Wordsworth) and
there it was.. I have sent an email asking where I can get a
copy. The site is

Send them an email and they might just think that the Amiga is Back
for the Future!!!!!

Alex Paton

Message 15030

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:24:49 +0100
> You arn't reading the UKonline mirror are you? That isn't uptodate.
> The main site was updated yesterday I think.
> Regards
> Andy

Thats the reason! Doh! I never knew I was using a mirror site. I'm off
to see if I can find the main site, just in case I can't, can someone
tell me the address.



Message 15031

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:25:00 +0100

On 13-jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer
97 (CD-ROM or 
> disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have neither of

> these two programs for sale.

As far as I know, Final Writer is discontinued. Tracking it down will be

WordWorth7 should ba available. For the latest news on WW you should visit
DIGITA's hompage on :

WW7 should be available from most Amiga dedicated software dealers. I've got
my copy from german seller Stefan Osowski which is a partner of GTI
(england). Also you could try, say, first computers. 

Goodluck tracking down this fine WordProcessor.

Greetings from Holland,


e-mail  :
ICQ UIN : 38809545
Nick    : Speedy
System  : A3000 with 040/25, 20MB Fast, ....

If Windows is heaven, I hope I'll go to hell.

Message 15032

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:34:11 +0100
Hello Mark

On 13-jun-99, you wrote:

> Thats the reason! Doh! I never knew I was using a mirror site. I'm off
> to see if I can find the main site, just in case I can't, can someone
> tell me the address.
> Thanks,
> *MO*


e-mail  :
ICQ UIN : 38809545
Nick    : Speedy
System  : A3000 with 040/25, 20MB Fast, ....

If Windows is heaven, I hope I'll go to hell.

Message 15033

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:56:05 -0500 (CDT)

  I managed the catch the preview on Thursday.  If you can switch your
brain of for about 2 hours then you'll enjoy a fab film...


Sig on holiday.

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hello all,
> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost    UIN: 17940138
> t/f:     +44 01225 460292
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 15034

Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:02:15 -0000
> Funny old world. I have just visited Digiti's site(Wordsworth) and
> there it was.. I have sent an email asking where I can get a
> copy. The site is

That's a typo. I know you mean ;)

> Send them an email and they might just think that the Amiga is Back
> for the Future!!!!!

I filled in the form on their (horrible) site so maybe I will hear something back 
about where I can buy WW7 from still. Unless anyone else has a copy (CD) that they
are willing to let go?


Message 15035

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] Re: AWD not updated
Date: 13 Jun 99 01:11:56 +0100
Cheers Bert!


Message 15036

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: +4.1 gig hd.
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:32:56 +0100
Greetings  James

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> After steaming open a mail from Andrew Crowe, I read the words "+4.1 gig
> hd.". Keen to find out more, I followed this up... 
>>   I may be getting a 4.3 gig hard drive soon, and I'm just
>> wondering:
>> I know FFS only works up to the 4.1 gig margin, but would it work if
>> say I made the last few hundred megs my shapeshifter partition?
> Wouldn't worry about it - most of the time, a drive advertised as
> 4.3GB is actually 4.0GB, due to salespersons thinking that 1Mb=1000KB.
> You *should* be able to use it without any problems.

Either I'm not reading it right, or what you wrote there doesn't quite
make sense?

If the sales person thinks 1Mb=1000Kb, then the drive will actualy be
bigger than he thinks it is; 'cos 1Mb=1024Kb. . .

> James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*



/PGP Key available on request/
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15037

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: cards
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:41:50 +0100
Greetings  Ken

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi,
>    Does anyone know of a wes site (or a place i can get say a template
> for Final Writer) as I want to be able to make my own Birthday cards and
> other type of cards 


> See You


/PGP Key available on request/
Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

Message 15038

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:44:37 +0100
Greetings  Gerald

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
>> If you don't like it, don't read it. Personalyl, the only computer I
>> have is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga jokes. Why
>> can't anyone else?
> Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no sense of humour
> or humility :)

There's only one geezer on this list with a sense of humour deficiency...

> Bauglir... probably shouldn't be sending this to an Amiga mailing list,
> but does anyway for reasons explained above ;)




/PGP Key available on request/
Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 15039

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: header pins
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:51:08 +0100
Greetings  Dave

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi
> Does anybody know where I can get some highdensity  ( 2.5" ide ) or
> clockport pins from? I sent my portplus to Eyetec to be altered so it
> can be used when I fit my blizzardvision card. However the pins they
> soldered to the back of the portplus have come off. After talking to a
> friend I have an idea that might be better. If I use a set of header
> pins to join 2 cables together and then use headerpins to fit on the
> original port would it work? I have tried to get some pins but maplins
> dont sell them.

Any electronics shop should sell them. maplin springs to mind.

> Thanks in advance


/PGP Key available on request/
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 15040

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:36:52 +0100
Greetings  Gerald

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Andy,
>> I've mentioned this before. But I'll do it again. If anyone is into
>> off-topic/weird/scientific/theological debate/chat etc. then
>> Amilluminati (sister list to the CU List) is the place for you. There
>> is only one rule. no ON-TOPIC chat is allowed (though you won't get a
>> bollocking for it (unless Korny wakes up with a hangover) :)
> How much traffic does it generate, on an average sort of day (wednesday,
> for example ;)?

It varies greatly. Like, this week there have been about 10 posts!
Sometimes it's 50 a day, sometimes more; usually much less, unless we are
having a really good debate. . .

Individual posts can get a bit large from time to time, with 30-40k not
uncommon when a certain member of the list is in full flow! (;))

> Ok, here's something that's been bugging me, what is the accepted way of
> putting a smiley in brackets? Is it like I've done above, where the
> smiley itself closes the brackets, or should I have added another
> bracket after it, which would have made it look stupid...

(like this :))

> Bauglir



/PGP Key available on request/
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15041

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:59:58 +0100

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
> easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
> them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
> on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.

I would be cheaper to download them I think. 

the egroups website always seems slow as hell to me.

> David



/PGP Key available on request/
Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Message 15042

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:01:48 +0100

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> With all the recent talk about WOA I was wondering if Ben (or anyone
>> else) could say whatever happened to FES (Future Entertainment Show )?
>> I would have thought with the likes of T3 and Total Film that Future
>> would be in a better position than ever to host this kind of thing. 
>> And what better oppertunity to remind people about our favourite
>> machine ? (even if it was held in that southern place).
> Future hasn't actually organised a show since the last one, except for
> the music, bike and cake shows which weren't completely organised by us
> anyway. Basically we got our fingers burnt and lost a lot of money on
> that last FES, so Future have decided to stick (in the main) to writing
> mags, which we do quite successfully it seems. :)

Don't Computer Arts have something event going off in Manchester soon?

> Ben



/PGP Key available on request/
Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more
'user-friendly'.... Their best approach, so far, has been to take all
the old brochures, and stamp the words, 'user-friendly' on the cover.
-- Bill Gates

Message 15043

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:07:50 +0100
Greetings  Gerald

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>  How about www.  So far I've heard
>>   - double-U double-U double-U
> I generally go with either this, or "wub wub wub" :)
>>  I got a shock when I first heard people say nitsky for NTSC.
> That's how it's pronounced?


> Bauglir


/PGP Key available on request/
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 15044

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:10:13 +0100
Greetings  Philip

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>> My thoughts exactly. I suppose I could run one occasionally but is
>> that really worth it? Surely within a week most would have done their
>> dirty deeds.
> I only check my system if I have any reason to believe there is a virus
> on it - Virus Checker brings my Amiga to a halt while its scanning my
> hard drive so I very rarely check at all.

I would always have it running whenever I was installing any new software.

> Regards


/PGP Key available on request/
Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 15045

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:15:04 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here.
> Hi PC
Hello AF (hey, that's the same as Amiga Format !)
> >> >Update: Just done my Maths exam (NEAB) 
> >> Don't you mean your Maths exam (AQA)?
> They changed quite recently methinks.  If you started the course ~2 years ago I
> think they were still NEAB, so the papers would probably have that so people
> didn't complain they were sitting the wrong exam.

Well, I had a bit of both, probably to keep everyone happy. As long as
they mark it right I don't care anymore.

Paul C.
... Only an idiot actually READS taglines.

Message 15046

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:26:31 +0000
According to Ben, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh=2E
> >    o wuh wuh wuh
> >    o w w w (lower case sound)
> I don't think you ever explained what you mean by "lower case sound"
> here, nor how that was different from wuh wuh wuh=2E=2E=2E
I didn't actually come up with most of those options but I'll explain
'em anyway
a) "lower case sound" means like the baby alphabet=2E If you say the
alphabet you will say "Ay, bee, see, dee, ee, eff" etc=2E Kids say the
alphabet "a, b=EA, k=EA, d=EA, e, f=EA, g=EA" etc=2E (the =EA is pronounced=
 like the
word "the", usually printed in dictionaries as an upside down e)=2E
So "W" in uppercase sound is "double-U"
   "w" in lowercase sound is "w=EA"
Say it=2E There is a subtle difference between w=EA and wuh=2E So, what do
you vote for now you know?
> Ben
Paul C=2E
=2E=2E=2E If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points=

Message 15047

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:34:15 +0000
What are you on about, Alex Furmanski?
> Hi PC
Howdy doody,
> >So you're not a maths teacher then? Seriously, I though you were older
> >than that. Shows how useless email technology is. For some reason I
> >feel like I know you. Scary.
> I'm not on no Netconnect mailing list either ;-)
Don't lie, I saw you the other day :) It must be because your name
sound like so many others.

> >... Got Mole problems?
> >        Call Avogardo 6.02 x 10^23
Purely random, I assure you. Anyway that's chemistry and physics. We
haven't actually had a thread on either of those yet....
And before anyone says, I do know that Avogadro was spelt wrong

Paul C.
... If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fires,
      what do freedom fighters fight?

Message 15048

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:41:30 +0000
According to Ben, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] The Matrix.

> Hello all,
Hello Ben, the man who has never started an off-topic thread here
> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the
> cinema to see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.
Was there some reason for that outburst? Perhaps it's the first time
you've actually been able to leave the office this month?
I'll mention it to my mates, but they'll probably want to see the
11:30pm showing at the cinema 20 miles from my house as usual :(

> Ben Vost
Paul C.
... Most packages say "Open Here".
      What should you do if the package says "Open Somewhere Else"?

Message 15049

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:47:04 +0000
On Sat Jun 12 at 23:46:46, Colin Buckenham was heard muttering:

> >eM 
> >eM Messages to you from the afb e-group seem to have been
> >eM bouncing.
> >eM 
> >eM If this message bounces too, a probe will be sent to you.  If the
> >eM probe bounces, you will be removed from the afb e-group,
> >eM without further notice.

Aren't egroups clever? So, if that message had bounced and the probe
(what?) bounced you would have been unsubbed. But you wouldn't have
received the message, so why did they bother telling you.
Daft plonkers.

Paul C.
... I wouldn't be caught dead with a necrophiliac.

Message 15050

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: OT: Essential Chinese
Date: 12 Jun 99 23:55:16 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] OT: Essential Chinese.

> A while back someone asked for a dictionary of fake translations (Ben methinks),
> I've found this Chinese one and it made me laugh.
> English is on the left.
Good job you told us that. I would have spent ages trying to work out
which bit was in English ;)

[Mr Snip is doing the rounds again]
:) :) :)
Very nice. I'm going to be really sad and print them out in Final
Writer after work tomorrow.

> Your body odour is offensive = Yu stin ki pu
Especially like that one!
> Sorry if this is of no interest to anyone, but it made me laugh.

> Alex Furmanski
Paul C.
... Isn't Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?

Message 15051

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:01:26 +0000
According to David, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh.

I'm going to reply to this and change the topic a bit because it all
started from my poll anyway.

> Of course, low traffic sites can have a www address as well as the
> plain domain name to catch all attempts to connect.

Has anyone noticed that the Excite websearcher accepts both and for lamers who can't spell?
> but there is actually only one physical
> server, we just redirect www back to

Does this mean that you/your company has to pay for registering both and even though only one is ever
> And this all leads to the difference between "address" and "URL",
> but I usually get them the wrong way round, so I'll leave that to
> someone else...
And what do you call those numbers that you see when you goto a URL
like ?

> Dave.
Paul C.
... How do you make a dead dog float? Take a scoop of dead dog and
a scoop of ice cream

Message 15052

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:07:29 +0000
According to Philip, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?.

> > (I'm sure you made the long one up).

Aaahhh! Stop it, horrible people. Mummy!
Rolls on the floor laughing [something].
> Regards
I hate you ;)

> Phil Edwards
Paul C.
... The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
      appreciates how difficult it was.

Message 15053

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:09:31 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Neil Bothwick wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> >> >> IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be

> ETLE = Extended Three Letter Acronym (I know that's an oxymoron but
> these were invented by Americans, so you have to give some leeway :)
> > (I'm sure you made the long one up).
> First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes :)

So you did make it up.
> > No-one beats the anorak [smug face]
> Why would anyone want to beat an anorak? Beating a smug face is
> another matter entirely :)
Do you know what I meant. I can never tell with your warped sense of
> Neil
Paul C.
... Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: Three.  One to screw in the lightbulb and two to fend off all those
       Californians trying to share the experience.

Message 15054

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:16:34 +0000
MSGTO: Gerald Mellor
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Subs mag

> Paul, *please* sort out your quoting, I'm not sure how MD colour-codes
> quotes, but the way you reply makes it very difficult to read in YAM (which
> a lot of people on this list are using).

I didn't realise that, sorry. (Maybe you should all get MD2 ;)
MD just changes the colour of each line depending on the number of >>>
things. It doesn't need a blank line - each new line has a colour
assigned depending on your prefs. I'll try and remember the blank
lines in future (it's just that they sometimes seem like a waste of
> Taking the example above, ........

I didn't really understand that because obviously using MD2 I can't
see the difference, but if all you want is a few blank lines I'm sure
I can oblige :) After all, they are only empty space!

> Sorry if this seems like nitpicking, and I'm not picking on you
> really, just making a general comment about quoting...thanks for
> listening :)

Okey diddly. I knew there were complaints about quoting but I thought
that was just to do with how much you leave in your reply.

Paul C.
How was that, then?

Message 15055

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:24:23 +0000
At 00:23:29 you said about [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?:
> Hi Paul,


> > HTML (is it H.T.M.L or htmul?)
> How exactly would you pronounce "htmul"? "hutumul"?? I think it's fairly
> safe to say it's pronounced H.T.M.L. :)

say the ht as it is written - like hit without the i.
say the ml as mull - as in 'mull of kintyre'
so you have ht-mul :) I made that up myself but thought it may be
right, since it's half the number of syllables of H.T.M.L.

> X.P.K is the same, isn't it?

Probably. Just thought I'd check. Never know, it could have been
ex-peak or something!

> Bauglir

Paul C.
... Ass, noun: The masculine of "lass".

Message 15056

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 13 Jun 99 00:28:28 +0000
At 00:28:08 you said about [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus:

[virus checkers]
> It's certainly worth it. The best time to run a virus scan is just
> before you do a backup. The worst thing to do is overwrite your
> clean backups with corrupted files.

Oh yes, backups. I would do a check before I backed up my HD except I
never back up my HD! I have no way of doing it (800MB onto floppies -
methinks not) but wish I could. My last invalidation was a real

> Neil

Paul C.
... Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?

Message 15057

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Survey results
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 03:17:49 +0100
Hi Ben.

> In the "Bill got pied" survey there are 12 people who said that they
> know where they could find the clip. FYI it's in
> AFCD25:-In_the_Mag-/Flantastic!

Only one problem: AFAIK I only started getting the CD versions from AFCD28
Any other places where we might get it? Anyone?


Message 15058

From: Chris Faircloth
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:39:49 +1200
Hello Ben

On 02-Jun-99, you wrote:

>BV Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

Just arrived, 12/06/99 . the interview with Jim Collas and comments regarding
the future were welcome and certainly give us hope, thank you and everyone on
the team.

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 15059

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC
Date: 13 Jun 99 03:35:28 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:37:58 +0100 about [afb] Re: Fusion/PCX PPC

Hi Ben Vost

> > Is this Amiga Format's deadline for the next issue, as I must send you
> > an email as I would like Amiga Support Association to be advertised in
> > this issue, I think I missed the deadline for the last one.
> Do you mean in the Reader Ads pages? In that case you need to have your ad
> here before the end of this month.

Yes I did miss the reader ads, sorry I wasn't so clear in what I said,
I'll forward it to you in the next day or so:)

Would there be any chance on mentioning the group anywhere else in the
Mags then ??

Only asking though, not too worried :)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15060

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard drive woes :(
Date: 13 Jun 99 03:54:42 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:18:35 -0000 about [afb] Hard drive woes :(


> Is it possable that the drive has been marked up wrong?  or that the
> Amiga doesn't like the Hard drive being that large?  Will a Power
> flyer fix this?

The power Flyer may solve this I don't know I haven't got one, but if
you were to get PFS which Version 3 is to be launched at WOA 99 then
you could use the direct scsi version to use the drive and this would
solve your problems I beleive.

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15061

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 13 Jun 99 03:56:08 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:02:07 -0000 about [afb] Word Processor packages

> Hi
> Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97 (CD-ROM or 
> disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have neither of 
> these two programs for sale.

I don't think you'll find that Final Writer 97 is being developed
anymore, but you should be able to get hold of Wordsworth, I'm sure
this is still be continued ??

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15062

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Quoting (was: Subs mag)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 04:15:49 +0100
Hi Paul,

> Okey diddly. I knew there were complaints about quoting but I thought
> that was just to do with how much you leave in your reply.
> Paul C.
> --
> How was that, then?

Great, cheers :)


Message 15063

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 04:14:23 +0100
Hi Paul,

> Aaahhh! Stop it, horrible people. Mummy!
> Rolls on the floor laughing [something].

... my ass off :)


Message 15064

From: Tim Seifert
Subject: [afb] Re: subscription problems
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:13:04 +0930
This message has been sent to the AFB list, abuse@egroups,com, and, so they can all see how appallingly customer
complaints are ignored and mishandled by egroups.


This would have to be one of the most useless and stupid messages I have
ever received!  How about answering the query I asked you?  I know damn
well what a bouncing message is, and the problem is YOURS not mine. 

I did not ask you to explain a bouncing message, I told you that your
service was not working at all, in any way shape of form.  Neither
sending mail, or the web page based service.  And you have not
addressed one single point in my letter to you.

My ISPs are accepting mail quite properly, and have been doing so in all
the time that I have been using them.

Your service has never been reliable, it has always done odd things.  I
have always had trouble with messages being sent twice, message being
sent late, web page based services not working, etc

Your system is fucking up big time, and screwing me around.  Fix up
your damn useless system, and stop pissing me about!  

I am sick to death of companies who upon receiving a complaint,
completely ignore the message given to them and blandly spout some crap
back in response.  Bloody well pay attention to what your consumers ask
of you and don't fuck us around.  

It should NEVER be necesary for a consumer to have to follow up a
complaint to a service, and NEVER to have to complain that your
response was utter bullshit and totally un-responsive to the original
complaint.  So I make no appologies for the tone of my letter, your
service smacks of incompetence the whole way through.

If you do not properly respond to my complaint this time, I shall be
sending back to you, every one of the original FIVE HUNDRED
registration messages I was sent from your web page, individually,
every day until you get it right.

Tim Seifert.

  From:  eGroups Support 
 Dated:  Sunday, 13-Jun-99, 05:14:27
 About:  Re: subscription problems. 

> What is a "bouncing" e-mail address?

> A subscriber whose address is listed as "Bouncing" is one whose e-mail
> host is reporting an error of some sort when we attempt to deliver a
> message.
> This can be caused by temporary network disconnects, running out of
> disk space for e-mail, non-payment of an ISP bill, or in the case of
> students, graduation.

> If after three weeks of trying once per day, the e-mail account still
> does not work, eGroups will stop attempting. The subscriber, if
> registered, will still be able to come to the website and read the
> messages there.

> For those times when a subscriber lets you know that their e-mail
> account is working again, we provide a way to reset the bounce status.
> Once the status is reset, the system will again try to deliver each
> message, rather than just one per day.

> It is not necessary or helpful in most cases to reset the bounce
> status of a subscriber. It will be reset automatically as soon as
> the e-mail address starts working again.

> Anyone who has ever attempted to run a large e-mail distribution list
> without the help of sophisticated "bounce processing" will know how
> much trouble bad addresses can cause. Bad addresses routinely get
> redelivered many times so they cost much more to keep on a group than
> a valid subscriber. As a result, they could slow down message delivery
> to people whose e-mail accounts actually work.

> Queena
> The eGroups Team
> For more information see

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tim Seifert 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 7:32 AM
> Subject: subscription problems.

> Hello,
> For some time I have not being receiving any messages from the Amiga
> Format list (  Prior to this, I was commonly
> receiving duplicates.
> My ISP appears to be working fine, I can receive mail from elsewhere
> without any problems (several megabytes worth every week), and I've
> not reached the mailbox storage limit either.
> I tried re-subscribing, in case that was the reason, only to receive a
> message back saying I was already subscribed.  So I went to look at
> the web site to see if there was any mail there, but it was empty, and
> seemed to indicate that I wasn't on any egroups hosted mailing list.
> Today I received a message saying I would be dropped for bouncing
> mail, and I was being sent a probe.
> It appears to me that either your mail server has problems (well your
> webserver certainly does, it frequently wouldn't allow me to log on,
> and was fond of sending me several *hundred* e-mails with
> registration information), or, the route that your mailing list
> e-mails goes through is different from the message I recently
> received directly from you, and the fault lies there.
> The lists I was trying to get back on, are these ones:
> I've now tried un-subscribing totally, and re-subscribing using a
> different ISP, but your server keeps sending the subscription
> confirmations to the first ISP.
> I tried this by e-mailing to and
>, because trying to subscribe from the web
> pages is useless, your server doesn't respond properly, it just cycles
> between requesting/waiting for page, and/or repeatedly sending me
> cookies.
> I was subscribed on the Picknowl address (which your server recently
> got annoyed with), and tried changing over to the BigPond address.
> Bye, Tim.  (B.A.  T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 15065

From: "Peter Moulden"
Subject: [afb] how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:39:35 -0700
This message has been truncated due its extreme size.
Read it online at the following location:
------------------------------ message 15066 ------------------------------

MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:17:06 -0000
Subject: [afb] Subject to change
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I don't have have time to read all the messages here. 
I will not read a message with a subject that doesn't interest me.
PLEASE make your subject title match what your talking about.

[HomeMade Software]


Message 15067

From: Stephen Mowbray
Subject: [afb] 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon ( OT )
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:22:18 +0100

You've probably all come accross this game where you have to link an actor
via films and other actors to Kevin Bacon. We play 6 degrees but I think it
should be less but that makes it too hard. 

Anyway, we were playing this last night and one of our friends got well and
truly ticked off because she could not trip us up. Then, the cult 1981
French film Diva came on the telly. 

I now have the task of linking the actor who played Jules ( Frederic Andrei
) to Kevin Bacon in 6 steps. And get this, she won't let me link via
directors which I am sure is allowed. 

Anyway, to help you the other actors in the film were Cynthia Hawkins,
Richard Bohringer, Thuy An Luu, Jacques Fabri, Gerard Damon, Dominique
Pinon, Anny Rommand, Roland Bertin and Chantal Deruaz. 

The french movie industry in 81 was quite insular and so it is quite
difficult to find any links. Cynthia Hawkins, who played the opera singer
is American and so may be the best bet. 

Hope you can help or know of a web site that can. 

Kind regards

Steve Mowbray

PS: in case you haven't a clue what I am on about, the game is based on the
theory that the population of the world are all related to each other by,
at most, 6 degrees of seperation. This can be blood related, related by
marriage, etc. 

Message 15068

Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:03:47 -0000
> > Ok, here's something that's been bugging me, what is the accepted way of
> > putting a smiley in brackets? Is it like I've done above, where the smiley
> > itself closes the brackets, or should I have added another bracket after
> > it, which would have made it look stupid...
> IMO this is a mailing list not a "get your spelling/punctuation right" list
> I do variations on smilies/punctuation - whatever looks right at the time :-)

I disagree. The only thing stupid is *not* asking a question you don't know the
answer to, and this applies here just as anywhere else on the net. Bauglir,
rather than close off your bracket immediately, you could try doing it the way
I do, like so: (This is a silly comment :)


Message 15069

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:06:46 -0000
> Hi Ben, does that mean that you want me to spell everything correctly - eg,
> use "are" instead of "r" and "you" instead of "u" or are you just saying
> that my writing doesn`t make sence?

To be honest Sam, I couldn't tell if you were making sense because I just
skimmed through it to see if there was any English content in your message.
Yes, I want you to write properly.


Message 15070

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:10:08 -0000
> No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or "possion" :)

Oh dear, I don't think you're gonna pass if you actually meant "poisson"! :)


Message 15071

Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:24:09 -0000
> > If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> > see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.
> Are we likely to see a similar review of it in the next AF?

I might mention it in the Talking Heads bit. It was only a quick mention
because I'd just been to see it, and thought that others should too.
> And if so, will it be in more detail, if only to add padding? Who knows,
> maybe you could have a new section entitled "film reviews" ... I'll write
> it if you pay me to go watch the films!!  ;-)

I used to write film reviews for my website, but I haven't updated it in sooo


Message 15072

From: "Clive Bradley"
Subject: [afb] Trying to install from ADCD41
Date: 13 Jun 99 10:25:09 +0500

This is my first posting to this list.

I am trying to install visage from this months AFCD.

Using the install icon it fails saying it cannot find the script

I've tried to use the shell method but that fails saying it is not an
installer file

Could someone please help?



A1200T Magnum 68040/40, OS3.1, 18 mgs RAM, 3,2gb HD, Surf Squirrel
Pace 'Solo' (V90 v2.04) connected via Wirenet, Zip drive, 12xCDrom.
PFS2 & Dopus Mag II (V5.81).

Message 15073

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:29:31 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> PLease open attachment and order your book today

   What the HELL is that god-awful piece of crap junk mail doing on THIS

   And doesn't it seem a little strange that suddenly as soon as a PDF
viewer appears on Aminet then this comes along? Coincidence? I dont think

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Driving down the endless road, taking friends or moving alone
-- Simply Red

Message 15074

From: Peter Wesson
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:23:06 gmt0bst
On 12-Jun-99, wrote:

>Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97
>(CD-ROM or 

Digita, who produce Wordworth, have their own web site This
site also has a minor upgrade to WW7 on it anymore. I'm not sure that they are
actively pushing their amiga stuff anymore but if anybody has a copy then they

I'd also recommend looking at as they have a very comprehensive
amiga site that might help you further with practically anything Amiga

Message 15075

From: Peter Wesson
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:28:29 gmt0bst
On 13-Jun-99, Peter Moulden wrote:
>PLease open attachment and order your book today

This is a sneaky plan to get everyone asking where they can get a .pdf viewer
from is it? :-)

Message 15076

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] A shame but.....
Date: 13 Jun 99 10:46:16 +0100
This morning when I did my first download of email there was the two
messages new messages in the AFB folder. The first one is a 150k pile
of junk in the form of a PDF attachment, and the second is is one is from
Tim Siefert to egroups about the problems he's having. Which judging from
the way his reply is worded will end up in egroups bin.

When I first subscribed to the afb list It was interesting and the amount
of off-topic stuff kept to a minimum. 

Several months on the volume has increased as the number of subscribers has
gone up, which is fair enough. But, for most of the time it's degenerated
fast into a complete pile of junk.

Don't get me wrong, the odd bit of humour is good fun. But the amount of
pointless drivel is getting to ridiculous levels. It's a shame that certain
people seem to think this is their own personal forum to discuss every
topic they wish, reply just for the sake of it etc, etc. This list *could*
have been so good.

As I've said before it's not the amount of mail I object to, it's the
amount of junk. It's a shame that the minority spoil it for the majority.

From Monday morning when the cheap weekend phone rates ends I'm
unsubscribing from [afb]. I really can't be bothered to wade through the
vast amount of junk to find the interesting stuff. If you think I'm a
whinging moaning whatever fine, that's your opinion and I'm not offended.
It takes a lot more than that to offend me.

If anyone wants to contact me with comments, help or suggestions for Magnum
Opus feel free to get in touch with me privatly. But don't bother sending
reply's to this mail in private, they'll be binned.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 15077

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Trying to install from ADCD41
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:57:41 +0000
Bother said Clive Bradley as he realised we were talking about
Trying to install from ADCD41 again...

> This is my first posting to this list.


> I am trying to install visage from this months AFCD.
> Using the install icon it fails saying it cannot find the script

You don't actually need to use installer.  Just copy it
to somewhere appropriate (I have it in Utilities).


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15078

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:01:54 +0000
Bother said eGroups Calendar as he realised we were talking about
WOA Special Released! again...

> World Of Amiga Special 1 is released today! It's our first special edition
> in celebration of the Amiga's 14th Birthday. Download it from

Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
found on this server."


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15079

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:06:45 +0000
Bother said Andrew Crowe as he realised we were talking about
how to be rich again...

>   And doesn't it seem a little strange that suddenly as soon as a PDF
> viewer appears on Aminet then this comes along? Coincidence? I dont think
> so!

We've had at least two pdf viewers for as long as I can
remember:  Ghostscript and xpdf.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15080

Subject: [afb] Unable to read mail
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:15:51 -0000
Earlier on I downloaded the latest mail from the egroup. 
I read the mail through Micro-Dot II. I can read most of the mail but
occasionally I get the following message:

>Unable to read message:
>This is not really a message, just a fake root created.

Can anybody tell me what this is about?

Message 15081

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:50:05 +0000
Hello All,

On 12-Jun-99, wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
> easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
> them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
> on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.

Read them offline. Download all the messages, go offline, read them all,
write your replies, go online to send them and get any new ones.

Make sure that you set egroups to send all messages to your mail box.

UIN: 30044173

Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 15082

Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:19:38 -0000
Original Article:
> On 13-Jun-99, Peter Moulden wrote:
> >PLease open attachment and order your book today
> This is a sneaky plan to get everyone asking where they can get a .pdf viewer
> from is it? :-)

Message 15083

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: +4.1 gig hd.
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:24:40 +0100

>> Wouldn't worry about it - most of the time, a drive advertised as
>> 4.3GB is actually 4.0GB, due to salespersons thinking that 1Mb=1000KB.
>> You *should* be able to use it without any problems.
>Either I'm not reading it right, or what you wrote there doesn't quite
>make sense?
>If the sales person thinks 1Mb=1000Kb, then the drive will actualy be
>bigger than he thinks it is; 'cos 1Mb=1024Kb. . .

Nah, the trick works the other way around. They take the number of Kbytes
and divide by 1000 and quote that as the value in megabytes, which is bigger
than if they had divided by 1024 - the real value for a megabyte.

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15084

From: "Morgan Larsson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Unable to read mail
Date: 13 Jun 99 12:39:56 +0000
> Earlier on I downloaded the latest mail from the egroup. 
> I read the mail through Micro-Dot II. I can read most of the mail but
> occasionally I get the following message:
> >Unable to read message:
> >This is not really a message, just a fake root created.

It's MDII's way of connecting messages to threads if the earlier
mails are missing, have been deleted or if the thread's been broken.(OE ?)

It probably is a glitch in the prog. It doesn't show if you select it
directly, only if you step through the mail.

Morgan  (who honestly hoped that made sense!) 

Message 15085

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB Age Range
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:48:29 +0100
Hi fool

>>>>>>> 2
>>>>>> Hmmmm, he's a bit precocious.
>>>>> an me wurkin in teknikul suprot tooo!
>>>> Oh what wonders can be worked with "View Source" eh?
>>> What are you talking about?
>> I assume that's how you got 2, seeing as it wasn't one of the
>> choices - did view source then wrote a little bit of HTML to do it?
>Me? Hack egroups website?  With my reputation?  :)
>No, I didn't.  I don't know how it happened, or why.
>At a guess, egroups screwed up or it's just a typo.
>Still, I probably would have if I'd thought of it and if I
>knew how.

Righty ho, I'm off to hack a poll (my own mind, no need to worry y'selves)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 15086

From: "David Baker"
Subject: [afb] Re: Unable to read mail
Date: 13 Jun 99 11:47:45 +0000
> It's MDII's way of connecting messages to threads if the earlier
> mails are missing, have been deleted or if the thread's been broken.(OE ?)
> It probably is a glitch in the prog. It doesn't show if you select it
> directly, only if you step through the mail.
> Morgan  (who honestly hoped that made sense!) 
Hi Morgan,

 It made perfect sense to me, I almost feel like an idiot for not
 figuring that out for myself.
 BTW what does (OE ?) in your reply mean?

Thanks for your help :)


Message 15087

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:58:06 +0100
Hello Richard

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> From Monday morning when the cheap weekend phone rates ends I'm
> unsubscribing from [afb]. I really can't be bothered to wade through the
> vast amount of junk to find the interesting stuff. If you think I'm a
> whinging moaning whatever fine, that's your opinion and I'm not offended.
> It takes a lot more than that to offend me.
> If anyone wants to contact me with comments, help or suggestions for
> Magnum Opus feel free to get in touch with me privatly. But don't bother
> sending reply's to this mail in private, they'll be binned.

I to will be unsubing till I here of an inprovement


Message 15088

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Subject to change
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:54:54 +0100

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I don't have have time to read all the messages here. 
> I will not read a message with a subject that doesn't interest me.
> PLEASE make your subject title match what your talking about.

Nope we don't have rules here 



Message 15089

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:48:51 +0100
Hi Paul,

>Has anyone noticed that the Excite websearcher accepts both
> and for lamers who can't spell?

Yeah, but how did you find out without being (like me) a lamer who can't
spell? :)

>Does this mean that you/your company has to pay for registering both
> and even though only one is ever

No, we registered only with Internic. Being a sub domain it
was free, although I have to admit I know little of the technicalities as I
let our host do the setting up.

>And what do you call those numbers that you see when you goto a URL
>like ?

Ah! I know this one...

They are an Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, (as do all
addresses) don't actually exist. Every computer on the internet is referred
to by one of these groups of 4 numbers, each set actually means something -
but I forget what.

When you type your browser asks Internic (I think it's
Internic, could be one of their other trade names) for the corresponding IP
and goes there. Hence the need to register your name and why browsers can
respond that a domain does not exist almost instantly rather than waiting
for the attempt to connect to time out, usually "the requested domain has no
DNS reference" or similarly unhelpful.

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15090

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: +4.1 gig hd.
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:44:06 +0000
Hello All,

On 12-Jun-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

>> Wouldn't worry about it - most of the time, a drive advertised as
>> 4.3GB is actually 4.0GB, due to salespersons thinking that 1Mb=1000KB.
>> You *should* be able to use it without any problems.
> Either I'm not reading it right, or what you wrote there doesn't quite
> make sense?
> If the sales person thinks 1Mb=1000Kb, then the drive will actualy be
> bigger than he thinks it is; 'cos 1Mb=1024Kb. . .

4.3GB  1000 = 4300000 bytes

4300000 bytes  1024 = 4.1GB

The drives are advertised as 4.3GB as 'the industry' counts 1000000bytes as
1GB. The actual drive size is 4.1GB. The usable size will be even
less as some is used for RDB, Filesystem info etc.

UIN: 30044173

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 15091

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What CPU do you have?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:56:40 +0000
Hello All,

On 12-Jun-99, Ferenczy wrote:

> Hi Samuel
> On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:
>>> Two questions - what Amigas have an 010 in them, and did Motorola ever
>>> make
>> an
>>> 050?
>> no, but Philips did and they used it in their CDi - or was that the
>> 68070?
> No Amigas made with 68010, but it was pin compatible, so you could do a
> stright swap - about 10% faster, which isn't a lot these days, but back
> then...
> 68070 in the CDi - that was back in 1991 - somehow I doubt it! Can't
> remember what it used now - haven't though about them for a long while....

They did indeed make such a chip but I don't think it was a Motorola
compatable chip. They just happened to use a simlilar naming system.

Coincidance or rip off, you decide :)

UIN: 30044173

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 15092

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] AI
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:14:24 +0100
Hey Guys, anyone know where to get a bit of info about AI from? Can be
source code (Blitz Basic only) or just info on how to make AI better or more
inteligent via programming trick ect.

E-Mail me personly so we dont clog up the lists

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15093

Subject: [afb] POLL: Your Software
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:22:56 -0000
Hi There, I am just wondering if you guys are making any of your own software at the mo. If you are, then please select what type(s) of software you are making. Thanks :)


Please select one or more of the following:

   o Yes, a comercial game
   o Yes, a shareware (or any other type of ware apart from freeware) game 
   o Yes, a freeware game
   o Yes, a comercial application/utility
   o Yes, a shareware (or any other type of ware apart from freeware) application/utility
   o Yes, a freeware application/utility
   o No, but I can program, but i dont have any ideas or time to make them
   o No, I dont/cant/wont program

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 15094

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:26:49 +0100
>> No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or "possion"
>Oh dear, I don't think you're gonna pass if you actually meant "poisson"!

I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15095

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:30:05 +0100
>> World Of Amiga Special 1 is released today! It's our first special
>> in celebration of the Amiga's 14th Birthday. Download it from
>Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
>found on this server."

Neil is having trouble uploading files to the FTP server, it wont let him
connect - so the WOA special wont be on there for another few days :(

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15096

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:21:58 +0100
Hi there

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Problem 1
> How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when a=
n audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX CD, S=
ong Player, ACD Player and MCD
> Player)

Set the correct Unit number in your player programs!

> Problem 2
> Recently my Hard drive failed to validate, as I would like to low level=
 format it, then find the bad blocks and mark them, is there any utilitie=
s that can find and list the
> bad blocks on my drive. I have tried HD inst tools, Disc Salve 2, and Q=
uarter back Tools, but they just hang the system and I have to re-boot wi=
thout finishing the task.

Even if it is SCSI the last thing you should ever do is Low Level format =
your hard drive, and NEVER if it is
an IDE drive. You will screw it up. The Amiga will repair and validate yo=
ur harddrive(s) by itself.
Just keep clicking on 'Retry' and keep re-booting until it is done! This =
could now take some time since you
have used QB and DiskSalve in your attempts to repair it!

> Problem 3
> I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after instal=
ling it and clicking on game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO MEMORY' w=
hy is this? when I have 32 meg.
> This also happens if I boot with no start up.

-- =

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in May!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 15097

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:41:41 +0000
Hello All,

On 13-Jun-99, David Patterson wrote:

> When you type your browser asks Internic (I think it's
> Internic, could be one of their other trade names) for the corresponding
> IP and goes there. Hence the need to register your name and why browsers
> can respond that a domain does not exist almost instantly rather than
> waiting for the attempt to connect to time out, usually "the requested
> domain has no DNS reference" or similarly unhelpful.

Would this mean that typing the IP address directly is faster than typing
the worded address as the browser dosn't need to look anyting up?
UIN: 30044173

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 15098

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:01:26 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle 
Sent: 12 June 1999 20:02
Subject: [afb] Re: Time

> > clock is fine (if 12 hours slow - and setting it
> > 12hours fast doesn't help
> > either :)   <--- smiley ending brackets
> Why not just set it to the right time instead of 12
> hours slow or fast?

because it insists of being 12 hours slow for some 
weird reason. Remember, the Amiga is nearly human, you
do what it wants, not what you want :)


Message 15099

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:14:46 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 13 June 1999 12:30
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!

> >> World Of Amiga Special 1 is released today! It's our first special
> edition
> >> in celebration of the Amiga's 14th Birthday. Download it from
> >>
> >
> >Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
> >found on this server."
> Neil is having trouble uploading files to the FTP server, it wont let him
> connect - so the WOA special wont be on there for another few days :(

Yeh, thanks for that sam (my trusty co-editor :) I think the problems
have been sorted now... it should be available for download now.


Message 15100

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ Slagging off
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:19:47 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 12 June 1999 23:19
Subject: [afb] M$ Slagging off

> What is this, a `Pick on Samuel` weekend?

Indeed it is... we all get a turn at being picked
on, you should feel lucky :)


Message 15101

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 13 Jun 1999 13:6:11 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

>> > (I'm sure you made the long one up).
>> First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes :)

> So you did make it up.

Only the acronym (OK Richard, abbreviation). The phrase comes for

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The Japanese call us lazy, but at least we cook our fish!

Message 15102

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:29:13 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Moulden 
Sent: 13 June 1999 09:39
Subject: [afb] how to be rich

>PLease open attachment and order your book today

Errrrr, yeah.... and who here using an Amiga wants or can easily view a 113K
PDF file?


Message 15103

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:31:03 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 13 June 1999 10:24
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix

> I used to write film reviews for my website, but I haven't updated it in
> long...

I noticed :) Nice all the same.


Message 15104

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 04:32:23 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wesson 
To: Peter Moulden 
Sent: 13 June 1999 11:28
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich

> On 13-Jun-99, Peter Moulden wrote:
> >PLease open attachment and order your book today
> This is a sneaky plan to get everyone asking where they can get a .pdf
> from is it? :-)

No, it's a sneaky plan to get people complaining about huge attachments
being sent to the list :)


Message 15105

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: afb messages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:24:16 +0100
Hi Neil B,

> Is it just me who seems to get the following at the top of quite a few =
> messages, this appears in the message body

> To:
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> X-Mailer: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS NC 1.2 [NC2-#000007CC]
> X-SLUIDL: 3A467A99-20C111D3-B7DD0090-275149F0
> Subject: [afb] Re: Past Shows (slightly OT I suppose)
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> or something similar? btw, because of this, some of the messages which =
I get
> from afb don't have any subject.

This is from the source, I use OE5 (check the source, it tells you )
> Or is it just OE5, and will I have to live with it?

I don't have this problem :-)

    Bomber Harris=20

Message 15106

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:47:58 +0100
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 12:01:26AM +0000, Paul Cundle wrote:

> Has anyone noticed that the Excite websearcher accepts both
> and for lamers who can't spell?

Or to prevent porn merchants from cashing in... 

> Does this mean that you/your company has to pay for registering both
> and even though only one is ever
> used?

You only have to register - once you have the domain, any
hostnames within it are yours. There's something like 40,000 hostnames
under, so registering each one individually would cost a

> And what do you call those numbers that you see when you goto a URL
> like ?

That's the IP address, which should be unique unless it's one of the
internal network ranges in which case you shouldn't be able to access it
from the outside. In general there's one per machine on the internet,
although it's possible for single machines to have more than one. Each IP
address can have several different hostnames, to confuse things still

Matthew Garrett |

Message 15107

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:46:36 +0100
On 13-Jun-99, Pete Sullivan Wrote........

[=> Hi there
[=> On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:
[=>> Problem 1
[=>> How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when
[=>> an audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX
[=>> CD, Song Player, ACD Player and MCD Player)
[=> Set the correct Unit number in your player programs!

Erm, He's on about getting a Def-Icon on the WB screen and getting it to
launch a player of his choice I think you'll find.  Setting the Unit number
and stuff isn't going to do that.  Well not directly.  For instance Getting
MCDPlayer to work on a Squirrel would be done like this.....

Enter Envarc:Sys/

select the icon (I'm assuming that you have installed the
NewIcon Package)

Change the default tool to / 

ie.  SYS:Utilities/MCDPlayer/MCDPlayer.

You may need to put the arguments on the end of that

SYS:Utilities/MCDPlayer/MCDPlayer SCSI_DEV=SquirrelScsi.device SCSI_ID=1 SONGPATH=Music:CDs/

All of the above is obviously one line ;).

And that's It... I'm assuming that the unit number and stuff is set for
you're cd player(s).  If you want to use a different player then put that
in the tooltype instead.  Hope this helps

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
The people will sleep throught the screaming again - Course of Empire

Message 15108

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:00:16 +0100
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 12:41:41PM +0000, Danny Shepherd wrote:

> Would this mean that typing the IP address directly is faster than typing
> the worded address as the browser dosn't need to look anyting up?

Usually - however, under normal circumstances DNS lookups take a fairly
miniscule amount of time. Also, there's a technique called virtual hosting
which makes things rather more difficult. In this case, a single IP
address is given several hostnames which may be for completely different
domains. When you enter the hostname into your browser, it not only looks
up the IP address of the server but also sends the name of the site you

For instance, resolves to which
actually belongs to They also have several other
websites on the same server, and the only way it has of telling which one
you want is the contents of the header your browser sent them - as a
result, just giving it the IP address means you don't get the website.

And hostnames are generally easier to remember than 12 digit numbers,
which makes life generally nicer.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 15109

From: "Morgan Larsson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Unable to read mail
Date: 13 Jun 99 14:59:33 +0000
>  BTW what does (OE ?) in your reply mean?

> David


Sorry for that! It's a mailprog on The Other Platform called Outlook
Express. It doesn't generate the necessary header-info needed to
thread properly.



Message 15110

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:39:49 +0100
Hello Ben

On 12-Giu-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hello all,
> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.

I have seen it on Friday and I liked it too. Apparently they are working on
two sequels...

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15111

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:40:47 +0100

On 12-Giu-99, wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to the net and have just joined afb egroup. Would it be
> easier (cheaper) to receive all new mail into my E-mail box and read
> them off-line or to do as I am at the moment and read them all
> on-line. Any comments would be appreciated.


Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15112

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:56:42 +0100

On 13-Giu-99, wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer
> 97 (CD-ROM or disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK
> have neither of these two programs for sale.

Have you tried Digita Int. or LH Publishing?

Digita +44 1 395 270 273
LH Publishing +44 1908 370 230

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15113

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:58:37 +0100
Hello fool

On 13-Giu-99, fool wrote:

> Bother said eGroups Calendar as he realised we were talking about
> WOA Special Released! again...
>> World Of Amiga Special 1 is released today! It's our first special
>> edition in celebration of the Amiga's 14th Birthday. Download it from
> Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
> found on this server."

Try again now

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15114

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 13 Jun 99 14:03:04 +0000
Hello 4-0, on 12-Jun-99 12:02:27 you said about:
 [afb] I.S.Porkies 

>Hiya afb'ers

>I'm sure you've all seen these crap adverts fror ISP's.. AOL, Compuserv and
>with freeserve been the latest. Now in EVERY one, they claim to be the UK's
>#1 ISP. Now they can't ALL be #1, so methinks there's a bit of bullshiftin'
>going on. I wonder if I could take 'em to court over false advertising...
>Also, the only ones that say this are usually the crap ISP's... AOL, need I
>say more.

Have you also noticed how AOL have worded their adverts so if you don't
know better and don't listen to it properly, it sounds like they're

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
May you live all the days of your life.

Message 15115

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: 13 Jun 99 14:00:49 +0000
Hello Samuel Brookes, on 13-Jun-99 11:26:49 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: My bad England 

>>> No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or "possion"
>>Oh dear, I don't think you're gonna pass if you actually meant "poisson"!

>I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.

It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
is though.....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"All true wisdom is found in taglines."

Message 15116

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Tabby
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:54:18 +0100
Greetings  Primo

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Malcolm Harden wrote,among other things,about his set up.In the list
> he gave was mentioned "Tabby" as a drawing pad.Now can any one tell if
> it is still available or is there some thing just the same on the
> market.If so where can it be got from and the price.
> Many thanks.

You should be able to pick up a wacom Artpad-2 for around 50 quid. . .

Jigsaw have it advertised in the directory that was in the latest Compute=
Arts for =A339+vat

try "" ""

Miles better than the tabby, cordless pen etc...

> Primo.
> =

>       12/6/1999
> =

> =



/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 15117

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: OT: Essential Chinese
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:57:22 +0100
Hi Bomber

>Hi Alex H,


>> A while back someone asked for a dictionary of fake translations (Ben
>> I've found this Chinese one and it made me laugh.  English is on the left.
>        {snip list}
>> Sorry if this is of no interest to anyone, but it made me laugh.
>I found it amusing, Going to pass it on if it's OK with you?


>> For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.
>Just the one tag line?. Seem to have  Been looking at this one for quite a
while now!  :-)

That's exactly what I thought this morning...

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15118

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Survey results
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:09:17 +0100
Hi Chrispy

>> In the "Bill got pied" survey there are 12 people who said that they
>> know where they could find the clip. FYI it's in
>> AFCD25:-In_the_Mag-/Flantastic!
>Only one problem: AFAIK I only started getting the CD versions from AFCD28
>Any other places where we might get it? Anyone?

Try an Altavista search for "bill gates mpeg", you might even find the one where
Win98 crashed on him.
You can get the Pie Bill Gates game (Amiga and PC versions) from though I don't know if the MPEG
is there.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15119

Subject: [afb] Lightwave 3D
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:19:52 -0000

 I own Lightwave 3D v3.5 and was wondering how I could either
 upgrade to version 5 or purchase the complete package of version 5.
 I've heard that Lightwave is no longer being produced for the Amiga
 so I guess I may be stuck with v3.5, not that there's anything wrong
 with it, but v5 should in theory be better than v3.5


Message 15120

Subject: [afb] Online Mailing With Voyager
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:26:01 -0000

 I seem have a problem with Voyager when I write and sent E-Mail
 After I have written and sent the message the top part of Voyager,
 where all the icons are, is left with my message overlaid, in fact
 some of the icons vanish completely. Other than writing all my
 E-mails offline, is there a solution to this.


Message 15121

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:24:40 +0100
Hi Neil Bullock

>> > clock is fine (if 12 hours slow - and setting it
>> > 12hours fast doesn't help
>> > either :)   <--- smiley ending brackets
>> Why not just set it to the right time instead of 12
>> hours slow or fast?
>because it insists of being 12 hours slow for some
>weird reason. Remember, the Amiga is nearly human, you
>do what it wants, not what you want :)

I find computers always do what I tell them to do, but not what I want it to do.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15122

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:31:12 +0100

>> >So you're not a maths teacher then? Seriously, I though you were older
>> >than that. Shows how useless email technology is. For some reason I
>> >feel like I know you. Scary.
>> I'm not on no Netconnect mailing list either ;-)
>Don't lie, I saw you the other day :) It must be because your name
>sound like so many others.

Are you really a PC?

>> >... Got Mole problems?
>> >        Call Avogardo 6.02 x 10^23
>Purely random, I assure you. Anyway that's chemistry and physics. We
>haven't actually had a thread on either of those yet....

If we go even more OT, more people will leave the list so there will be fewer
posts to the list.  That means we can say more per person without going over the
limit.  Great!

>And before anyone says, I do know that Avogadro was spelt wrong

Yeah, that G should have been a C ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15123

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:32:09 +0100
Hi guys

>Hello Samuel Brookes, on 13-Jun-99 11:26:49 you said about:
> [afb] Re: My bad England
>>>> No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or "possion"
>>>Oh dear, I don't think you're gonna pass if you actually meant "poisson"!
>>I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.
>It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
>is though.....

Polsson  and Possion are not French words.  Poisson is fish.  I've done French,
so obviously I'm right ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15124

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 05:41:40 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Furmanski 
Sent: 13 June 1999 14:24
Subject: [afb] Re: Time

> >
> >because it insists of being 12 hours slow for some
> >weird reason. Remember, the Amiga is nearly human, you
> >do what it wants, not what you want :)
> I find computers always do what I tell them to do, but not what I want it to

Mine has a mind of it's own (well, it's getting there) but that's only
because I'm making continuously larger programs that sit in WBStartup and
let the Amiga do what it wants :) If I leave the computer for a few minutes,
then, since I have no screensaver, it just displays the workbench screen.
If someone then decides to sit down and do something with my Amiga while I'm
not there, it will tell them to bugger off, blank the screen and refuse
to let you do anything.

The trick being to press '*' when you arrive back at the computer after
leaving it alone :)


Message 15125

From: "Mark A. Dekeyser"
Subject: [afb] The Matrix
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:35:27 -0400
I recently saw 'Instinct' with Anthony Hopkins and highly recommend this film.

Mark Dekeyser

Ben Vost wrote:

> Hello all,
> If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.
> All the best,
> --
> Ben Vost    UIN: 17940138
> t/f:     +44 01225 460292
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 15126

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 05:56:25 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Vincenzo Morra 
Sent: 13 June 1999 13:58

> > Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
> > found on this server."
> Try again now

Wow, people actually talking amongst themselves about
MY diskmag. Amazing!


Message 15127

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:06:59 +0100
on 12-Jun-99, Andy Sillwood skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?: 

> On 11-Jun-99 01:43:50, Paul Cundle ( wrote:
>> Frogs can do it as well. I bet there are some fish who have changed
>> from female to male - visit Dungeness. (for those who don't know, that
>> is an incorrectly spelt place in the SE of England where there is a
>> nuclear power station by a river filled with dayglow fish).
> I live about 20 miles from there :)

Try visiting some of the places near here, about 15 miles away in the
Fens... I am sure there are PEOPLE who can do this kind of thing...:)

Ahhh... The legacy of Inbreeding lives on

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15128

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:32:25 +0100
on 12-Jun-99, skillfully scrawled something along the
subject of [afb] Help!!!!!!!!: 

> Hello my name is Bill, can any body out there help a novive Amigan? I have
> 3 problems, But first let me tell you what my set up is:-
> Amiga 1200, OS3, 1.2 gig Hard Drive, Blizzard 68030 mk4 turbo,fpu,mmu,32
> meg ram, extra external floppy, 8 speed CD rom via Squirrel, Canon bcj4200
> colour printer and a fidelity cm14 colour monitor.

Similar to mine :)

> Problem 1
> How do I get the CDDA icon to appear on the workbench screen, so when an
> audio CD is inserted it is recognised by my CD Players ( Pro REXX CD, Song
> Player, ACD Player and MCD Player)

Try installing AmiCDFS, and a deficon to go with it. Deficons is part of the
Newicons package, and it will assign an icon to files or disks that do not
have one. Both should be available on Aminet.

> Problem 2
> Recently my Hard drive failed to validate, as I would like to low level
> format it, then find the bad blocks and mark them, is there any utilities
> that can find and list the bad blocks on my drive. I have tried HD inst
> tools, Disc Salve 2, and Quarter back Tools, but they just hang the system
> and I have to re-boot without finishing the task.

DO NOT low level format an IDE drive. you run the risk of deleting all the
manufacturer info on there about the drive. Try a normal format first, or
Disksalv's repair or Validate commands.

> Problem 3
> I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after
> installing it and clicking on game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO
> MEMORY' why is this? when I have 32 meg. This also happens if I boot with
> no start up.

Sim City 2000 is a tad hungry on the chip ram too. Try freeing some up by
closing other progs, taking large pics of the WB screen, or using Fblit
(again from aminet) which will speed it up slightly too :)

> Thanks to who so ever replies. 

No problem at all :)

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15129

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:38:51 +0100
on 12-Jun-99, fool skillfully scrawled something along the subject of [afb]
Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh: 

> 99.999999% (approx :) do though.
>> most websites do however begin http://
> But you don't bother to say that part unless it is different
> from http:// do you?  Which (I think) proves my point.

U can get websites that start with http2://www.etc.
This was a redirection company offering free domains, but after looking into
it, u had to use http2:// which only Netscape supports ATM, but there are
plans (i think) to incorperate them into the latest batch of miggy

I registered all of mine though :)

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15130

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Survey results
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:13:33 +0100
on 13-Jun-99, Chris Pratt skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Survey results: 

>> know where they could find the clip. FYI it's in
>> AFCD25:-In_the_Mag-/Flantastic!
> Only one problem: AFAIK I only started getting the CD versions from AFCD28
> :-(
> Any other places where we might get it? Anyone?

Try It has a Humourous video section that includes
everyones favourite billionairegetting a pie in the face :))

Thanks for your time... 

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15131

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Tabby
Date: 13 Jun 99 14:39:40 +0000
Hello Primo Busancano, on 12-Jun-99 17:51:57 you said about: 
 [afb] Tabby 

>Malcolm Harden wrote,among other things,about his set up.In the list
>he gave was mentioned "Tabby" as a drawing pad.Now can any one tell if
>it is still available or is there some thing just the same on the
>market.If so where can it be got from and the price.
>Many thanks.

Haage & Partner ( sell two (i think)
different graphics tablets. Blittersoft are their UK distributors and
may sale them in this country, if not you can order from the H&P

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Honesty is the best policy. Dishonesty is the second best policy.

Message 15132

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 13 Jun 99 14:49:49 +0000
Hello j.hart, on 12-Jun-99 23:02:07 you said about:
 [afb] Word Processor packages 


>Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97
>(CD-ROM or  disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have
>neither of  these two programs for sale.

>Do either of the programs have up to date support web pages?

Final Writer is, to the best of my knowledge, not available ATM.
Wordworth 7 is - I recently bought it from WeirdScience

WordWorth is by Digita -
FinalWriter is now "owned" by SoftPartners,,
although they're supposed to be re-releasing Final Office, etc. the web
site hasn't been updated for ages....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Bother," said Pooh, as his mistress' husband came home.

Message 15133

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon ( OT )
Date: 13 Jun 99 15:04:32 +0000
Hello Stephen Mowbray, on 13-Jun-99 08:22:18 you said about:
 [afb] 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon ( OT ) 

[big snip]

>Hope you can help or know of a web site that can. 

Internet Movie Database? IIRC, the URL is


 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Windows Multitasking - screwing up several things at once

Message 15134

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:20:38 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Furmanski 
To: AF Bulletin 
Date: 13 June 1999 14:30
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England

>Hi guys
>>Hello Samuel Brookes, on 13-Jun-99 11:26:49 you said about:
>> [afb] Re: My bad England
>>>>> No. Most of the answers in my French exam were either ":)" or
>>>>Oh dear, I don't think you're gonna pass if you actually meant
>>>I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.
>>It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
>>is though.....
>Polsson  and Possion are not French words.  Poisson is fish.  I've done
>so obviously I'm right ;-)

Shit...I spelt it "Possion" DOH! well i had failed it either way :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15135

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: 13 Jun 99 16:01:32 +0000
Hiya Ralph, you wrote......

> Hello Richard
> On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:
> snip-->
> >> From Monday morning when the cheap weekend phone rates ends I'm
> > unsubscribing from [afb]. I really can't be bothered to wade through the
> > vast amount of junk to find the interesting stuff. If you think I'm a
> > whinging moaning whatever fine, that's your opinion and I'm not offended.
> > It takes a lot more than that to offend me.
> > 
> > If anyone wants to contact me with comments, help or suggestions for
> > Magnum Opus feel free to get in touch with me privatly. But don't bother
> > sending reply's to this mail in private, they'll be binned.
> I to will be unsubing till I here of an inprovement
> Ralph
I totally agree....I'm thinking of doing the same.

It seems to be the same handful of individuals that continually post
crap to this forum and nothing is being done about it.



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 15136

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: 13 Jun 99 15:52:35 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 13-Jun-99 13:32:09 you said about:
 [afb] Re: My bad England 


>>>I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.
>>It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
>>is though.....

>Polsson  and Possion are not French words.  Poisson is fish.  I've done
>French, so obviously I'm right ;-)

Um, Alex, look again....

That's a capital "i" in PoIsson and not an "l" (i=I, l=L, see?), the
"i"s were capitalised to point out the difference....

I've also done French and remember enough to know that much.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"You summoned me, Captain?!" said Earl Grey, hotly.

Message 15137

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] New ML - afb-ot....
Date: 13 Jun 99 16:23:16 +0000
Hi all,

I hope Ben doesn't mind (please feel free to slap me round the face with
a wet kipper the next time you see me ;), but due to the moaning about
all of the off topic discussions that have been going on around here, I
have set up an "afb-Off Topic" mailing list.

If you want to have a way, way off topic discussion, or a craving for an
absolutely silly poll, this is the place to do it :)

Anyway, if you wish to join, pop along to

There is only myself there at the moment and I'm feeling a bit lonely
all on my own... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Grab them by the balls; their hearts and minds will follow.

Message 15138

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] UKOnlines bin directory
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:09:59 +0100
Hi all,

I am currently using UKOnline as a backup for my U-net connection. I
wondered if i had any web space, so i logged in and i did. of course, there
was nothing in my webspace, apart from a directory called "bin". I was
wondering if this is a CGI bin?? also, what sort of things can i run from a
CGI bin? am i limited to things like forms etc, or can i run complex things
aswell, like u can do with a shell account??

BTW, my web site will be mirrored there from today onwards
And mabye, if i have access to CGI apps, i will transfer the development to
ukonline's webspace, and use my U-net as a mirror.

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15139

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: Will Amigactive "make it"
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:38:11 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

1. Other...			1
2. It may not survive for long			3
3. It'll do OK			3
4. It'll survive, but will only have a small circulation (for an Amiga mag.)			4
5. Just wait and see what happens...			4
6. It'll do well			5
7. It'll do better once the new Amigas are released			11

See the results at

Message 15140

From: Nigel Bent
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:39:13 +0000
Hello Bill

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello my name is Bill, can any body out there help a novive Amigan? I
> have 3 problems, But first let me tell you what my set up is:-

I see other people have offered solutions for your problems 1 & 2.  Aren't
we a friendly and helpful bunch :)  And so very talkative too......;-)

> Problem 3
> I have recently purchased Simm City 2000 (Second hand) and after
> installing it and clicking on game icon I get the requester 'PANIC NO
> MEMORY' why is this? when I have 32 meg. This also happens if I boot
> with no start up.

I remember I had problems with SimCity2000 when I first got it for my 1200
3.0.  The version initially supplied did not work with some Amigas and I
had to sent it back to Maxis to get a bugfixed version.  Did the person
you bought it from ever get it working on his/her machine?

FWIW, the file dates on my floppies are sc1- 28 Jan 95, sc2 - 27 Oct 94
and sc3 - 28 Jan 95.  You will need to do Window/show/all files to see
these on the floppies as they have no icons.  If I type in "version
SimCity2000" in the shell, it returns 0.037 (after HD installation)

I very much doubt that Maxis will still offer support for this game or the
Amiga but you could try  If this fails mail me
privately and we'll see what we can do.
> Thanks to who so ever replies. 

A pleasure.  Hope you get it working. 

Nigel Bent

Powered by Amiga

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 15141

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:18:22 -0000
> >BV Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> Just arrived, 12/06/99 . the interview with Jim Collas and comments regarding
> the future were welcome and certainly give us hope, thank you and everyone on
> the team.

So you got it four days after it was on sale here. Not bad either. I'm
certainly pleased that it means that the news isn't so woefully out of date for
subscribers halfway around the world as it can be when you have to buy it from
the shops. Could you do me the same favour as I asked Mark from Canada (didn't
want to misspell your last name Mark)? Can you let me know when that issue is
actually available for sale in NZ? Also, if you thought that interview was
enlightening, wait for the next issue, where a) we'll have the design sketches
for the new machines, and b) there's another interview with the Amiga guys...


Message 15142

Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:25:46 -0000
> PLease open attachment and order your book today

Please everyone else ignore this spam.


Message 15143

Subject: [afb] Re: 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon ( OT )
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:30:20 -0000
> Anyway, to help you the other actors in the film were Cynthia Hawkins,
> Richard Bohringer, Thuy An Luu, Jacques Fabri, Gerard Damon, Dominique
> Pinon, Anny Rommand, Roland Bertin and Chantal Deruaz. 

Well, Dominique Pinon was in Delicatessen and City of Lost Children, not so
obvious, but Richard Bohringer was in Subway, which also had Isabelle Adjani,
Jean Reno and Christophe Lambert, so it should be pretty easy to find a
connection there...


Message 15144

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:35:46 +0100
> > > Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
> > > found on this server."
> >=20
> > Try again now
> >=20
> Wow, people actually talking amongst themselves about
> MY diskmag. Amazing!

No probs here - downloaded and having as read

    Bomber Harris

Message 15145

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] punctuation was 100 mail limit
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:03:51 +0100
Hi Ben,


> I disagree. The only thing stupid is *not* asking a question you don't =
know the
> answer to, and this applies here just as anywhere else on the net. =
> rather than close off your bracket immediately, you could try doing it =
the way
> I do, like so: (This is a silly comment :)

(Ok Ben I submit :-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 15146

Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:40:59 -0000
> > If you haven't already seen it, spend some money on going to the cinema to
> > see The Matrix. It's great, I give it 4/5.
> I have seen it on Friday and I liked it too. Apparently they are working on
> two sequels...

Unfortunately they also said that those sequels wouldn't be films, but their
first medium which is comics...


Message 15147

Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave 3D
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:43:58 -0000
>  I own Lightwave 3D v3.5 and was wondering how I could either
>  upgrade to version 5 or purchase the complete package of version 5.
>  I've heard that Lightwave is no longer being produced for the Amiga
>  so I guess I may be stuck with v3.5, not that there's anything wrong
>  with it, but v5 should in theory be better than v3.5

It is better, but not good enough. You can upgrade by talking to the company in
London that distributes Lightwave for all platforms amgfx (sorry, I haven't got
a phone number handy), or even try going direct to Newtek since you're online.


Message 15148

Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:47:36 -0000
> Polsson  and Possion are not French words.  Poisson is fish.  I've done French,
> so obviously I'm right ;-)

If you look more closely at what Andy wrote I think you'll find he did write
poisson, and you're right, possion doesn't exist in French, the nearest word I
can think of would be postillon which means sputter.


Message 15149

Subject: [afb] Re: 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon ( OT )
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:53:29 -0000
> Well, Dominique Pinon was in Delicatessen and City of Lost Children, not so
> obvious, but Richard Bohringer was in Subway, which also had Isabelle Adjani,
> Jean Reno and Christophe Lambert, so it should be pretty easy to find a
> connection there...

And my girlfriend has just sorted the solution for you if you need it, but it
starts with Christophe Lambert - moves onto (arguably) his most famous movie
and goes on from there...


Message 15150

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:51:43 +0000
Hi Andy,

> I expect they'd be adverse to you uploading anything slightly suspect. Eg.
> Porn, "Ballistic missile construction for beginners" and stuff.

Aw, damn. And I wanted to build a missle to shoot the cat out of my
neighbour's tree too. :-)  

It's been up there for days and its whining's getting to me now...

I'll just swallow my pride and buy an amateur rocket kit then. :(

And no, I won't coax it down, I want to blow the hell out of it.  I want to
see what that would look like ;P

Of course, if anyone knows of a film I can see this in you have a couple of
hours to reply if you want to save a cat. ;)

All the best...


Message 15151

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: OT Watch Hand (was Calling Mr. Vost)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:59:58 +0000
Hi Alex,

Strange thread this :)
> No I'm not, but I noticed you wear your watch on your right arm like I do.
> People always laugh at me for doing it and I thought I was the only person
> who does. My mind is at rest now.

I'm right handed and wear my watch on my right arm too.  I always have, I
can even remember getting my first watch (a Star Wars one that played a
really cool tune :) ) and putting it straight onto my right arm.  It always
felt like that's where it should be, it just feels more natural to me.  My
brother's the same.

I found it very strange that right-handed people wore their watch on their
left arm and I'm fairly inquisitive so I was always looking out for people
who wore it on their right arm (and still always notice which arm they wear
it on, I even did it today as I was walking to the pub :) ) wondering why
they went against "the flow" too.  A few years ago I decided that it didn't
mean anything, there are a lot more people wearing it on their right than I
first thought.

You're not alone at all. :)

Sorry for being off-topic :)

All the best...


Message 15152

Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:18:59 -0000
> on how to make AI better or more
> inteligent via programming trick ect.
> E-Mail me personly so we dont clog up the lists

But this is surely a valid subject for the list. Many people will want
to contribute information,.....wont they? 
I'm interested.

[HomeMade Software]

Message 15153

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 13 Jun 99 18:30:21 +0200
Robert Simmonds ( wrote:
> on 12-Jun-99, fool skillfully scrawled something along the subject of [afb]
> Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh: 
> > 99.999999% (approx :) do though.
> > 
> >> most websites do however begin http://
> > 
> > But you don't bother to say that part unless it is different
> > from http:// do you?  Which (I think) proves my point.
> U can get websites that start with http2://www.etc.
> This was a redirection company offering free domains, but after looking into
> it, u had to use http2:// which only Netscape supports ATM, but there are
> plans (i think) to incorperate them into the latest batch of miggy
> browsers.

Nope, you don't use http2:// but   http2/mysite.whatever

The way this works is that most browsers see the http2/ bit and substitute
it with - they just create a drawer under there for
whatever you want your site to be called and redirect it to your real page.

There is AFAIK no real http2: protocol. And if there was, why would they
rename it - I thought you'd just have a  tag at the top of the page
and the browser could act accordingly .... or am I confusing matters?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15154

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: 13 Jun 99 17:19:37 +0100
[ My *PPC* & *CVPPC* Amiga made me reply:|
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:44:37 +0100

[afb] Re: Digitiser

> Greetings  Gerald
> On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:
> > Hi Daniel,
> >=20
> >> If you don't like it, don't read it=2E Personalyl, the only computer I
> >> have is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga jokes=2E Why
> >> can't anyone else?
> >=20
> > Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no sense of humou=
> > or humility :)

So my Degree in Aerospace Engineering makes me brain dead and the 33K
I earn a year makes me moronic=2E And if you look at my website you`ll
see I have a sense of humour and one thing you don`t have:-

640K should be enough=2EBill Gates, 1981
720K floppies will be fine=2ESome pratt at PC HQ=2E
Yeah, if it's a fancy waste of time,stick it in=2EWho cares if they don't h=
ave enough memory?PC programmers
It won't be out of date in three months=2E  Will it?
You should have bought an Amiga
PC'S are=A0evil=2E=2E=2E
It compiled, first screen came up?? Ship it!Bill Gates
Caught myself etching Gatesinto a =2E357 shell casing
Windows: The Gates of hell
Linux: Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates
B=2EGates:quality software =3D R=2EMcDonald:gourmet cuisine
Sure, everybody likes Windows! Bill Gates said so!
If you can't make it good,make it LOOK good!Bill Gates
Dogs crawl under gates,software under Windows
Star Trek 95: The Wrath Of Gates
Yo momma so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Bill Gates of Borg:Patents are irrelevant; copyrights also=2E=2E=2E
If at first you don't succeed,you must be using Windows
Windows: the world's first commercially successful virus!
Bugs come in through open WINDOWS
Windows is fast, PKZIP is good,and hell has frozen over
The Windows Energizer Bunny:It's STILL loading!  And loading=2E=2E=2E
Win95: 95=3DThe number of(seconds/minutes/hours)it takes to load=2E=2E=2E
Windows: Yesterday's software=2E=2E=2E TODAY!
Windows IS NOT a virus=2EViruses actually DO something!
Windows isn't crippleware,it's Functionally Challenged
If all else fails,you must STILLLL be using Windows
Anyone that willingly runs Windows DESERVES what they get
Air conditioned environment Do not open Windows
I'm not asleep=2EI'm just waiting for Windows to load
WINDOWS: What you throw your PC out of
Running Windows is no better than washing them
Oh, No=2E=2E=2E!  My PC caught Windows!
Difference between Windows & a virus? A virus is free
At least viruses admit to it! Does windows?
Windows: A way to keep users buying more memory and hard drives!
Damn the Prime Directive,give the Borgs Windows 3=2E1 Worf
I am Windows of Borg=2ESpeed is irrelevant, reliability is futile!
Windows Error #3214:Operator out of patience!
Windows 2000, now with crash on demand!
Win95: 95=3DThe number of seconds they bug tested it for
Win95 =3D Amiga 85
Running Windows? No way, who the F**K do you think I am?
ERROR #0132:Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance?
This PC is air conditioned:Don't open WINDOWS!!!
Windows: if at first you don't succeed, create a 95 version
If speed kills,then Windows users may live forever
WIN95 Boot message:Windows loading=2E=2E=2Ecome back tomorrow=2E=2E=2E
Biggest ever contradiction: MicroSoft Works!
The problem with Windows, is they break!
If speed scares you, use Micro$oft Windows!
If Windows could talk:Hold on=2E=2E=2E Don't rush me=2E=2E=2E
Here Borgy!  Here Borgy!Nice Borgy!  Want some Windows?
Windows: The banana peel of the electronic age
God said, Let there be crap=2E=2E=2EAnd Windows appeared!
Windows: All form and no substance
Windows'95 will be released when 3=2E11 finishes loading
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Me neither!
Malcolm Harnden PPC User=2E
G4 order placed With Phase5=2E=20
Visit My WebSite at:-
Email me at:-

Message 15155

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:44:30 +0000
Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about
WOA Special Released! again...

>>>> Just tried to download it.  "Requested document not
>>>> found on this server."
>>> Try again now

Hmm, I seem to have missed that post.  Come to think
of it, afb's been quiet all afternoon - I think egroups
have been playing silly buggers again.
>> Wow, people actually talking amongst themselves about
>> MY diskmag. Amazing!

And this post too.

> No probs here - downloaded and having as read

Got it now.  Not too keen on "WOAview" and you could
do with a spellchecker but it's not bad.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15156

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: PDF (was: how to be rich)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:05:38 +0100
>   And doesn't it seem a little strange that suddenly as soon as a PDF
> viewer appears on Aminet then this comes along? Coincidence? I dont think
> so!

There's a new PDF viewer available? What's it called, and is it better than
the terrible Unix ports? I always get "gzip" errors when trying to view
PDFs with xPDF or Ghostcsript.


Message 15157

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:11:01 +0100
Hi Malcolm,

>> Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no sense of humour
>> or humility :)
> So my Degree in Aerospace Engineering makes me brain dead and the 33K
> I earn a year makes me moronic. And if you look at my website you`ll
> see I have a sense of humour and one thing you don`t have:-

I think your reply to my mail illustrates my point fairly well :/


Message 15158

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 13 Jun 99 07:28:47 +0000
Hi Paul Cundle, re your comments on [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh.

> Has anyone noticed that the Excite websearcher accepts both
> and for lamers who can't spell?

And tell us paul, how did you find this out? You're not a lamer that
can't spell are you ;)

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 15159

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 13 Jun 99 07:08:50 +0000
Hi Phil Stephens, re your comments on [afb] Re: Word Processor packages.

James asked about FW and WW.

> I don't think you'll find that Final Writer 97 is being developed
> anymore, but you should be able to get hold of Wordsworth, I'm sure
> this is still be continued ??

You're right, FW is now discontinued, but this doesn't mean there are
no copies out there. American English version is still avaliable from
Softpartners and the speller files *used* to be
for sale seperately. Email them from the site and see what they say.

I think there are still 2 distinct camps here. I really don't like
using WW and think FW is a much better product, but I know many of you
will disagree.

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 15160

Subject: [afb] Final Writer
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:31:05 -0000
I have graduated from Final Copy to Final Writer 97. I really like
FW. In some ways it's better than M$ Word.. 
The ability to instantly change a line of text into a graphic text
block then rotate or scale or move it around the page is very useful.
I used FW during a recent HNC course and my kids have used it for
their homework. I use it for simple desk top publishing, video/audio
tape inserts, greetings cards. I also tried Wordworth (can't remember
which version). At that stage I found WW a bit 'kiddyish', not so
professional as FW.It may have 'grown up' since then.

I also have a PC version of FW. It is a very fresh simple package,
which makes a change from the normal Microstuff I have to use at
work.It doesn't have all of the features of the Amiga version though.

[HomeMade Software]

Message 15161

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:02:51 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: fool 
Sent: 13 June 1999 19:44
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!

> Got it now.  Not too keen on "WOAview" and you could
> do with a spellchecker but it's not bad.

Ok, this is the last thing I'll answer in this egroup. 
WOAView was a rush bugfix of an original version when
various people who work on the mag said there was a bug
that made it not work. As for spellchecking, I was too
busy trying to make an article at all legible... at which
my attempts failed and the article was removed.

Want more on this, join the immenseley quiet WOA-DM
egroup at


Message 15162

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:05:04 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Neil Bullock 
Sent: 12 June 1999 11:02
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!

> Ok, this is the last thing I'll answer in this egroup. 

Oops, I meant about this particular subject, incase
you were wondering... sorry for the extra mail people.


Message 15163

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:50:35 +0000
Hi Ben,

>> You should come over and visit Ireland sometime. Really, we don't ALL
>> speak like Darby O'Gill :)
> Sure, and youse started it, with yer "big man" bit... :) Anyway, enough
> now.

Hey!  You even got "youse" exactly right!  Very impressive Ben! :)

> Cead mille Failte (sorry if it's misspelt).

Close enough.  A very hearty "Cead Mile Failte" to you too. :-)

All the best...


Message 15164

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: &
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:51:48 +0000
Hi Neil,

>> How did I know that you'd comment on this Neil? ;)
> I can't imagine :)


Thanks for your input.

>> I'll send out a press release when I've got a system in place.
> I'll look forward to it :)

Okay, give me a day or three on this (not long now anyway :) ).

All the best...


Message 15165

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:57:46 +0000
Hi Anthony,

> Welcome aboard.

Thanks :)
>> Anyhoo, I've found out how wrong I was, this list seems lively indeed. :)
> I'll give you a week before you start moaning about off topic posts ;)

Recently I've been getting over 600 mails a day altogether from the 12 lists
I'm on.  Or *was* on, it has gotten a bit much, I don't have the time to
cope with that many emails so I've unsubbed from 4 today and will unsub
from most of the rest fairly soon.

Basically... I'm obviously not one to argue much about OT posts :)

The ability to read the list on the egroups site is very handy, I'll
transfer to this method of doing things just as soon as I get through the
backlog of mail from this list that has been incurred as a result of a
short stint away.  Only 657 to go... :)

All the best...


Message 15166

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Online Mailing With Voyager
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:56:22 -0700 (PDT)

>  I seem have a problem with Voyager when I write and
> sent E-Mail
>  online.
>  After I have written and sent the message the top
> part of Voyager,
>  where all the icons are, is left with my message
> overlaid, in fact
>  some of the icons vanish completely. Other than
> writing all my
>  E-mails offline, is there a solution to this.

I used to have similar problems, but I updated the MUI
MCC's used by V (cant remember which one, and i'm on
the PC atm... sorry), and it fixed it.

Message 15167

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:21:30 +0100
Hi Andy Mills

>>>>I meant fish :) At least I *think* Possion is fish.
>>>It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
>>>is though.....
>>Polsson  and Possion are not French words.  Poisson is fish.  I've done
>>French, so obviously I'm right ;-)
>Um, Alex, look again....
>That's a capital "i" in PoIsson and not an "l" (i=I, l=L, see?), the
>"i"s were capitalised to point out the difference....

Damn this font.  l=I here!

>I've also done French and remember enough to know that much.

And I know enough to know when I look stupid.  Curse you God for making me this

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15168

Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:25:31 -0000
> But this is surely a valid subject for the list. Many people will want
> to contribute information,.....wont they? 
> I'm interested.

Fine - Everyone: if you have interesting info (i have allready found out some stuff thanks to some people on other lists though) on AI, then please post it to the list.

So if you dont`t like the idea of posting Ai on the AFB - don`t flame me!

Samuel Brookes - Trogladite Software

Message 15169

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:24:27 +0100
Hi Conor Kerr

>> I expect they'd be adverse to you uploading anything slightly suspect. Eg.
>> Porn, "Ballistic missile construction for beginners" and stuff.
>Aw, damn. And I wanted to build a missle to shoot the cat out of my
>neighbour's tree too. :-)
>It's been up there for days and its whining's getting to me now...
>I'll just swallow my pride and buy an amateur rocket kit then. :(
>And no, I won't coax it down, I want to blow the hell out of it.  I want to
>see what that would look like ;P

Cats have this incredible ability to find the most awkward, out-of-the-way,
remote places you could think of and then getting stuck there.  Almost every
week on Animal Hospital there's a cat stuck on a roof, in a wall or up a tree.
Children have the same inane sort of ability.  They seem to be able to lodge any
foreign boy in any orifice - similarly there's usually one kid on Children's
Hospital with something stuck in some inaccessible place.
One day a doctor's going to have to perform surgery on a kid who got a cat stuck
up his nose.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Come join AFB - the most on-topic list ever!

Message 15170

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:31:32 -0700 (PDT)
> >> First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes

Aha.. the complaints division of the sirious
cybernetics corp, iirc. And they were a "bunch of
mindless jerks" too :)

(Go stick your head in a pig :)

Message 15171

From: "Jens Strange Hansen"
Subject: [afb] Re: Final Writer
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:26:35 +0200
On 13-Jun-99 20:31:05, neil.ives wrote:
>I have graduated from Final Copy to Final Writer 97. I really like
>FW. In some ways it's better than M$ Word.. 

That doesn't really say a lot now does it?

Jens Strange Hansen

Message 15172

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:37:57 +0100

>> >> First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes
>Aha.. the complaints division of the sirious
>cybernetics corp, iirc. And they were a "bunch of
>mindless jerks" too :)
>(Go stick your head in a pig :)

Now there's a frood who really knows where his towel is !


Message 15173

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:40:59 +0100

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> On 13-Jun-99, Peter Moulden wrote:
>>> PLease open attachment and order your book today
>> This is a sneaky plan to get everyone asking where they can get a .pdf
>> viewer from is it? :-)

Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to the
originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want to stop this
sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+ copies of this unrequested
file to us, I'm sure they wouldn't like getting 600+ copies in return...

Perhaps they'll get the message when the find they suddenly have 60 MB of
returned mail in their account... ;-)


Frost, killer of Spam distributors...
Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 15174

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:43:58 +0100
On 13-Jun-99, Gerald Mellor Wrote........

[=>> So my Degree in Aerospace Engineering makes me brain dead and the 33K
[=>> I earn a year makes me moronic. And if you look at my website you`ll
[=>> see I have a sense of humour and one thing you don`t have:-
[=> I think your reply to my mail illustrates my point fairly well :/

Hmmmmm, Two more people with PMT methinks ;).
*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
I'm totally unprepared for everyday life.

Message 15175

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:05:55 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ferenczy 
Sent: 13 June 1999 17:40
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich

> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to the
> originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want to stop this
> sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+ copies of this unrequested
> file to us, I'm sure they wouldn't like getting 600+ copies in return...
> Perhaps they'll get the message when the find they suddenly have 60 MB of
> returned mail in their account... ;-)
> Regards,

Good idea. Why didn't I think of that. I've sent him my copy :)


Message 15176

Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:59:18 -0000
My only successful attempt at an AI was for a game of Othello
(Reversi) that I wrote (using a language called A**S).I prioritised
zones of the board, making the AI choose the best available squares.
It was quite interesting to discover by writing the game that I did'nt
understand the tactics myself at first. Most players try to get a
maximum score everytime and this is what I did with the AI to begin
with, it always looked around the board and chose the highest score
line. I did a bit of research and discovered that a good tactic in
Othello is to try and get low scores and avoid long lines of your own
colour during the early part of the game. What I did was, I made the
game count the turns and until about halfway through the possible
number of goes the computer chooses the lowest scoring position, after
the halfway point it switches to making the biggest scores. This is
quite a convincing AI and even after many matches it still beats me
sometimes. I'm quite proud of it. I'm sure that an experienced Othello
'Master' would kick its ass though. Still, the game was written for my
own experience, not to be a World beater.
BTW. If anyone is interested, my game of Othello is on CUCD24
(I think.....well, I know actually!) in Readers games.

[HomeMade Software]

Message 15177

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: 13 Jun 99 21:53:53 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Nigel Bent wrote on Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:39:13 +0000 about [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!

Hi Nigel Bent

> I remember I had problems with SimCity2000 when I first got it for my 1200
> 3.0.  The version initially supplied did not work with some Amigas and I
> had to sent it back to Maxis to get a bugfixed version.  Did the person
> you bought it from ever get it working on his/her machine?

This might expain the problem I'm having with the game, as I had it
running for ages on my old machine, but have been unsucessful in
getting it running on either my A4k or my new A1200 :(

> I very much doubt that Maxis will still offer support for this game or the
> Amiga but you could try  If this fails mail me
> privately and we'll see what we can do.

I'll have to see also, otherwise I might give you a shout, what sort
of probems did you have with the game ?? 

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15178

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 13 Jun 99 21:56:15 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Anthony Prime wrote on 13 Jun 99 07:08:50 +0000 about [afb] Re: Word Processor packages

Hi Anthony Prime

> I think there are still 2 distinct camps here. I really don't like
> using WW and think FW is a much better product, but I know many of you
> will disagree.

I'd agree with you sort of, having been using FW97 since it came out,
I loved it, haven't really given WW a go though to be fair, but I
don't even use FW97 anymore as I now have Pagestream3 :)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15179

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:13:09 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Stephens 
Sent: 13 June 1999 22:56
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages

> In PRIV.Amiga Format Anthony Prime wrote on 13 Jun 99 07:08:50 +0000 about
[afb] Re: Word Processor packages
> Hi Anthony Prime
> > I think there are still 2 distinct camps here. I really don't like
> > using WW and think FW is a much better product, but I know many of you
> > will disagree.
> I'd agree with you sort of, having been using FW97 since it came out,
> I loved it, haven't really given WW a go though to be fair, but I
> don't even use FW97 anymore as I now have Pagestream3 :)

I don't use word processors/DTP packages full stop (except at college).
I get by with with trust copy of Blacks Editor at home :)


Message 15180

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:12:25 +0200
Neil Bullock ( wrote:
> From: Ferenczy 

neil, do you REALLY have to quote all of the headers too??

> > Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to the
> > originator with a terse note


> Good idea. Why didn't I think of that. I've sent him my copy :)

What if said "poster" was actually the victim of someone hacking his
account? Or just pretending to be him? You might end up spamming someone
who is innocent of this crime, which will not only give you a bad name, but
your conscience will plague you for eternity! Muhahahahaha!!  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15181

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:20:25 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kevin Fairhurst 
Sent: 13 June 1999 21:12
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich

> What if said "poster" was actually the victim of someone hacking his
> account? Or just pretending to be him? You might end up spamming someone
> who is innocent of this crime, which will not only give you a bad name, but
> your conscience will plague you for eternity! Muhahahahaha!!  ;-)

What's your point? :)


Message 15182

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: 12 Jun 99 10:46:02 +0500
Vost wrote:

>[...] As I've said in the next issue of AF, since
>Amiga plan to enter lots of different markets with this new machine, Amiga
>Format will probably soon have sister mags again, devoted to particular
>areas of the Amiga.

Any chance of seeing Amiga Shopper and Power again if the Amiga NG launch
goes well? I think seeing those mags on the shelves again (maybe with a
slightly updated image, design etc., or maybe not) could make a lot of old 
Amigans who've gone into Windows land come back. After all, most of those
who left are still quite enthusiastic about the Amiga as an OS, computer 
and a community, it's just that they were tired of not being able to run
mainstream software and buy popular hardware at their local PC-store. And
some probably got jobs in the PC industry as well, and had to switch 

Even Sandvik Underlid,

Message 15183

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:11:47 +0100
>Now there's a frood who really knows where his towel is !

On that note, does anyone know were I can get a copy of the HHGTTG game for
the Amiga? The only version I've got is for the PC, and having to emulate
probably means I'll never finish.

Remember, share and enjoy :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15184

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:21:41 +0200
Neil Bullock ( wrote:

> > What if said "poster" was actually the victim of someone hacking his
> > account? Or just pretending to be him? You might end up spamming someone
> > who is innocent of this crime, which will not only give you a bad name, but
> > your conscience will plague you for eternity! Muhahahahaha!!  ;-)
> What's your point? :)

No it wasn't me, but I know someone who was "faked" in this way. He got
megs of crap sent to his account, which filled up pretty damn quick. He was
lucky he only had a 4 meg mailbox on his account ....


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15185

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:52:12 +0200
Hello Frost,

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to
> the originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want to
> stop this sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+ copies of
> this unrequested file to us, I'm sure they wouldn't like getting 600+
> copies in return...

Don't you think that's pretty senseless? I mean you downloaded 150 kb,
and now you're sending them again. That's just a complete waste of
bandwidth. And you don't honestly think he will download the whole mail?
He will simply delete it on his server, that is if this is his real
email account. Isn't hotmail like yahoo mail, where you do not
necessarily need to download your mail because it is one of those
internet email services?
> Perhaps they'll get the message when the find they suddenly have 60 MB
> of returned mail in their account... ;-)

Oh, and he's got your private email address now, maybe he'll send you
your copy of the book for free via mail  :-)

> Frost, killer of Spam distributors...

Oliver Esberger -

Message 15186

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:59:21 -0700 (PDT)
> Remember, share and enjoy :)

Of course, nobody knows why it does this, because it
inevitably delivers a drink which is almost, but not
entirely, unlike tea :)

Message 15187

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: PDF (was: how to be rich)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:01:57 +0000
Hi Everybody,
>>  And doesn't it seem a little strange that suddenly as soon as a PDF
>> viewer appears on Aminet then this comes along? Coincidence? I dont think
>> so!
> There's a new PDF viewer available? What's it called, and is it better
> than the terrible Unix ports? I always get "gzip" errors when trying to
> view PDFs with xPDF or Ghostcsript.

   APDF, it's just on todays Aminet recent list. Worked fine. (I've never
tried any other ones, I only downloaded it because of that stupid piece of
junk email that appered on the list ;)

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets in our solar
system combined.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15188

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:10:36 +0100
Hello Alex, on 13-Jun-99 you inspired me to dust off my keyboard by writi=
ng this:

> They seem to be able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice -

Hehehe :) I really hope you missed the "d" out of that on purpose. That's=

the funniest thing I've seen all day (admittedly I'm a very sad person :o=
) =


See ya later
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 15189

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: subscription problems
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:32:02 +0100
Hello Tim, on 13-Jun-99 you inspired me to question your intelligence by =
writing this elegantly worded complaint:

> My ISPs are accepting mail quite properly, and have been doing so in al=
> the time that I have been using them.

Which I assume you phoned them to confirm before you wrote the original
message? I also had a "Bouncing messages" warning from egroups the other
day, when I phoned my ISP to find out if they had any ideas it turned out=

their mail server had been out of action for two periods of not more than=

five minutes each during the time that egroups were complaining about. It=

must have just been bad luck that messages got sent at the exact time the=

server was out of action.

> Your system is fucking up big time, and screwing me around.  Fix up
> your damn useless system, and stop pissing me about!  =

Unfortunately I'm not sure that is really going to tell them enough about=

the actual problem for them to fix it. It's also rather immature.

> If you do not properly respond to my complaint this time, I shall be
> sending back to you, every one of the original FIVE HUNDRED
> registration messages I was sent from your web page, individually,
> every day until you get it right.

Yeah, because egroups will be really annoyed by high volumes of incoming =
mail won't they  Surely this isn't going to cost anyone but you=

See ya later, when you regain some rationality,
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more
'user-friendly'.... Their best approach, so far, has been to take all
the old brochures, and stamp the words, 'user-friendly' on the cover.
-- Bill Gates (There's a distinct irony to that really.)

Message 15190

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Trying to install from ADCD41
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:42:18 +0100
Hello Clive, on 13-Jun-99 you inspired me to dust off my keyboard by writ=
ing this:

> I am trying to install visage from this months AFCD.
> Using the install icon it fails saying it cannot find the script

That's because the icon points to a file that does not exist. Change the
tooltype "SCRIPT=3DInstall Visage" to "SCRIPT=3DInstall_Visage" then it w=

> I've tried to use the shell method but that fails saying it is not an
> installer file

Sounds more complicated than my way :o)

> Could someone please help?

Well, it works here after the above change.

See ya later,
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
"Ouch!" said Tigger upon deciding that anal sex was not for him

Message 15191

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser (Not quite on topic anymore IMHO)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:05:18 +0100
Hello Gerald, on 13-Jun-99 you inspired me to dust off my keyboard by wri=
ting this:

>> So my Degree in Aerospace Engineering makes me brain dead and the 33K
>> I earn a year makes me moronic. And if you look at my website you`ll
>> see I have a sense of humour and one thing you don`t have:-
> =

> I think your reply to my mail illustrates my point fairly well :/

Hehehe. Perfect. The reply displays a degree of wit, the first part displ=
everything that the previous post was saying. Nice one Bauglir :o)

See ya later,
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant: first, get a huge
block of marble; then you chip away everything that doesn't look
like an elephant.

Message 15192

From: "David Baker"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:58:15 +0000
>>Aw damn. And I wanted to build a missle to shoot the cat out of my
>> neighbour's tree too. :-)  
>> It's been up there for days and its whining's getting to me now...
>> I'll just swallow my pride and buy an amateur rocket kit then. :(
>> And no, I won't coax it down, I want to blow the hell out of it.  I
>>want to see what that would look like ;P
>> Of course, if anyone knows of a film I can see this in you have a
>>couple of hours to reply if you want to save a cat. ;)
>> All the best...
>> Conor
 I don't know of a film that you can see this in, but could I have
 your address. I too am rather curious as too what this would look 


Message 15193

From: Nigel Bent
Subject: [afb] Re: Help!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:28:26 +0000
Hello Phil Stephens

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> I very much doubt that Maxis will still offer support for this game or
>> the Amiga but you could try If this fails mail me
>> privately and we'll see what we can do.
> I'll have to see also, otherwise I might give you a shout, what sort
> of probems did you have with the game ?? 

Er, I don't remember exactly as it was some time ago.  I do remember that
it wouldn't start up at all and there may have been some memory problem 
reported.  When I phoned Maxis, they were aware of the problem and I
returned my disks for replacement.  No problems since - except the music -
why did they bother?

Nigel Bent

Powered by Amiga

Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
-- Woody Allen

Message 15194

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:26:08 +0100

>No it wasn't me, but I know someone who was "faked" in this way. He got
>megs of crap sent to his account, which filled up pretty damn quick. He was
>lucky he only had a 4 meg mailbox on his account ....

Should that happen to anyone here the best way to shift it is to open a
Hotmail (or similar) account and use its ability to fetch POP3 mail. You get
your mail box emptied instantly and if you are worried that an important
email was in the junk you can still check it on the web without having to
download it all! I worked that one out for a friend who got mail bombed a
while back, but it works in this case too :)

Hope that that can be of use to someone.

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15195

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: What sex are you?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:59:24 +0100
Hello Robert

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote:

>RS>> Frogs can do it as well. I bet there are some fish who have changed
>RS>> from female to male - visit Dungeness. (for those who don't know,
>RS>> is an incorrectly spelt place in the SE of England where there is a
>RS>> nuclear power station by a river filled with dayglow fish).
>RS> I live about 20 miles from there :)
>RS Try visiting some of the places near here, about 15 miles away in the
>RS Fens... I am sure there are PEOPLE who can do this kind of thing...:)
>RS Ahhh... The legacy of Inbreeding lives on

Is that the place where family trees have no branches,  just a trunk?

All the Best


"Blobberer," said Poo when he realised that his stick of chewing gum was in
fact a razor blade.

                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 15196

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:06:28 +0100
Hello Alex

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

>AF Cats have this incredible ability to find the most awkward,
>AF out-of-the-way, remote places you could think of and then getting stuck
>AF there. Almost every week on Animal Hospital there's a cat stuck on a
>AF roof, in a wall or up a tree. Children have the same inane sort of
>AF ability. They seem to be able to lodge any 

foreign boy in any orifice -

Typo I hope Alex. If not I think that you may need help!

>AF similarly there's usually one kid on Children's Hospital with something
>AF stuck in some inaccessible place. One day a doctor's going to have to
>AF perform surgery on a kid who got a cat stuck up his nose.
All the Best

"Bother," said Poo as he farted loudly in front of the vicar.

                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 15197

From: Colin Buckenham
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:28:27 +0100
Hello Vincenzo

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

>VM On 13-Giu-99, wrote:
>VM>  Hi
>VM>  Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final
>VM>  Writer 97 (CD-ROM or disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried
>VM>  in the UK have neither of these two programs for sale.
>VM Have you tried Digita Int. or LH Publishing?
>VM Digita +44 1 395 270 273
>VM LH Publishing +44 1908 370 230

I called L.H. a few days ago to ask about upgrades to PageStream 3.3 and was
told that not only had they not heard anything from SoftLogic for a long
time but they no longer thought that the Amiga software market was large
enough to continue in. The programmes that they carried no longer sold in
any quantity. I might have picked a bad day to ring them but I think not.
If somebody formally so supportive of the Amiga market now thinks in that
way then it is a very sad day indeed.

All the Best


Peter Butterworth (of Carry On fame) was rejected for a part in the wartime
escape movie The Wooden Horse because it was thought he would not be
believable in that role. He was in-fact one of the real life escapees of
the incident on which the film was based.


                         Design, Print and Publishing at cost for
           Small Charities and other non-profit making organizations
                                               since 1986
                                             100% AMIGA
                   Details :-

Message 15198

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:53:57 +0100
on 13-Jun-99, Andrew Mills skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] New ML - afb-ot....: 

> Hi all,
> I hope Ben doesn't mind (please feel free to slap me round the face with
> a wet kipper the next time you see me ;), but due to the moaning about
> all of the off topic discussions that have been going on around here, I
> have set up an "afb-Off Topic" mailing list.

I commend your initive, but i do believe that this will not help one little
bit :(

I will explain: Most "Off Topic" subjects come from "On topic" Threads. Its
when people pick up on small things (such as taglines, spellings,
punctuation, small errors in peoples info etc.) and these get wildly OT. I
think that this list needs rules, and quickly, otherwise there will be a
lot more people leaving this list (myself included) for ML's that have less
tollerance for this kind of thing.

Dont get me wrong, the occaisional slightly OT tread brings a bit of fresh
air to the ML, but most of what i am reading now, apart from the initial
few mails at the beginning of each thread, are OT.

Lets not let this lapse into the TA ML :)

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15199

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:58:47 +0100
on 13-Jun-99, Kevin Fairhurst skillfully scrawled something along the
subject of [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh: 

> Nope, you don't use http2:// but   http2/mysite.whatever

Thats right. I couldnt remember what it was, but i knew there was http2 in
there somewhere :)

> The way this works is that most browsers see the http2/ bit and substitute
> it with - they just create a drawer under there for
> whatever you want your site to be called and redirect it to your real
> page.

Correct, unfortunately, no amiga browsers support it yet. to access it on
the amiga, you need to go to

For instance

> There is AFAIK no real http2: protocol. And if there was, why would they
> rename it - I thought you'd just have a  tag at the top of the page
> and the browser could act accordingly .... or am I confusing matters?

No. If http 2 was introduced, it would still be accessed by http:// just
like http 1.1 is etc.

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15200

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 23:47:12 +0100
on 13-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] Re: Save the cat!: 

> in a wall or up a tree. Children have the same inane sort of ability. They
> seem to be able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice

What? like foreign exchange students and stuff?? Now thats something i would
like to see!: ;)

"hmmm Pips invitation..Pips invitation..... THATS RIGHT! I SHOVED IT UP MY


| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15201

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm
Date: 13 Jun 99 17:54:15 +0000
According to Pete, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Go slow at 8 pm.
> P.S. You should ALWAYS turn on your peripherals BEFORE your computer!
> -- 
> Pete :-)

Is that really true? I never knew that and I've never had any probs.
I suspect you mean "always plug in your peripherals before...". If I
turn on my printer before the computer it flashes the orange light to
say there's an error - something to do with it not picking up a signal
from the Amiga so I always turn it on after.

Paul C.
... Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they AREN'T after you.

Message 15202

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:45:10 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Neil Bothwick wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> >> First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes :)
> > So you did make it up.
> Only the acronym (OK Richard, abbreviation). The phrase comes for

Hitch Hikers... that was obvious. Now stop it. /Pleeeaasse./

> Neil

Paul C.
... The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.

Message 15203

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 13 Jun 99 22:54:03 +0000
What are you on about, Matthew Garrett?

> > Does this mean that you/your company has to pay for registering both
> > and even though only one is ever
> > used?
> You only have to register - once you have the domain, any
> hostnames within it are yours. There's something like 40,000 hostnames
> under, so registering each one individually would cost a
> fortune...

Does that mean that you also have rights to ; etc? I'm not quite sure if I understood.
> > And what do you call those numbers that you see when you goto a
> > URL like ?
> That's the IP address> -- 

I did know that but I completely forgot it. Ta.

And to save another reply, to Anthony, it was someone at school who
did I can actually spell pretty well (except maybe

> Matthew Garrett

Paul C.
... To most people solutions mean finding the answers. But to chemists
      solutions are things that are still all mixed up.        

Message 15204

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 13 Jun 99 23:00:57 +0000
According to David, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh.

> Hi Paul,


> >Has anyone noticed that the Excite websearcher accepts both
> > and for lamers who can't spell?
> Yeah, but how did you find out without being (like me) a lamer who can't
> spell? :)
As said to someone else, it was someone at school did it. Honest.

> >And what do you call those numbers that you see when you goto a URL
> >like ?

[blah blah]
Okay, thanks. I remembered they were IP addresses when I saw the
reply. Didn't realise that was how they worked though. You learn
something every day (especially here!).
> Dave.

Paul C.
... Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid doing altogether.

Message 15205

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 13 Jun 99 23:19:11 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Alex Furmanski wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> Hi PC

Keep reading...
> Are you really a PC?

Uh, no. No. NO. NO!. Windows error#12321434422 I'm going to bugger up
your system and phone Satan in America on your phone
line faffFS@SDG@Gggsg@GGS@GD@

I changed my sig from PC to Paul C. a while ago when someone on the
NC2 list (was it you?) pointed it out. Observational skills lacking at
the mo, Alex?
> If we go even more OT, more people will leave the list so there will
> be fewer posts to the list.  That means we can say more per person
> without going over the limit.  Great!

Nice idea. So, Mr F, how are your exams going? Heard any good jokes
lately? How's your dog?
> Alex Furmanski

Paul C.
Who is no longer a PC, and has decided to stop this particular thread
before we both get thrown off for making everyone unsub.

Message 15206

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: 13 Jun 99 23:31:06 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info).

Hello again Alex, I'm getting worried about you now:

> Cats have this incredible ability to find the most awkward,
> out-of-the-way, remote places you could think of and then getting
> stuck there.  Almost every week on Animal Hospital there's a cat
> stuck on a roof, in a wall or up a tree. Children have the same
> inane sort of ability.  They seem to be able to lodge any
> foreign boy in any orifice

Now, /please/ tell me that was a typo. If not, then please go away and
never talk to any of us again. I don't know where you live but I've
never actually seen a child with a foreign boy in an orifice - but
then I've never actually checked ;)
> Alex Furmanski

Paul C.
... Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving
      from where you left them to where you can't find them.

Message 15207

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:46:27 +0100
Help! I'm trapped in Anthony's Rules and regs! Get me out of here!

> Lets have a look at them then. I think we do need to do something so
> a starting point for discussion would be a good thing IMHO

Well, better ask Ben first.

Ben, is it alright if I post my list rules here? It's rather long, at 
7KB, so I think it's best to get approval first.

Message 15208

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:27:06 +0100
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 05:19:37PM +0100, Malcolm Harnden wrote:
> > > Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no sense of humour
> > > or humility :)
> So my Degree in Aerospace Engineering makes me brain dead and the 33K
> I earn a year makes me moronic. And if you look at my website you`ll
> see I have a sense of humour and one thing you don`t have:-


Zounds - the irony.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 15209

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:31:27 +0100
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 10:11:47PM +0100, David Patterson wrote:
> On that note, does anyone know were I can get a copy of the HHGTTG game for
> the Amiga? The only version I've got is for the PC, and having to emulate
> probably means I'll never finish.

If you have the PC version, you don't need it. Try investigating "Frotz" -
it should be on Aminet. All the infocom games were based on a virtual
machine system that means the same data files were used on every platform,
so all you need is the data file and an interpreter (of which Frotz is
probably the best).

Matthew Garrett |

Message 15210

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:34:09 +0100
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 10:54:03PM +0000, Paul Cundle wrote:

> Does that mean that you also have rights to ;
> etc? I'm not quite sure if I understood.

Yup - once you have the domain, you can have as many hosts or subdomains
inside it as you want.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 15211

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Mail
Date: 14 Jun 99 08:01:37 +0100
On 13-Jun-99 00:06:06, Samuel Brookes (

>Hi, i found out how to get afb back into my mail box, but i still dont have
>the ones inbetween

>So can someone on this list send me all messages starting at a message
>called "Re: Poll: Who buys Amiga games?" by Chris Millar sent *about* 04:13
>12/06/99 upto the message called "Re: Help!!!!!!!!" by David Patterson sent
>*about* 20:17 12/06/99

I have them if you want them, but be warned there are 116 of them!



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 15212

From: Peter Wesson
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:05:32 gmt0bst
On 12-Jun-99, Neil Bullock wrote:

>Good idea. Why didn't I think of that. I've sent him my copy :)

Careful not to just be giving them your verified email address for future use.

I'm sure that egroups have rules against spamming which presumably Ben will
bring to egroups attention.

Message 15213

From: Chris Faircloth
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:51:23 +1200

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

>j Hi

>j Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final Writer 97
>j (CD-ROM or disk)- all the mail order companies I have tried in the UK have
>j neither of these two programs for sale.

WW7 can be purchased via Digita  < >  Finalwriter was
supposed to be released as part of FinalOffice courtesy of softpartners who
after posting that they were going to press with the CD in November have not
had any change in their web page so It looks like that avenue has closed. But
you can try < > if you wish

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 15214

Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:59:23 -0000
> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to the
> originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want to stop this
> sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+ copies of this unrequested
> file to us, I'm sure they wouldn't like getting 600+ copies in return...
> Perhaps they'll get the message when the find they suddenly have 60 MB of
> returned mail in their account... ;-)

No, they won't, they'll just ditch that mail account and you'll get it back as
a bounced message. Like I said, just ignore it. :(


Message 15215

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 09:57:21 +0100
Hello David

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On that note, does anyone know were I can get a copy of the HHGTTG game
> for the Amiga?

Yep. Possibly one of the best computer games ever written. I don't know if
there was an Amiga version, though (I've got the C64 one, myself).

> The only version I've got is for the PC, and having to
> emulate probably means I'll never finish.

You could try using one of the 3rd party infocom interpreters with the data
files from your PC copy.

Have a look at the interactive fiction archive:


[Reaches for another bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit  . . .]
Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15216

Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:05:17 -0000
> Any chance of seeing Amiga Shopper and Power again if the Amiga NG launch
> goes well? I think seeing those mags on the shelves again (maybe with a
> slightly updated image, design etc., or maybe not) could make a lot of old 
> Amigans who've gone into Windows land come back. After all, most of those
> who left are still quite enthusiastic about the Amiga as an OS, computer 
> and a community, it's just that they were tired of not being able to run
> mainstream software and buy popular hardware at their local PC-store. And
> some probably got jobs in the PC industry as well, and had to switch 
> platforms...

I doubt that AS will resurface, unless there are a lot of technical issues for
the new machine, but it's quite likely that AP will, although possibly not
under that name.


Message 15217

Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:17:32 -0000
> > Lets have a look at them then. I think we do need to do something so
> > a starting point for discussion would be a good thing IMHO
> Ben, is it alright if I post my list rules here? It's rather long, at 
> 7KB, so I think it's best to get approval first.

Go ahead, we'll open it up for discussion.


Message 15218

Subject: [afb] Reinforcements required
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:24:51 -0000
 I was wondering if anyone with RPG interests could help me out.
My favourite html based IC chat site has become overrun with die hard PC users who have the strange idea that the amiga is dead.
I would very muchly appriciate it if ppl who are _very_ good at arguing the case for amiga, and against MicroStuf, could login to WebRPG's The Keep 
Please remember that this is an IC chat site (kinda like a mud, but with no rules or commands) so you'll need a character. And don't insult anyone, cos you'll get sued. Especially Nanaki (one of the sites police types, who is one of the DieHards).

Thanks in advance to anyone who acepts this call to Arms.


(PS my usual aliases are Xela, Curator and Chelerack)

Message 15219

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reinforcements required
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:30:09 +0100
> Hi,
>  I was wondering if anyone with RPG interests could help me out.
> My favourite html based IC chat site has become overrun with die
> hard PC users who have the strange idea that the amiga is dead.

Where could they have gotten that idea? Funnily enough, they're
right from a certain POV.

Go into PC World and buy an Amiga. Can't do it, can you? So how
are Amigas supposed to survive as viable alternatives to PCs when
you can only get them thru readily established Amiga channels
which only the most die-hard Amiga owner knows about?

> I would very muchly appriciate it if ppl who are _very_ good
> at arguing the case for amiga, and against MicroStuf, could
> login to WebRPG's The Keep 

Don't do it.

> Please remember that this is an IC chat site (kinda like a mud,
> but with no rules or commands) so you'll need a character. And
> don't insult anyone, cos you'll get sued. Especially Nanaki (one of
> the sites police types, who is one of the DieHards).

.. or just don't go there at all. Give it up, don't bother riling people
up for the sake of a circuit board and some 5 year old software and
the notion that you can actually do something USEFUL on them
without knowing them inside out.

> Thanks in advance to anyone who acepts this call to Arms.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15220

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Chat
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:38:49 +0100
Just like the recent 'Reinforcments required' thing, I want to know if
there are any similar Amiga related web based chat thingies I can use at
college when I'm bored (which is very often at the moment)

btw, I've tried the Undernet CGI to IRC gateway thingy, but it's crap and
incredibly slow.


Message 15221

Subject: [afb] Time for Polls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:43:28 -0000
Is there a time limit on how long polls can stay up for?

What is the usual time for a poll to be up?

Is it only the poll creator who can cancel or end the Poll?


Message 15222

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Time for Polls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:47:05 +0100

> Is there a time limit on how long polls can stay up for?

No, there isn't, which is Why I always put the date I put it up at the start
of the poll question when I do one, so I can see how long it's been up.

> What is the usual time for a poll to be up?

I wouldn't leave it up for any longer than a month or so.

> Is it only the poll creator who can cancel or end the Poll?

I can as well.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click...Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 15223

Subject: [afb] C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:51:00 -0000
Hi Ben.

In the last issue of AF you reviewed C compilers.  Now VBCC and DICE have both been on the CD recently but in uncompiled form.  I have tryed to the best of my (limited) knowledge to get either of these up and running but I cant.

Ive copied the files to my hard drive and read all the documents for them both.  I want to write (or try to write) C programs but without knowing how to get these two programs to work and how to start using them I'm at a dead end.  Can you do a piece in the next issue (r the one after that) on how to get these up and running as no doubt there's others like me who dont want to pay out for StormC (esspecially after the comparison you printed).

Thanks in advance,


Message 15224

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:07:53 +0100
Hello Bifford

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> In the last issue of AF you reviewed C compilers. Now VBCC and DICE have
> both been on the CD recently but in uncompiled form. I have tryed to the
> best of my (limited) knowledge to get either of these up and running but I
> cant.

Both VBCC and DICE have appeared on recent AFCDs in _compiled_ form.

> Ive copied the files to my hard drive and read all the documents for them
> both. I want to write (or try to write) C programs but without knowing how
> to get these two programs to work and how to start using them I'm at a
> dead end. Can you do a piece in the next issue (r the one after that) on
> how to get these up and running as no doubt there's others like me who
> dont want to pay out for StormC (esspecially after the comparison you
> printed).

To install it:

lha x AFCD40:-Seriously_Amiga-/Programming/C/VBCC/archives/vbccm68k.lha

To configure before use (sets up assigns, paths, etc):

cd vbcc/machines/amiga
execute init_vbcc

To compile program.c to program.exe

vbcc program.c -o program.exe


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15225

Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:15:38 -0000
Wezza wrote:

> Hello,
> With regards to your problems registering MUI the address given in the SASG registration
> is wrong Paul Jewells address is not in cardiff he has moved
> the adress is
> 48 Park Avenue
> Portcawl
> CF36 3ER

Is there a chance of putting a .readme file in the MUI folder on future CD's to inform people of this Ben.  For people without access to the Net this is important information!



Message 15226

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:15:06 +0100
Hi Richard,

> To install it:

> cd 
> lha x AFCD40:-Seriously_Amiga-/Programming/C/VBCC/archives/vbccm68k.lha

> To configure before use (sets up assigns, paths, etc):

> cd vbcc/machines/amiga
> execute init_vbcc

> To compile program.c to program.exe

> vbcc program.c -o program.exe

And the above may alone prove a good enough reason to buy one of the
"packaged" C compilers, like HiSoft's or Storm, that's why they exist.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15227

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:16:08 +0100

> Is there a chance of putting a .readme file in the MUI folder on future
> CD's to inform people of this Ben. For people without access to the Net
> this is important information!

TBH, I think we would be better off advising people to register directly
with Stefan Stuntz, since Paul Jewell is notorious for ignoring

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 15228

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:5:12 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

>> It's certainly worth it. The best time to run a virus scan is just
>> before you do a backup. The worst thing to do is overwrite your
>> clean backups with corrupted files.

> Oh yes, backups. I would do a check before I backed up my HD except I
> never back up my HD! I have no way of doing it (800MB onto floppies -
> methinks not) but wish I could.

You don't have to back up everything. Program files will be on the
original disks or wherever you downloaded them from. It's config and
data files that need to be backed up, and then only the ones that have
changed since the last backup. A decent backup program will allow for
selective and incremental backups, and file compression could halve
the number of disks needed.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 46: Found missing

Message 15229

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:33:8 +0100
David Patterson said, 

> For example, the site I do a little work on is -
> will initiate a HTTP connection for web access,
> will work for FTP access. It can also be reached by
> but there is actually only one physical server, we
> just redirect www back to

> And this all leads to the difference between "address" and "URL", but I
> usually get them the wrong way round, so I'll leave that to someone else...

An address usually refers to a machine address, such as A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a way of
specifying a location on the internet, together with the method used
to connect to it and information to be sent to it.

The full contents of a URL are


Protocol is usually http for web pages (although it may be https and
most browsers will also show the result of an ftp request as a web
page if the path is a directory)

login:password@ is used for password protected servers, such as
private FTP sites.

Server is the machine address, in this case

Port is optional and defaults to 80, the standard port for web servers

Path is the path to the file on that server, say index.html or
mystuff/mypic.gif. If not given, the default page used by that server
is used, usually either index.html, home.html or default.html

?extra-data is normally used to send data to CGI scripts. for example
a server-side image map will send the coordinates here.

> Well I'm done plugging the site :)

Ok, my turn now (or :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Why isn't phonetically spelled that way?

Message 15230

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:39:33 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

>> >eM If this message bounces too, a probe will be sent to you.  If the
>> >eM probe bounces, you will be removed from the afb e-group,
>> >eM without further notice.

> Aren't egroups clever? So, if that message had bounced and the probe
> (what?) bounced you would have been unsubbed. But you wouldn't have
> received the message, so why did they bother telling you.

In case it was a temporary problem, so you know why you've missed
messages. It gives you an indication of problerms that you otherwise
may have been unaware of. It's more intelligent than the way Majordomo
handles things, where you can get unsubscribed after a singe bounce.

That happened to me more than once when I was with Demon :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.

Message 15231

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:45:21 +0100
Andrew Mills said, 

> It's all in the spelling - "PoIsson" is fish, dunno what "PossIon"
> is though.....

It's an atom with a missing electron...

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Do PAL taglines take up two scanlines?

Message 15232

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:51:39 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> If you're reading all the messages online then it's definitely cheaper to
> have them delivered to your email account. It should only take you 5-10
> minutes to download the 100-200 emails a day that the AFB generates,

Ten minutes to download 200 mails? Are you using a 300 baud modem? !!!

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I just bought a microwave fireplace... You can spend an evening in
front of it in only eight minutes...

Message 15233

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 14 Jun 1999 11:53:12 +0100
P Gordon aka Mr Tickle said, 

> Actually, I would be annoyed if an Amiga spreadsheet
> had a 3d flightsim in, unless there was an option NOT
> to install it from the installer.

I'd be grateful to have an Amiga spreadsheet capable of running a 3D
flight sim :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If a program is useless, it must be documented.

Message 15234

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 14 Jun 1999 12:0:27 +0100
Colin Buckenham said, 

> I called L.H. a few days ago to ask about upgrades to PageStream 3.3 and was
> told that not only had they not heard anything from SoftLogic for a long
> time but they no longer thought that the Amiga software market was large
> enough to continue in.

I spoke to Larry a couple of weeks ago and got a similar impression.
however, you can upgrade PageStream direct from SoftLogik, although
they don1't take credit cards ATM. If you pay the 4.0 upgrade fee now
you can download a beta of it from their private FTP site.

It's possible that someone else may be taking up PageStream
distribution in the UK.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Q. How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 15235

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Survey results
Date: 14 Jun 1999 12:3:55 +0100
Chris Pratt said, 

>> In the "Bill got pied" survey there are 12 people who said that they
> didn't
>> know where they could find the clip. FYI it's in
>> AFCD25:-In_the_Mag-/Flantastic!

> Only one problem: AFAIK I only started getting the CD versions from AFCD28
> :-(
> Any other places where we might get it? Anyone?

Aminet, of course.

PTL-Bill.lha       pix/mpg    4.6M  68+Bill Gates Gettin' Pied Mpeg !! By PTL

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Message 15236

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 14 Jun 1999 12:6:55 +0100
Andy Mills said, 

> Have you also noticed how AOL have worded their adverts so if you don't
> know better and don't listen to it properly, it sounds like they're
> free?

Did anyone see the MD of AOL(UK) on Newsnight last week. I only
caught the end of it but he seemed to be putting forward a good case
of unmetered Internet calls. He certainly stood up to Paxman better
than the other guy, who appeared to be representing BT's interests.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Unable to open TROUSER.ZIP - replace floppy and retry.

Message 15237

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: 14 Jun 1999 12:8:20 +0100
Neil Bullock said, 

> Errrrr, yeah.... and who here using an Amiga wants or can easily view a 113K
> PDF file?

There are at least three PDF viewers for the Amiga. The newest, Apdf,
has a MUI interface, supports PPC and has some neat font mapping

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bother" said Rue, for no apparent reason

Message 15238

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 14 Jun 1999 12:15:12 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> I was just going to bed, when Neil Bothwick wrote this and I just HAD to read
> it:

> Hitch Hikers... that was obvious. Now stop it. /Pleeeaasse./

OK (that's the abbreviation oh-kay, not the acronym ock :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Call out the vice squad!  Someone's mounting a disk drive!

Message 15239

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:20:00 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

1.			2
2. FreeUK			3
3. Free4all			17
4. UKOnline			20
5. Freeserve			28

See the results at

Message 15240

From: Chris Livermore
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:24:44 +0100 (GMT)
> > Is there a chance of putting a .readme file in the MUI folder on future
> > CD's to inform people of this Ben. For people without access to the Net
> > this is important information!
> TBH, I think we would be better off advising people to register directly
> with Stefan Stuntz, since Paul Jewell is notorious for ignoring
> registrations...

Better still, wait til WOA, and register it there. Get your keyfile then
and there, no messing!

Chris - AmigaSoc

> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>    Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
>           *all* Amiga owners.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 15241

Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:23:58 -0000
 > > To install it:
> > cd 
> > lha x AFCD40:-Seriously_Amiga-/Programming/C/VBCC/archives/vbccm68k.lha
> > To configure before use (sets up assigns, paths, etc):
> > cd vbcc/machines/amiga
> > execute init_vbcc 
> > To compile program.c to program.exe
> > vbcc program.c -o program.exe
> And the above may alone prove a good enough reason to buy one of the
> "packaged" C compilers, like HiSoft's or Storm, that's why they exist.

Does this mean I just write the C program like I would a AREXX one?  (can I 
use ED ?) with the extension .C ?  This was probably explained in AF 
but if so, I glossed over it.


Message 15242

Subject: [afb] A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:40:29 -0700 (PDT)
I recently ran into a problem when booting up my Amiga... it refused to boot
up at all (well, the HD makes a few sound but that is all). I booted with no
startup-sequence next, and the system loaded just fine but the amount of fast
memory was zero...

Next I tried accessing the PPC startup menu but it wouldn't show up at all
(black screen). Running a diagnostics program (after boot w/o startup) simply
freezes the machine (AIBB, SysInfo) and FPU-using programs crash too. A small
program called CPU tells me I still have 040 but I suspect it just checks for
the associated libraries.

To me this sounds like my PPC card has decided to die. Ironic, since I just
moved my Amiga into a tower to avoid overheating the darn thing... Still, I'd
like to have an opinion of more experienced people on this before I sent the
card anywhere. Oh, and I can't test the card on another machine since AFAIK
I'm the only Amigan around my town. :(

- Jani M.
* A1200(T), PPC603e/040, 15" SVGA, 200W PSU, HP670C Deskjet *
* Amiga (ab)user since '88                                  *

Message 15243

Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:00:05 -0000

> TBH, I think we would be better off advising people to register directly
> with Stefan Stuntz, since Paul Jewell is notorious for ignoring
> registrations...

I first tried to register MUI through him- I sent off the money (cash) in an envelope to Wales and never got a reply. Subsequently I registered both MUI and MagicWB on the SASG website. Anyone who has ever thought of registering MUI this way take note. If you simply want to support the Welsh nation and distribute some of that wealth, go ahead though.

John Hart 

Message 15244

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:59:46 +0100

> MUI and MagicWB on the SASG website. Anyone who has ever thought of
> registering MUI this way take note. If you simply want to support the
> Welsh nation and distribute some of that wealth, go ahead though.

If people continue to just send him cash, perhaps that should be changed to
"to support the Wealth nation and distribute..." :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 15245

Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:07:21 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:

> Next I tried accessing the PPC startup menu but it wouldn't show up at all
> (black screen). Running a diagnostics program (after boot w/o startup) simply
> freezes the machine (AIBB, SysInfo) and FPU-using programs crash too. A small
> program called CPU tells me I still have 040 but I suspect it just checks for
> the associated libraries.

Possibly 040 libraries? Did you install properly from the Phase 5 disk? Also have you flash upgraded?

> To me this sounds like my PPC card has decided to die. Ironic, since I just
> moved my Amiga into a tower to avoid overheating the darn thing... Still, I'd
> like to have an opinion of more experienced people on this before I sent the
> card anywhere. Oh, and I can't test the card on another machine since AFAIK
> I'm the only Amigan around my town. :(

It may not be dead, I needed to spend ages with my setup before I started to understand it. Find out as much information as you can, try every permutation possible. Do the Floppy lead power hack as well. PPC (and 040) usually need all the power they can get.


Message 15246

Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 05:18:35 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
> Possibly 040 libraries? Did you install properly from the Phase 5 disk? Also
have you flash upgraded?

Yup, proper installs & flashupdated... the PPC board worked just fine for
several months before acting up. The strangest thing was, it worked perfectly
fine until one fine evening it refused to work at all. :(

> It may not be dead, I needed to spend ages with my setup before I started to
understand it. Find out as much information as you can, try every permutation
possible. Do the Floppy lead power hack as well. PPC (and 040) usually need
all the power they can get.
> Regards
> John

Well, As I mentioned above it worked fine (except for the strange vertical
flicker on screen whenever a PPC program was running, I blame AGA for that)
without any floppy lead hacks. In fact I got the whole thing right on the
first try!

- Jani M.
- Finland

Message 15247

Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:34:09 -0000
 <> wrote: 

> Yup, proper installs & flashupdated... the PPC board worked just fine for
> several months before acting up. The strangest thing was, it worked perfectly
> fine until one fine evening it refused to work at all. :(

This is a bit frightnening...Have you checked if the card is seated properly and any leads are in place. Suddenly stopping working like that suggests hardware but you never know- it could be a little thing that you have only just recently done. Retrace your steps. How about a complete software re-install? When you said it works OK when you boot without startup sequence made me think of the 040 libraries (which are started by SetPatch- I use setpatch 43.6). You then say you try to run software and you get FPU errors- this could be because your startup sequence hasn`t enabled the features of the 040? 

Mine even now occasionally doesn`t boot but I know for sure that it is a power problem. When I can I`ll run the Tower from its own socket, for now it`s on a 4 way expander with the Monitor etc.

How do you get to the early startup screen if you cannot get the PPC early boot screen? When mine doesn`t boot, it won`t do anything- I have to turn it off and on again, a reset won`t do it. Perhaps you have a PPC card that is flashed with the additional BVision support and you not using one is causing problems- I really don`t know.


Message 15248

Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:37:43 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:

I was wondering if the problems *started* when you did the flash...

Just a theory.

John Hart

Message 15249

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:40:02 +0100

> Hi Ben.
> In the last issue of AF you reviewed C compilers.  Now VBCC and DICE have
> both been on the CD recently but in uncompiled form.  I have tryed to the
> best of my (limited) knowledge to get either of these up and running but I

VBCC is up and running on my system, compiled and everything. What I want to
know is how do you compile your compiler if you don't already have a

(and don't say use a compiler compiler :)

> the next issue (r the one after that) on how to get these up and running
as no
> doubt there's others like me who dont want to pay out for StormC
> after the comparison you printed).

Sam - RTFM. VBCC has docs telling you where to extract archives and place
files. So does DICE.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15250

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 07:51:31 -0500 (CDT)
On 10 Jun 1999, Paul Cundle wrote:
> >   How about www.  So far I've heard
> >    - wuh wuh wuh
> >    - woo woo woo
> Yeah, right. Are you sure they weren't just lacking medication?

  woo woo woo (dot) puffing billy (dot) com		:)


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15251

Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:55:15 -0000
Hi Matt

> VBCC is up and running on my system, compiled and everything. What I want to
> know is how do you compile your compiler if you don't already have a
> compiler?
> (and don't say use a compiler compiler :)

Well, obviously, it involves opening up your hard drive and using a veeery small magnet....

Message 15252

Subject: [afb] POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:01:05 -0000
14/6/99.  Recently an issue has been raised concerning Amiga owners and their girlfriends.  Mainly not having any.  So in an effort to uncover the truth, and prove the ignorant wrong, I have created this poll.  So please indicate your relationship with girls by picking the most appropriate response.


Please select one of the following:

   o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
   o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
   o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
   o Relationships are things that happen to other people
   o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment hooked up! Grr!
   o I'm bent
   o Err... excuse me, I am a girl
   o Both of the above

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 15253

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:07:18 +0100
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
>    o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
>    o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
>    o Relationships are things that happen to other people
>    o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment
hooked up! Grr!
>    o I'm bent
>    o Err... excuse me, I am a girl
>    o Both of the above

Hardly the most nicely put poll in the history of afb! 


Message 15254

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Time for Polls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:08:24 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about
Time for Polls again...

>> Is it only the poll creator who can cancel or end the Poll?

> I can as well.

Me too :)  Sometimes when I go to the site, there's
a button to close some polls - as I have never started
any of them I can only assume that there's something
wrong with egroups setup.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15255

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 13 Jun 99 23:55:36 +0000
Hello Colin Buckenham, on 13-Jun-99 22:28:27 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Word Processor packages 


>I called L.H. a few days ago to ask about upgrades to PageStream 3.3 and was
>told that not only had they not heard anything from SoftLogic for a long
>time but they no longer thought that the Amiga software market was large
>enough to continue in. The programmes that they carried no longer sold in
>any quantity. I might have picked a bad day to ring them but I think not.
>If somebody formally so supportive of the Amiga market now thinks in that
>way then it is a very sad day indeed.

In that case, why are Softlogik releasing the 3.4 upgrade and v4.0 of
PageStream for the Amiga? At least they claim they are on their

I was speaking to Larry Hickmot (sp?) at WoA last year and he said then
that he (L.H. Publishing - 1 person, IIRC) was getting less than five
Amiga related/sales phone calls a week.

There again, I can't remember when the last time I saw him advertise,
which isn't exactly going to help - how are people otherwise going to
know if he exists or is still going?

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
And all the Borg left was this darn Macintosh...

Message 15256

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: 14 Jun 99 00:10:50 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 13-Jun-99 16:21:30 you said about:
 [afb] Re: My bad England 


>>That's a capital "i" in PoIsson and not an "l" (i=I, l=L, see?), the
>>"i"s were capitalised to point out the difference....

>Damn this font.  l=I here!

Bad typists always blame their fonts ;)

>>I've also done French and remember enough to know that much.

>And I know enough to know when I look stupid.  Curse you God for making me
>this way!

Ahem, well, it is now over ten years since I did French at school and I
can only remember a few words - poisson being one of them.... :-/

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I feel so lonely, I'm too young to feel this old

Message 15257

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 14 Jun 99 13:58:18 +0000
On 14 Jun 1999 12:6:55 +0100, Neil Bothwick wibbled...

> Did anyone see the MD of AOL(UK) on Newsnight last week. I only
> caught the end of it but he seemed to be putting forward a good case
> of unmetered Internet calls. He certainly stood up to Paxman better
> than the other guy, who appeared to be representing BT's interests.

The thing is, if we did get unmetred calls, it would hardly affect AOL
users, as they pay AOL by the hour.

On the subject of unmetred calls, does anyone use Cable & Wireless Internet
(or Internet Light), as I'm thinking of moving to them for the unmetred
offer they're doing.
.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15258

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:33:55 +0200
On 13-Jun-99, Richard Lane wrote:
> This morning when I did my first download of email there was the two
> messages new messages in the AFB folder. The first one is a 150k pile
> of junk in the form of a PDF attachment, and the second is is one is
> from Tim Siefert to egroups about the problems he's having. Which
> judging from the way his reply is worded will end up in egroups bin.
> When I first subscribed to the afb list It was interesting and the
> amount of off-topic stuff kept to a minimum.
> Several months on the volume has increased as the number of
> subscribers has gone up, which is fair enough. But, for most of the
> time it's degenerated fast into a complete pile of junk.
> Don't get me wrong, the odd bit of humour is good fun. But the amount
> of pointless drivel is getting to ridiculous levels. It's a shame that
> certain people seem to think this is their own personal forum to
> discuss every topic they wish, reply just for the sake of it etc, etc.
> This list *could* have been so good.
> As I've said before it's not the amount of mail I object to, it's the
> amount of junk. It's a shame that the minority spoil it for the
> majority.

I begin to agree and seriously consider to unsubscribe!

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 15259

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:32:21 -0700

Quoted stuff--> >>> Gerald Mellor  06/11 =
7:37 PM >>>
Quoted stuff--> Hi Daniel,
Quoted stuff-->=20
Quoted stuff--> > If you don't like it, don't read it. Personalyl, the =
only computer I have
Quoted stuff--> > is my Amiga 1200, but I can still laugh at the Amiga =
jokes. Why can't
Quoted stuff--> > anyone else?
Quoted stuff-->=20
Quoted stuff--> Because Amiga owners are mostly braindead morons with no =
sense of humour or
Quoted stuff--> humility :)
Quoted stuff-->=20
Quoted stuff--> Bauglir... probably shouldn't be sending this to an Amiga =
mailing list, but
Quoted stuff--> does anyway for reasons explained above ;)
***End Quoted stuff***

Hey! I take offense to that statement! (I didn't see the original post of =
course) but it's the braindead moron part I take offense to...

I like Amiga users, (Mostly, except the ones that have nothing better to =
do than brag about how fast their PC is...)

Now, if you look anywhere you'll find a complete moron that'll stand up =
and LOUDLY represent any group/culture/niche. And alas, it's still illegal =
to shoot them so we have to deal with them...

Anyways, maybe it's the braindead moron part of me that keeps me being an =
Amiga fan... if so then I guess I'll just have to be happy with that :)


Where you been for the last two weeks Baug?!?!
Aka Scotsman, Godzilla

Message 15260

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:34:38 -0700 (PDT)
> I'd be grateful to have an Amiga spreadsheet capable
> of running a 3D
> flight sim :(

I think what you mean is you would like a decent
flightsim on an Amiga. If you had a nearly full hard
disk, and needed the spreadsheet, you'd curse the
flightsim part. And don't try and tell me you

Do You Yahoo!?

Message 15261

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:36:15 -0700 (PDT)
> It's an atom with a missing electron...

Nope. Thats a positive ion, which wouldn't be
shortened to Possion, because:

A) Theres only one S in positive
B) Theres no point


Message 15262

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:44:27 -0700
People other than me-->>>> "Ben Vost"  06/14 =
4:15 AM >>>
People other than me-->Hi Richard,
People other than me-->
People other than me-->> To install it:
People other than me-->
People other than me-->> cd 
People other than me-->> lha x AFCD40:-Seriously_Amiga-/Programming/C/VBCC/=
People other than me-->
People other than me-->
People other than me-->> To configure before use (sets up assigns, paths, =
People other than me-->
People other than me-->> cd vbcc/machines/amiga
People other than me-->> execute init_vbcc
People other than me-->
People other than me-->
People other than me-->> To compile program.c to program.exe
People other than me-->> vbcc program.c -o program.exe
People other than me-->
People other than me-->And the above may alone prove a good enough reason =
to buy one of the
People other than me-->"packaged" C compilers, like HiSoft's or Storm, =
that's why they exist.
People other than me-->
People other than me-->All the best,
People other than me-->--=20
People other than me-->Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
People other than me-->Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
***Begin ME***
Hey, I have another question relating to C and only barely relating to =
this thread. :)

I've got SAS/C 6.5 at home on Floppy and without Docs... (But I have some =
C tutorials and enough info to get it working I believe).

I'm not a programmer, but would like to take a shot at learning to =
develop, is SAS/C a waste of time? How does it rate with modern and =
current developers environments?=20

Also, last I read it was no longer supported or developed. Has anyone =
picked up development on it again? Can it be used to write PowerPC code as =

Any input would be MUCH appreciated (As well as where good Documantation =
for the SAS/C environment could be found.)

Aka Scotsman/Godzilla

Message 15263

From: Errol
Subject: [afb] Your website on AFCD43
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:32:23 +0100
Hi Guys,

If you would like to have your website included (or updated) on Amiga
Format magazine's CD #43, (issue 127, September 1999), could you please
upload your archived website site to:


The ABSOLUTE deadline is *Tuesday 22nd *June but, we would appreciate
it if you could upload your site sooner. Any websites arriving after the
deadline will not be updated. Please prefix your archive with "AF_"
for example: AF_MyWWWSite.lha.


Please note:

1. Due to space restrictions, websites are now updated *every four weeks*
   basis so, if you don't update your website you'll probably find your
   website won't be included on the Amiga Format CD!

2. We make every possible effort to include your website on the Amiga
   Format CD-ROM. However, due to space restrictions, we are sometimes
   forced to make space for alternative data. For this reason we are
   unable to offer any firm guarantees that your website will be included.

3. Some of you have been sending your updated websites to the Future server
   several times over the course of a particular month. In the future could
   you please refrain from doing this. One update per month is fine! ;-)

4. If you have any problems uploading your files to the Future server,
   please email: to let them know!


best regards,

 Developing award-winning CD-ROMS for the Amiga & PC
     CD-ROM compilers for Amiga Format magazine
Suppliers of high quality compatible Inkjet Cartridges

8 Edith Road, Clacton, Essex. CO15 1JU  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1255 431389        Fax: +44 (0)1255 428666
       ---- ----

Message 15264

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:00:29 +0100
Hello Bifford

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Does this mean I just write the C program like I would a AREXX one? (can I
> use ED ?) with the extension .C ? This was probably explained in
> AF but if so, I glossed over it.

The C compilers thingie in the last issue was not meant to be an
introduction to the topic.

But anyway, a C source file is just a plain ASCII file. Create with it with
your favourite text editor.

The filename suffix is not 100% necessary, but it'll stop everybody
(especially the compiler itself) getting confused. Most compilers perform
different operations on files depending on their suffix. E.g.:

*.c          C source
*.h          C header (this is a file that get's included by a source file)
*.a[sm]      assembly source
*.o          object code (code that has been compiled but not linked)

And, BTW, it's a lowercase 'c'. Uppercase ("*.C") generally refers to a C++
source file.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15265

Subject: [afb] Re: Relationships with girls (And some Amiga NG stuff
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:14:36 -0000
> 14/6/99.  Recently an issue has been raised concerning Amiga owners and their girlfriends.  Mainly not having any.  So in an effort to uncover the truth, and prove the ignorant wrong, I have created this poll.  So please indicate your relationship with girls by picking the most appropriate response.
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
>    o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
>    o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
>    o Relationships are things that happen to other people
>    o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment hooked up! Grr!
>    o I'm bent
>    o Err... excuse me, I am a girl
>    o Both of the above
Errmmm...I have found a fault...(That's what's supposed to happen, isn't it?)
Well, I DO have regular contacts with women - I don't go out with them (As in boyfriend/girlfriend because I am way too picky) but I do, well, anyway, lets not go into that shall we as there may be some people that may take offence as to what I was going to say, because after all, tehre are DEFINITELY some under 18's on this list...

sorry about my big head, but you know...

Anyway, Amiga NG...
What happened to the November box?
Was it November 1998, or November 2098?(Or am I so thick and unintellectual that it has actually come out and I have had my eyes closed and not noticed?)

Also, JUST WHAT GOD DAMN CPU will this 'NG Monster' have in it?
In something I have read lately, there was a choice of CPU's and one of them was PowerPC, one was ProjectX.  there was no mention of a 'Mystery Multimedia Chip' in there...Just what is going on...
Is there a new MM CPU in production, or are they using an 'off the shelf' CPU?
Looks like some people are being kept in the dark...
I know they can't realease EVERY detail, as they would have many other companies up their arse trying to create an AmigaNG-beater, but this is silly.

i hate it when people say they are going to do something by a particular time and then not do it...
Still, that's the world for you...

Message 15266

Subject: [afb] Parallel Scanners
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:21:55 -0000
Hi All.
My Dad came round the other day with a Black Widow Parallel Scanner, and he said that I could have it.

Well, I can't find no drivers for it!


Could someone please help me out here?
I REALLY need to use it.

I WOULD get and SCSI one, but to be honest, I can't afford an SCSI interface (I have an Overdrive HD in my PCMCIA slot and I can't find a Viper Mk-II SCSI interface anywhere (And they're about 80!))
Also, the scanner was free.

Are there any parallel drivers for ANY scanner at all?
IF there are, why aren't there none for the Black Widow?

I have found LOADS of SCSI scanner drivers, but no parallel...

I know the Amiga's Parallel port was made for nothing more than just a printer, but SURELY a scanner will work...


Message 15267

Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:36:10 -0000
> 1.			2
> 2. FreeUK			3
> 3. Free4all			17
> 4. UKOnline			20
> 5. Freeserve			28
I don't think this is a fair poll as it is really just who is on which ISP.

Obviously people are going to say that the ISP that THEY are on is the best...
After all, Tesco only has 2 people, but Freeserve have 28.
this is because more people are on Freeserve.
they are less likely to change aswell.

I ahve lost myself here, but if you are intelligent, you'll know what I'm getting at...:o)


Message 15268

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] NG stuff (was + some NG stuff, was Relationships w/girls)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:39:43 +0100
> >    o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
> >    o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
> >    o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
> >    o Relationships are things that happen to other people
> >    o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal
attachment hooked up! Grr!
> >    o I'm bent
> >    o Err... excuse me, I am a girl
> >    o Both of the above
> >
> >
> Errmmm...I have found a fault...(That's what's supposed to happen, isn't
> Well, I DO have regular contacts with women - I don't go out with them
> (As in boyfriend/girlfriend because I am way too picky) but I do, well,


I`m not too pleased with the anonimity of the poll, though. I almost wish
I didn`t vote (but I did pick the most relevant answer even if it wasn`t

> Anyway, Amiga NG...
> What happened to the November box?

Got delayed. Shut your moaning, you didn`t need it.

> Also, JUST WHAT GOD DAMN CPU will this 'NG Monster' have in it?

MIPS, PPC, Alpha or that Transmeta chip (which looks like a no-no)
for the CPU -  for graphics, Glaze3D ( or NUON
( NUON could also be used as a processor
in it`s own right, too, IIRC.

I bet it`s MIPS and/or PPC with Glaze3D providing the graphics. If
you`ve seen the specs you`ll agree with me, and there is a link to
the Amiga in the Glaze chip`s development team..

> mention of a 'Mystery Multimedia Chip' in there... Just what is going

BTW MMC stood for MultiMedia Chip when they announced it, some dufus
made the Monster Mystery Chip shit up. I hate it when people pollute
abbreviations like that.

Anyhoo, legend has it that the MMC manufacturer pulled out/went bust
after the OS partner allegedly pulled out. Legend has it that the OS
partner was Be and judging by Jim's "I don`t find them exciting"
comments I`d say that was a sneaky stab at them. Legendary legend
says that the MMC people were Chromatic Research, who made the
!MPact chipsets (as featured in that Cerberus thing) who were bought
by Canadian card giant ATI.

> Is there a new MM CPU in production, or are they using an 'off the shelf'

Off the shelf. If it ain`t broke, why fix it?

> Looks like some people are being kept in the dark...

Us, yes. I would think that the staff at Amiga know what`s going on.
Things called Non-Disclosure Agreements sort of prevents people talking..

> I know they can't realease EVERY detail, as they would have many
> other companies up their arse trying to create an AmigaNG-beater,
> but this is silly.

No it isn`t, it`s perfectly rational behaviour for a prospective forefront
technology company.

If you understood the inner workings of the industry you`d understand.

> i hate it when people say they are going to do something by a particular
> time and then not do it... Still, that's the world for you...

Yep, live with it.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15269

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:39:26 +0100

> I don't think this is a fair poll as it is really just who is on which
> ISP.

Doesn't have to be, there may be people on here who were on Freeserve and
moved to another ISP (not listed) and wouldn't recommend Freeswerve to
anyone, and so picked a different ISP. As it turns out, this poll was
pretty limited since there are over 80 free ISPs now...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    Hyperbole is absolutely the worst 
      mistake you can possibly make

Message 15270

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:43:57 +0100
Ultrabsm AKA 'Pete' typed in afeverish manner:

>I don't think this is a fair poll as it is really just who is on which ISP.
>Obviously people are going to say that the ISP that THEY are on is the
>After all, Tesco only has 2 people, but Freeserve have 28.
>this is because more people are on Freeserve.
>they are less likely to change aswell.

I don't think that I voted for this one...
I have a FreeUK subscription but hardly ever use them...
I can consistently get a 33600 connection with them, but when I use
my Pipex (paid for) account - I get 43-46000 all the time... go figure!

>I ahve lost myself here, but if you are intelligent, you'll know what I'm
getting at...:o)

Yeh - you meant that the, uh, last one, umm, shows that the, errrrr - (got
- statistics are MEANINGLESS!

Yay to the AFB Pollsters.... you come up with such great polls!


PS Persons may like to note that I have not started any Polls on AFB.
This is due to my complete disinterest in how tall people are, how many feet
they have and whether they use Dustbusters or aerosols to clean their

Message 15271

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:02:10 +0100
> Yeh - you meant that the, uh, last one, umm, shows that the, errrrr - (got
> it) - statistics are MEANINGLESS!

There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics :)

> they have and whether they use Dustbusters or aerosols to clean their
> keyboards!

Just for the record, I use a screwdriver and a cloth from a glasses case.

flip, clean, flip, clean, flip..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15272

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] Re: Musical Instruments :)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:59:14 +0100
> Hi, i am surfing around the e-groups web site (yeppy - egroups musta fixed it or something :) and i have
>    decided to fill in a few polls. I am bored so i decided to create a pointless poll - but i am interested in the
>    results :) So: what musical instrument(s) do u play? 

I can play a stereo quite well, but that's about as far as I get.


Message 15273

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:23:11 +0100
Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),

So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve addresses
on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    I'll try anything once too often

Message 15274

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: 14 Jun 1999 15:47:25 +0100
Daniel Thornton said, 

> On 14 Jun 1999 12:6:55 +0100, Neil Bothwick wibbled...

>> Did anyone see the MD of AOL(UK) on Newsnight last week. I only
>> caught the end of it but he seemed to be putting forward a good case
>> of unmetered Internet calls. He certainly stood up to Paxman better
>> than the other guy, who appeared to be representing BT's interests.

> The thing is, if we did get unmetred calls, it would hardly affect AOL
> users, as they pay AOL by the hour.

AOL also do a flat rate package.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bother," said Pooh, as someone else stole his taglines.

Message 15275

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 14 Jun 1999 15:52:3 +0100
P Gordon aka Mr Tickle said, 

>> I'd be grateful to have an Amiga spreadsheet capable
>> of running a 3D
>> flight sim :(

> I think what you mean is you would like a decent
> flightsim on an Amiga.

I meant what I said. There isn't a powerful, modern spreadsheet for
the Amiga.

> If you had a nearly full hard
> disk, and needed the spreadsheet, you'd curse the
> flightsim part. And don't try and tell me you
> wouldn't!!

If I had a nearly full hard disk, I'd either delete stuff or get a
bigger one. Nearly full hard disks get very slow. Why worry about a
few KB, the real waste of space in most programs is the features you
don't use, not the easter eggs.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Brain fried -- core dumped.

Message 15276

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: 14 Jun 1999 15:52:55 +0100
P Gordon aka Mr Tickle said, 

>> It's an atom with a missing electron...

> Nope. Thats a positive ion, which wouldn't be
> shortened to Possion, because:

> A) Theres only one S in positive
> B) Theres no point

You're trying to apply logic to something French. A fatal mistake :-O

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Grow your own dope, plant a politician!

Message 15277

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:32:36 +0100
Matt Sealey replied in a comical manner:

>> they have and whether they use Dustbusters or aerosols to clean their
>> keyboards!

>Just for the record, I use a screwdriver and a cloth from a glasses case.

>flip, clean, flip, clean, flip..

I'm currently AJHGDSJG cleaning KJHAIUDSFIUB my keybAOPJI&*()&oard
using 684CF/*/ a large 087423o5jk broom aaaaaaand a 9087niojion89h hose.

There - that looks better! Wonder if I should have turned
the power off psshfffirrsssttt....

note: This thread is now officially moving into Off-Topic realms. Should you
wish to receive any further messages - unsubscribe, disconnect from the
Internet and go back to using to using snail mail.


** Great things about the Internet #77 **
No matter how careful you are, you will repeatedly receive unwanted mail.

** Great things about the Internet #78 **
No matter how careful you are, you will repeatedly receive unwanted mail.

** Great things about the Internet #79 **
No matter how careful you are, you will repeatedly receive unwanted mail.

Message 15278

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:34:38 +0100
Neil Bothwick penned:

>You're trying to apply logic to something French. A fatal mistake :-O


Nice one Neil....


Message 15279

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:46:20 +0100
Hi Oliver Masters

>> They seem to be able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice -
>Hehehe :) I really hope you missed the "d" out of that on purpose. That's
>the funniest thing I've seen all day (admittedly I'm a very sad person :o)

No, that was a typo.  Works both ways though, fortunately.  This'll be our
little secret ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15280

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:51:46 +0100
Hi Paul

>Hello again Alex, I'm getting worried about you now:
>> Cats have this incredible ability to find the most awkward,
>> out-of-the-way, remote places you could think of and then getting
>> stuck there.  Almost every week on Animal Hospital there's a cat
>> stuck on a roof, in a wall or up a tree. Children have the same
>> inane sort of ability.  They seem to be able to lodge any
>> foreign boy in any orifice
>Now, /please/ tell me that was a typo. If not, then please go away and
>never talk to any of us again. I don't know where you live but I've
>never actually seen a child with a foreign boy in an orifice - but
>then I've never actually checked ;)

Well done.  You're person number 4 to spot this.  And you moan at me for wasting
bandwidth ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15281

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:54:53 +0100
> Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),
> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

I can connect and look at my mail no problem. Ah, the wonders of telnet :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15282

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:50:35 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about
Freeserve dying AGAIN? again...

> Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),


> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

Apparently not, as I received this.

There's also no mention of problems on their status page
but that doesn't neccessarily mean anything.

I can only assume that the server has been going down for
very short periods of time and then coming back up again.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15283

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:58:22 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Alex Furmanski 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 4:51 PM
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)

> Hi Paul
> >Hello again Alex, I'm getting worried about you now:
> >
> >> Cats have this incredible ability to find the most awkward,
> >> out-of-the-way, remote places you could think of and then getting
> >> stuck there.  Almost every week on Animal Hospital there's a cat
> >> stuck on a roof, in a wall or up a tree.

:) Yes, cats DO do that. It`s funny. I like the way that they sort of
realise there`s no way out the way they came in, and just get more
stuck :)

> >> Children have the same inane sort of ability.  They seem to be
> >> able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice

I think you mean... innate :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15284

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: 14 Jun 99 17:21:31 +0200
Jack Thompson ( wrote:
> People other than me-->>>> "Ben Vost"  06/14 4:15 AM >>>

[big snip!]

Woah there Jack! I think you SERIOUSLY need to reconfigure your mailer! A
23 character quote seperator just to tell us all you didn't write that bit?
That's nearly a third of the whole line!!!

Please please please Change it to just a single "> " ?  Please?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15285

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:44:46 +0100
Hi Dave

>On that note, does anyone know were I can get a copy of the HHGTTG game for
>the Amiga? The only version I've got is for the PC, and having to emulate
>probably means I'll never finish.

I never knew there was a game,   if you find out could you let  me know ?

>Remember, share and enjoy :)

I've got a pain in all the diodes down my left  side



Message 15286

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:13:48 -0700
>>>> "Kevin Fairhurst"  06/14 8:21 AM >>>
>Jack Thompson ( wrote:
> People other than me-->>>> "Ben Vost"  06/14 =
4:15 AM >>>
>[big snip!]
>Woah there Jack! I think you SERIOUSLY need to reconfigure your mailer! A
>23 character quote seperator just to tell us all you didn't write that =
>That's nearly a third of the whole line!!!
>Please please please Change it to just a single "> " ?  Please?
>Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

I know, I know... I already got the administrative wrist whacking.. I =
won't mention from whom, but his name rhymes with Ben Vost. :)

Was just trying to break the tedium of having to manually insert the >'s

Aka Godzilla/Scotsman

Anybody have an answer to the actual question in my original post?  :)

Message 15287

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:15:40 +0100

> Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),
> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

I had a few problems a couple of days ago but its all working at the moment.


Message 15288

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: M$ slagging off
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:53:27 +0000
Hi Neil,

> up with the same ideas eventually. Like I've said, M$ do not deserve cr=
> some features in their products, do.

I think Microsoft deserve credit for their achievements. Its hardly fair =
to slag
them off with out recognizing their software's good points is it ?
After all, if M$ have put the features in the software, they deserve cred=
it for

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |=


Message 15289

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:40:59 +0000
Hi Conor,

> Aw, damn. And I wanted to build a missle to shoot the cat out of my
> neighbour's tree too. :-)  

Aww, man. Don't tell me I'm going to have to let my maths teacher live....

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |

Message 15290

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: AIRLink (was EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 17:49:41 +0100
Hi Neil

On 11-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Only cos the codesets are so damned impossible to work out by hand!
> It took me about ten minutes for each one.

That's if the manufacturer uses one of the eight or so common frequencies,
which apparently Mistubishi, Aiwa and Binatone don't. Rats! ;-)

>> PS - If anyone does have any codeset info, or has figured out a quicker way
>> of figuring out the frequencies then I would still love to know...!
> Did you try the way I suggested in the follow up article?

Yes, but without much luck. Looking at the program, it has about 12,000
possible permutations, and even a fanatic like me only has so much time. I
wonder whether it's possible to write an ARexx script that would increment
these every few seconds, at least allowing me to sit and press a button on the
remote to test it. That way, I could cycle through any combination in a maximum
of 7 or so hours! Assuming the batteries hold out that long... (and my sanity!)

The only other thing that would be perfect is a custom bit of hardware that
could do this for you... I had a look at some of those universal remote
controllers, but these use a unique code system for the manufacturers, but
presumably the information needed is stuck on a chip inside the damn thing - if
we could read that, then we could get dozens of obscure codes in a few
seconds... Hmmm.... something similar to one of those PIC programming gadgets?


Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
- Albert Einstein

Message 15291

From: Neil Thomas
Subject: [afb] TurboPrint update from V6.02
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:56:25 +0100
Ho ppl, =

    I'm stupid, it's official. I found an archive somwhere on the great e=
xpanse known as the internet. The archive had in it some patches for Turb=
oPrint V6, which stoped TurboSpool crashing and also had some more driver=
s in it. I decompressed the archive and installed the s/w. Or so I though=
, it turns out I acctually didn't delete it but trouble is I can't instal=
l the files by hand becasue i've now delete the archive DOH!
    Does ne1 else have this patch? if so, you couldn't tell me where I go=
t it from could please? Iv'e got no idea where I got it from but I know i=
t wasn't Aminet or The IreeSoft website :(
    Cheers ppl, help or no help


Message 15292

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: 14 Jun 99 15:52:08 +0000
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:33:55 +0200, Pekka Sippola wibbled...

> > As I've said before it's not the amount of mail I object to, it's the
> > amount of junk. It's a shame that the minority spoil it for the
> > majority.
> I begin to agree and seriously consider to unsubscribe!

I don't want to cuss you up man, but you just sent a mail agreeing that
there was too much junk, and also quoted the whole previous mail.

Now, that was a little silly, wasn't it? :)

.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15293

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: 14 Jun 99 18:32:36 +0000
On 14 Jun 99 17:21:31 +0200, Kevin Fairhurst wibbled...

> Woah there Jack! I think you SERIOUSLY need to reconfigure your mailer
> Please please please Change it to just a single "> " ?  Please?

Actually, can everyone who doesn't use ">" do this, please? When you use
your non-standard separators (initials, funny symbols etc.), it not only
makes the mail look bad, but it also makes it very hard to follow.

.================================ The Wibble ================================.
!  It's the site that dares to say "melons", and this week, it's come early  !
!                                          !
`============================== ICQ: 28589940 ==============================='

Message 15294

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:55:47 +0100
>> Remember, share and enjoy :)
>Of course, nobody knows why it does this, because it
>inevitably delivers a drink which is almost, but not

>entirely, unlike tea :)

Hmm, Is there any tea on this mailing list ? 


Message 15295

From: Neil Ives
Subject: [afb] PC vs Amiga
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:52:16 +0000
Hello again. Only me!

PC vs Amiga.

Surely the way to look at this is purely from a users point of view. After
all a personal computer is only a (wonderfully powerful) tool. If you
picked up a screwdriver that felt uncomfortable compared to another you
wouldnt use it, unless you didn't know any better. When computers moved
from a console interface to a graphical user interface they were moving in
an inevitable path toward complete user friendliness which may well have a
speech only interface at some stage (what about a neural implant?). The
problem for many newcomers is that computers are dauntingly complicated. A
friendly, obvious, straight forward user interface means more people are
comfortable using your computer. The very name of the Amigas GUI,
'Intuition' says it all. It is intuitive, it represents the actual filing
structure. It is instantly obvious what is installed on your computer. It
doesn't need to be learned. Surely this is not true of the Wintel OS. I
know you can learn how to use it, but you shouldn't
have to learn it! 
As the Amiga has now been around for, what 15 years (?), I guess we are
entitled to criticise this much plugged Wintel GUI that still isn't a patch
on Intuition.

        NEIL IVES
[HomeMade Software]

Amiga owners do it before the PC has finished booting.

Message 15296

From: "Steve Mepham"
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: 14 Jun 99 19:10:27 +0100
Richard Lane wrote:
> This morning when I did my first download of email there was the two
> Best Regards, Richard Lane -
> Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
> Magnum_Opus support site -
>                         Powered by *AMIGA*
I'm afraid I totally agree with you,as I don't have two or more hours
to sift through a load of pointless replies to usually OT subjects.
 I'm going to give it one more week to see if it improves,or else I
will just read what I want on the egroups site.Shame as it seemed to
be just what we needed.
Steve Mepham  e-mail  ICQ #34471132
Any Amiga users living near me in Kendal or South Cumbria ??

Message 15297

Subject: [afb] Re: Relationships with girls (And some Amig
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:18:00 -0000

> > Please select one of the following:
> > 
> >    o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
> >    o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
> >    o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
> >    o Relationships are things that happen to other people
> >    o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment hooked up! Grr!
> >    o I'm bent
> >    o Err... excuse me, I am a girl
> >    o Both of the above
> > 
> > 
> Errmmm...I have found a fault...(That's what's supposed to happen, isn't it?)
> Well, I DO have regular contacts with women - I don't go out with them (As in
boyfriend/girlfriend because I am way too picky)

I realise my fault now. There should have been another choice:
 "I'm fussy about girls.  In fact I'm so fussy I've never had one."
Thanks for pointing it out. ;-) 

> but I do, well, anyway, lets not go into that shall we as there may be some
people that may take offence as to what I was going to say, because after all,
tehre are DEFINITELY some under 18's on this list...

This is most suspicous and definetly sounds like the one with the groinal
attachment.  And yes you'd better keep it to yourself. ;-)

I am a bit dissapointed about only being allowed 8 choices, I had plenty more
ideas in my mad rampage of cheap sexual innuendoes.  BTW no offence is
intended.  I feel e-groups should offer at least 30 or 40 choices.

Message 15298

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: 14 Jun 99 19:31:17 +0100
> I recently ran into a problem when booting up my Amiga... it refused to boot
> up at all (well, the HD makes a few sound but that is all). I booted with no
> startup-sequence next, and the system loaded just fine but the amount of fast
> memory was zero...
> Next I tried accessing the PPC startup menu but it wouldn't show up at all
> (black screen). Running a diagnostics program (after boot w/o startup) simply
> freezes the machine (AIBB, SysInfo) and FPU-using programs crash too. A small
> program called CPU tells me I still have 040 but I suspect it just checks for
> the associated libraries.
> To me this sounds like my PPC card has decided to die. Ironic, since I just
> moved my Amiga into a tower to avoid overheating the darn thing... Still, I'd
> like to have an opinion of more experienced people on this before I sent the
> card anywhere. Oh, and I can't test the card on another machine since AFAIK
> I'm the only Amigan around my town. :(

I think the first thing you should do is see if your computer will
boot from floppy workbench. Don't immediately assume that a part of
your hardware has broken. Remove all your additional parts and then
see if your hardrive will boot. If it does, try different combinations
of hardware to see if you can eliminate which bits aren't causing any

You may well find, as I did the other day, that fiddling about with
all your leads, etc, has fixed whatever the problem was.

I wish you luck,


Message 15299

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Caller ID stuff
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:03:02 +0100
Hi all, I'm having a strange problem with my new Caller ID phone. It seems
like it only logs calls when my modem isn't plugged in on an extension
line. It makes no difference if there is no power to the modem at the time.
It could be just coincidence, but I think I've eliminated everything else
that could be affecting it. Has anyone else had this problem? Or knows what
could be causing it.


Message 15300

Subject: [afb] Transmeta
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:49:36 -0000
Hi all.
I have just been trying to gather some info on Transmeta's 'revolutionary CPU' and so far all I have come up with is...nothing.

I can get no solid information whatsoever.  All I am getting are people saying that Transmeta will be used in the new Amiga's, and then people saying that the previous is a hoax.
I have been on loads of CPU sites and all they say is that Transmeta is a software programmable Chip (NOTE: NOT CPU, CHIP!) that can be programmed on the fly so as to change it's instruction set to the task it is doing at the time.
Well, it's certainly confused me as to why people are saying that Gateway are using this as the new CPU for the Amiga NG - maybe it's to get people excited about nothing, but then that person is VERY horrible (To say the least!).

Anyway, here's a link for other's to try out.
Tell me if you can get any more info other than the fact that Transmeta have small, pokey and dirty offices, but across the road there is a field that is having 2 12-story offices put there with 600,000 sq-something of office space...

Anyway, hope you can get some info as I can't!


PS To keep the list down to a minimum, e-mail me directly at: - (Egroups puts a '-' where there should be an 'm')
unless the information is important, of course. :o)

Message 15301

From: "Paolo Rinaldi"
Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: 14 Jun 99 19:20:52 +0200
You wrote:
> To me this sounds like my PPC card has decided to die. Ironic, since I just
> moved my Amiga into a tower to avoid overheating the darn thing... Still, I'd
> like to have an opinion of more experienced people on this before I sent the
> card anywhere. Oh, and I can't test the card on another machine since AFAIK
> I'm the only Amigan around my town. :(

I'm not a hardware guru (i.e. I can hardly recognize the front of the
computer from the rear ;-)), but a similar thing happened to me with
my CD ROM: one evening it started telling me "No disk in drive CD0"
and the like... But it only was due to a bad connection, so you'd
better check every wire to see if anything is wrong...
Hope this helps.

Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x

         "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you live with turkeys."

Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 15302

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave 3D
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:46:53 +0000
Hello All,

On 13-Jun-99, wrote:

> Hello
> I own Lightwave 3D v3.5 and was wondering how I could either
> upgrade to version 5 or purchase the complete package of version 5.
> I've heard that Lightwave is no longer being produced for the Amiga
> so I guess I may be stuck with v3.5, not that there's anything wrong
> with it, but v5 should in theory be better than v3.5

Yes, but will it really be /that /much better. Last thing I heard it was on
sale for 1169.13 or 411.25 for the upgrade from V4 :( 

Are the increaed features really worth the cost of a good PPC or a nice
shiny AmigaNG?

UIN: 30044173

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 15303

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Survey results
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:53:46 +0000
Hello All,

On 13-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:

> Try an Altavista search for "bill gates mpeg", you might even find the one
> where Win98 crashed on him.

This is also on an AFCD. Which one I can't remembe. After 25 before 42 :)

UIN: 30044173

Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 15304

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: 14 Jun 99 20:52:44 +0200
On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:01:05 -0000,  ( wrote:
>    o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...

Does this include :

"Erm, sorry if this sounds innappropriate, especially considering what you
were doing with the feathers and all, but what's your name again, and where
am I?"

If so, erm, it's not for me, it's for a friend ....   ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15305

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: 14 Jun 99 20:52:50 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:13:09 +0100 about [afb] Re: Word Processor packages

Hi Neil Bullock

> > > I think there are still 2 distinct camps here. I really don't like
> > > using WW and think FW is a much better product, but I know many of you
> > > will disagree.
> >
> > I'd agree with you sort of, having been using FW97 since it came out,
> > I loved it, haven't really given WW a go though to be fair, but I
> > don't even use FW97 anymore as I now have Pagestream3 :)
> >
> I don't use word processors/DTP packages full stop (except at college).
> I get by with with trust copy of Blacks Editor at home :)

Black Editor huh, I remember using that, I've progressed to GoldEd
myself got version 6 on its way,  I use as my simple text editor and
soon to use if for HTML, guess I'll be reading that section of AF. 


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15306

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: 14 Jun 99 20:29:03 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Chris Livermore wrote on Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:24:44 +0100 (GMT) about [afb] Re: MUI Registration

Hi Chris Livermore


> Better still, wait til WOA, and register it there. Get your keyfile then
> and there, no messing!

Thanks for the info Chris, I think I will there m8:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15307

From: "Sam Castillo"
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:12:48 +0100
> > have set up an "afb-Off Topic" mailing list.
> I commend your initive, but i do believe that this will not help one little
> bit :(
> I will explain: Most "Off Topic" subjects come from "On topic" Threads. Its
> when people pick up on small things (such as taglines, spellings,
> punctuation, small errors in peoples info etc.) and these get wildly OT. I
> think that this list needs rules, and quickly, otherwise there will be a
> lot more people leaving this list (myself included) for ML's that have less
> tollerance for this kind of thing.
> Dont get me wrong, the occaisional slightly OT tread brings a bit of fresh
> air to the ML, but most of what i am reading now, apart from the initial
> few mails at the beginning of each thread, are OT.
> Lets not let this lapse into the TA ML :)
> Thanks for your time...

Personally I think that an off-topic ML is a good idea. If a thread is wildly
OT and refuses to die then it should be moved to afb-ot so that anyone thats
having fun with it can carry on. Sometimes I think it`s more fun to read the
off topic posts than on!

I must admit that sometimes I get "turned off" by mailing lists and newsgroups
that stay completly on-topic as what is being said then has probably been said
many times before. I read this ML because I love the Amiga but talking about
the same subjects all the time can get a bit boring. So I fully support the
afb-ot idea and will be subscribing today. I hope that a lot of other people do
as well so if you want to talk about the computer we all love then keep it on
the afb list but if it goes off-topic then it`s the perfect candidate for

This is just my own personal opinion!

Samuel Castillo

Message 15308

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel Scanners
Date: 14 Jun 99 16:56:46 +0000
Hello ultrasbm, on 14-Jun-99 14:21:55 you said about:
 [afb] Parallel Scanners 

>Hi All.
>My Dad came round the other day with a Black Widow Parallel Scanner, and he
>said that I could have it.


You could always try setting up Shapeshifter (or Fusion, if you want to
buy it) to run the Mac software that came with the scanner (did it come
with Mac software???).

Whether or not it will then work via the Amiga parallel port is another
matter. Parallel scanners are slow on PCs, I'd hate to think what it
would be like on an Amiga. :-/

The only other option, IMHO, is to sell the Black Widow and put the
money towards a scanner+software+SCSI inyerface that will work together
on your Amiga.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Bother," said Pooh, as he weakened the Bunji-rope.

Message 15309

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: 14 Jun 99 21:21:44 +0000
Hello C.R.Buchanan, on 14-Jun-99 13:01:05 you said about:
 [afb] POLL: Relationships with girls 

>Please select one of the following:

>   o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship
>   o Actually, I struggle to keep all my bitches happy
>   o Hmm.  I spoke to a girl once...
>   o Relationships are things that happen to other people
>   o Girls?  Who needs 'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment
>   hooked up! Grr! o I'm bent o Err... excuse me, I am a girl o Both of the
>   above

How about "o I've spent too much dosh on my Amiga to be able to afford a
girlfriend (and/or to go out and meet any... :( )"

I do wish one of my mates (?) would stop saying that SWAG (South West
Amiga Group) actually stands for "Stuck Without A Girlfriend"... :-/

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
We secretly replaced the dilithium with Folgers Crystals

Message 15310

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:48:31 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> My only successful attempt at an AI was for a game of Othello
> (Reversi) that I wrote (using a language called A**S).I prioritised

   Ah yes, I've written an Othello AI. The advanced mode basically trys all
the possible moves in its mind, then trys to pridict what the over player
will do. It remembers all the possible outcomes and picks the best move to
go for.

   Its rather slow, but its damn good ;)

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
pick himself up and carry on...
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15311

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:49:33 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> So if you dont`t like the idea of posting Ai on the AFB - don`t flame me!

   Why wouldn't we like it? its more Amiga related then most of the mail we
get on the list!

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
'Canada' is an Native American  word meaning
"Big Village".
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15312

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:26:21 +0100
Hello Neil

On 12-Giu-99, Neil Bullock wrote:

> Wow, people actually talking amongst themselves about
> MY diskmag. Amazing!
> Neil

Well, it is a nice idea. Though an HTML version would be apprecciated.

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15313

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: The Matrix
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:28:50 +0100

On 13-Giu-99, wrote something about The Matrix:

> Unfortunately they also said that those sequels wouldn't be films, but
> their first medium which is comics...
> Ben

Oh, Sugar... Very disppointing!!!

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15314

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:33:06 +0100
Hello Colin

On 13-Giu-99, Colin Buckenham wrote:

> I called L.H. a few days ago to ask about upgrades to PageStream 3.3 and
> was told that not only had they not heard anything from SoftLogic for a
> long time but they no longer thought that the Amiga software market was
> large enough to continue in. The programmes that they carried no longer
> sold in any quantity. I might have picked a bad day to ring them but I
> think not. If somebody formally so supportive of the Amiga market now
> thinks in that way then it is a very sad day indeed.

Well I am shocked. AFAIK Larry is always been very supportive and he is also
an Amiga lover. 
I remember when I bought DrawStudio he mentioned how disappointed he was
about the poor
sales of that wonderful piece of software.
I still cannot understand how people could not buy DrawStudio. I would have
really appreciated an
upgrade. Pheraps, the author is willing to sell the code to somebody else
who is interested in upgrading
the software.
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15315

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:50:31 +0000
Bother said Phil Stephens as he realised we were talking about
Word Processor packages again...

>>  I don't use word processors/DTP packages full stop (except at college).
>>  I get by with with trust copy of Blacks Editor at home :)

> Black Editor huh, I remember using that, I've progressed to GoldEd
> myself got version 6 on its way,  I use as my simple text editor and
> soon to use if for HTML, guess I'll be reading that section of AF. 

If you haven't already, I reccomend trying WordPad (AFCD41).
It may not have all the extra bits that GoldEd has but it's
a very nice, basic text editor - it does use MUI though which
will no doubt offend some people.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15316

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:55:44 +0000
Bother said Sam Castillo as he realised we were talking about
New ML - afb-ot.... again...

> So I fully support the afb-ot idea and will be subscribing today. I
> hope that a lot of other people do as well

I subscribed to it as soon as it appeared.  However, for
some reason the "reply to" header isn't set to the list's
address.  I quickly found this irritating and unsubscribed
from it.  :(

I don't know whether this is egroups fault or not but I
won't be re-joining until it's fixed.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15317

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:11:56 +0000
Bother said Andy Mills as he realised we were talking about
POLL: Relationships with girls again...

>>    o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship o Actually, I struggle
>>    to keep all my bitches happy o Hmm. I spoke to a girl once... o
>>    Relationships are things that happen to other people o Girls? Who
>>    'em when I've got my computer's groinal attachment hooked up! Grr! o
>>    I'm bent o Err... excuse me, I am a girl o Both of the above

> How about "o I've spent too much dosh on my Amiga to be able to afford a
> girlfriend (and/or to go out and meet any... :( )"

How about:
    o Currently single coz she was cheating on me :(


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15318

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:47:56 +0100
Hi Ben

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve addresses
> on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

This really wouldn't surprise me by now. If they have 1.1 million subscribers
or thereabouts then they need LOTS of top whack equipment. If they keep failing
this often they should divert some of the money from those cheesy TV  and bus
stop adverts in support stuff instead.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when it gets floated on the stock
market - will their shares drop everytime a mail server goes offline?

All I can say is that if it's offline, I'm glad I'm not stuck covering their
support line again. Last time they got something like 8000 calls an hour coming
in with only 40 people covering the lines!

Mind you, I keep hearing about other ISPs having similar problems recently - is
this possibly symptomatic of there simply being too many people moving too much
data about or what?


Exercise daily. Eat wisely. Die anyway.

Message 15319

From: Mark
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:27:04 +0100 (BST)
On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, fool wrote:

> I subscribed to it [afb-ot]  as soon as it appeared.  However, for
> some reason the "reply to" header isn't set to the list's
> address.  I quickly found this irritating and unsubscribed
> from it.  :(
> I don't know whether this is egroups fault or not but I
> won't be re-joining until it's fixed.

The 'reply-to' header is set by the manager of the list. It can be set to
either the address of the list or the person that sent the mail. 

Subscribe to the Philippa Forrester Mailing List at:
or send a blank e-mail to:

Message 15320

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: 14 Jun 99 22:43:04 +0000
Hello fool, on 14-Jun-99 21:55:44 you said about:
 [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot.... 

>Bother said Sam Castillo as he realised we were talking about
>New ML - afb-ot.... again...

>> So I fully support the afb-ot idea and will be subscribing today. I
>> hope that a lot of other people do as well

>I subscribed to it as soon as it appeared.  However, for
>some reason the "reply to" header isn't set to the list's
>address.  I quickly found this irritating and unsubscribed
>from it.  :(

>I don't know whether this is egroups fault or not but I
>won't be re-joining until it's fixed.

It should be OK now, after ages arsing around with a snail-paced Egroups

BTW, why didn't you say so earlier? I'm not bloody psychic you know...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
This copy of Spot has been unregistered for 20 Years.

Message 15321

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Backups & Miami (Was Sub Disk Virus)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:41:47 +0100
Hi Neil.

> You don't have to back up everything. Program files will be on the
> original disks or wherever you downloaded them from. It's config and
> data files that need to be backed up, and then only the ones that have
> changed since the last backup.

ITR, (and just in case) which file would I need to backup from Miami so if I
have to re-install, I can 'tell' it that it's registered? I've had to pay
twice to register it now, as I didn't have chance to backup before a HD
crash, and I'd rather not shell out again for something I've already paid

> A decent backup program will allow for
> selective and incremental backups, and file compression could halve
> the number of disks needed.

Can you suggest any decent backup prog's then, and might we see them on AF
or AA cover CDs? Obviously you can't comment on AFCDs, but Ben's out there
so he can :-)


Message 15322

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Caller ID stuff
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:57:30 +0100
Hi Gerald

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all, I'm having a strange problem with my new Caller ID phone. It seems
> like it only logs calls when my modem isn't plugged in on an extension
> line. It makes no difference if there is no power to the modem at the time.
> It could be just coincidence, but I think I've eliminated everything else
> that could be affecting it. Has anyone else had this problem? Or knows what
> could be causing it.

Could be a problem with the cord coming from the back of the modem, or possibly
a problem with REN - not sure if REN comes into it though when the modem is
switched off...


I'd like to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Message 15323

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Relationships with girls (And some Amig
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:59:51 +0100

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I am a bit dissapointed about only being allowed 8 choices, I had plenty more
> ideas in my mad rampage of cheap sexual innuendoes.  BTW no offence is
> intended.  I feel e-groups should offer at least 30 or 40 choices.

Whilst I'm sure people who set up polls are pleased to have provoked a
response, can people either take part in the poll or ignore it - there's no
point talking about all the options that should have been added or whatever...

Just get on with it!


"Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer."

Message 15324

Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:00:52 -0000
> Steve Mepham  e-mail  ICQ #34471132
> Any Amiga users living near me in Kendal or South Cumbria ??

Why not use AmigaSoc's Lost Souls database to see if there are any Amiga users
living near you Steve?


Message 15325

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:05:20 +0100
Hi fool

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> If you haven't already, I reccomend trying WordPad (AFCD41).

Anyone else had problems with Wordpad's stability. On my A4000 it crashes on
exiting the program, and on my A1200 it crashes on running it! The A1200 is
running Directory Opus 5.66 in WBR mode, which may affect it...

Any ideas or parallel experiences? Already mailed author to say I like it, even
if it is pretty buggy on my setup...


I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Message 15326

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Backups & Miami (Was Sub Disk Virus)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:09:27 +0100
Hi Chris

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> ITR, (and just in case) which file would I need to backup from Miami so if I
> have to re-install, I can 'tell' it that it's registered? I've had to pay
> twice to register it now, as I didn't have chance to backup before a HD
> crash, and I'd rather not shell out again for something I've already paid
> for.

It'll most likely be that file called Miami.key in the MIAMI:  path... If you
can't find it do a global search for any files with the word key or keyfile in
- most registered programs use that convention.


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions...

Message 15327

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:32:12 +0100
Greetings  Pekka

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On 13-Jun-99, Richard Lane wrote:

>> As I've said before it's not the amount of mail I object to, it's the
>> amount of junk. It's a shame that the minority spoil it for the
>> majority.
> I begin to agree and seriously consider to unsubscribe!

most of the junk seems to come from those with free school/college
connections. Seems that posting shyte to afb is a way to while away the
time. . .

> Regards


/PGP Key available on request/
Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 15328

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:43:42 +0100
Greetings  David

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi,
>> No it wasn't me, but I know someone who was "faked" in this way. He got
>> megs of crap sent to his account, which filled up pretty damn quick. He
>> was lucky he only had a 4 meg mailbox on his account ....
> Should that happen to anyone here the best way to shift it is to open a
> Hotmail (or similar) account and use its ability to fetch POP3 mail. You
> get your mail box emptied instantly and if you are worried that an
> important email was in the junk you can still check it on the web
> without having to download it all! I worked that one out for a friend
> who got mail bombed a while back, but it works in this case too :)
> Hope that that can be of use to someone.

Or you could just set yam up to to tell if there are large files to
dowload, and ask if you want to leave them on the server, or delete them
without downloading. . .

I don't know if other mail proglets offer simlar services :)

> Dave



/PGP Key available on request/
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15329

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:02:46 +0100
Greetings  Matt

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>>> Children have the same inane sort of ability.  They seem to be
>>>> able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice
> I think you mean... innate :)

Could be both I guess. Particularly with children anyways.



/PGP Key available on request/
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15330

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:11:39 +0100
Greetings  Colin

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello Vincenzo
> On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> VM On 13-Giu-99, wrote: VM
>>> Hi
>>> Does anyone on the list know where I can buy Wordworth 7 or Final
>>> Writer 97 (CD-ROM or disk)- all the mail order companies I have
>>> in the UK have neither of these two programs for sale. VM
>> VM Have you tried Digita Int. or LH Publishing? VM
>> VM Digita +44 1 395 270 273 VM LH Publishing +44 1908 370 230
> I called L.H. a few days ago to ask about upgrades to PageStream 3.3 and
> was told that not only had they not heard anything from SoftLogic for a
> long time but they no longer thought that the Amiga software market was
> large enough to continue in. The programmes that they carried no longer
> sold in any quantity. I might have picked a bad day to ring them but I
> think not. If somebody formally so supportive of the Amiga market now
> thinks in that way then it is a very sad day indeed.

I bought Drawstudio2 from LH publishing a couple of months ago. 

Regarding pagestream. Softlogik are still well and truly in the Amiga

I have just got an email from them about my upgrade from 3.3 to v4.

I suggest a visit to There are details about
upgrades from all versions upto 4.

> All the Best
> Colin


/PGP Key available on request/
Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 15331

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Digitiser
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:35:51 +0100
> Hey! I take offense to that statement! (I didn't see the original post of
> course) but it's the braindead moron part I take offense to...

Ok, for those of you who perhaps didn't get the point of my message, it was
*supposed* to be sarcasm. Jack, I realise you're American so I forgive you
for not knowing this ;)
Since most people didn't reply I presume the rest of you understood :)

> I like Amiga users, (Mostly, except the ones that have nothing better to
> do than brag about how fast their PC is...)

I like Amiga users, except the ones who refuse to acknowledge the good
points of other platforms and who blindly advocate their machine whilst
blatantly ignoring the facts. Of course, I realise that half the time I
fall into this category as well :)

> P.S.
> Where you been for the last two weeks Baug?!?!

University exams :-/


Message 15332

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:48:55 +0100
Hi Ben,

> Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),
> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

Not down entirely... obviously, since I am sending this. It's just slightly
f**ked I think. I've received roughly 100 mails from AFB today, I don't
*think* I've missed many.


Message 15333

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:19:27 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> If you're reading all the messages online then it's definitely cheaper to
>> have them delivered to your email account. It should only take you 5-10
>> minutes to download the 100-200 emails a day that the AFB generates,
> Ten minutes to download 200 mails? Are you using a 300 baud modem? !!!

Ok then, 3 minutes, so I exaggerated a little :)
Actually, since I quite regularly get sent large-ish binaries, 10 minutes
isn't too much of an overstatement...


Message 15334

From: "Mark A. Dekeyser"
Subject: [afb] New AF
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:04:07 -0400
I checked with National Amiga's website where they indicated that they were selling
AF125 in their shop in London, Canada on June 11.

Mark Dekeyser

Message 15335

From: "Mark A. Dekeyser"
Subject: [afb] Final Writer
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:12:00 -0400
In addition to word processing, I have used the tables feature of Final
Writer 97 quite a bit and, until I found an ARexx script for a calendar on
Aminet and on the AFCDs, I created my own calendars in FW.

Mark Dekeyser

Message 15336

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Backups & Miami (Was Sub Disk Virus)
Date: 15 Jun 1999 0:26:57 +0100
Chris Pratt said, 

> Hi Neil.

>> You don't have to back up everything. Program files will be on the
>> original disks or wherever you downloaded them from. It's config and
>> data files that need to be backed up, and then only the ones that have
>> changed since the last backup.

> ITR, (and just in case) which file would I need to backup from Miami so if I
> have to re-install, I can 'tell' it that it's registered? I've had to pay
> twice to register it now, as I didn't have chance to backup before a HD
> crash, and I'd rather not shell out again for something I've already paid
> for.

I think the keyfiles use cunningly concealed names, like Miami.key1
and Miami.key2. Basically, anything with key in the name should be
backed up.

>> A decent backup program will allow for
>> selective and incremental backups, and file compression could halve
>> the number of disks needed.

> Can you suggest any decent backup prog's then, and might we see them on AF
> or AA cover CDs? Obviously you can't comment on AFCDs, but Ben's out there
> so he can :-)

ABackup was the one I used. I now use MakeCD for fortnightly backups
and LhA for the daily ones, since you can set LhA to only archive
changed files, but that only works if you have somewhere safe to store
the LhAs, like a second hard drive.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
BBS: (n.) a system for connecting computers and exchanging gossip,
	 facts, and uninformed speculation under false names.

Message 15337

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Caller ID stuff
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:22:18 +0100
Hi Frost,

> Could be a problem with the cord coming from the back of the modem, or
> possibly a problem with REN - not sure if REN comes into it though when
> the modem is switched off...

Don't think it's a problem with the REN, there's never more than 2 phones
and a modem connected at any one time. In what way could it be a problem
with the modem cable? Here's the set-up, in case it helps...

                                         Master Socket
                                    Double Line Adaptor
                                    |                           |
                            CLID Phone          Junction Box
                                                      /                  \
                                           Junction Box         Secondary
Jack Socket
                                          /                 \               
                               Jack socket     Jack socket          modem
                                        |                    |
                                    phone            modem

Apologies if that diagram comes out crap on your mailer :)
And I don't actually have 2 modems, as it looks on the diagram, just one
that is moved between 2 computers.


Message 15338

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:35:24 +0000
Hi Matt,


GRRRR yourself :)
> It`s not bloatware at all. I saw this in January 1998, it`s not new.

Of course it's bloatware.  When you install Excel it indicates that it will
use about 45MB of disk space.

45MB of disk space for a spreadsheet.

A spreadsheet that is good, but isn't overloaded with lots of features.  In
fact, there's no where near enough features to warrant 45MB of disk space,
the examples take up almost no space at all.

Every bit of Micro$hite software I've seen is bloated.

I think it's time you got out of bed with M$ Matt, you've a very strange
bias towards them and it's a bit freaky :)

All the best...


Message 15339

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:22:46 +0100

>> Does that mean that you also have rights to ;
>> etc? I'm not quite sure if I understood.
>Yup - once you have the domain, you can have as many hosts or subdomains
>inside it as you want.

Well in that case I might just go set up right
now - I like the sound of that :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15340

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:05:48 +0100
Hi Tom,

>I never knew there was a game,   if you find out could you let  me know ?

Sorry, looks like I'll be just using the datafiles with an alternative
engine on the Amiga. Thanks BTW to all who suggested that, I had no idea
that that could be done. So, anyone got an idea about how I can get it off
that 5 inch disk? I think its time to glue that old AT back together...

As for those files, I guess as they're a good decade or so old and out of
production it won't hurt to send them to you. Will it? Where do I stand
considering their age, etc?

>I've got a pain in all the diodes down my left  side

Depressing, isn't it?

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15341

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:22:16 +0100

>Please select one of the following:
>   o I'm happily married/in a stable realtionship

>   o Both of the above

   o Girlfriend just voted most attractive female in the sixthform leaver's

Alright, no more gloating - I didn't even make the most attractive male
shortlist, so I guess she must love me for my computing skills. Girls dig
Amiga's y'know ;)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15342

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Woo Woo Woo Wuh Wuh Wuh
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:23:01 +0100
Hi Neil,

>An address usually refers to a machine address, such as
> A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a way of
>specifying a location on the internet, together with the method used
>to connect to it and information to be sent to it.

Thanks, I'll try to remember that...this time :)

>The full contents of a URL are

>?extra-data is normally used to send data to CGI scripts. for example
>a server-side image map will send the coordinates here.

Someone said in this thread you learn something new here everyday, oh yeah.
Thanks BTW.

>Ok, my turn now (or :)

Good luck to you, just checked the logs and it appeared to generate
absolutely no extra hits. Pah, no taste in music, that's the problem with
the Amiga community ;)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15343

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: 14 Jun 99 22:38:26 +0000
At 22:38:09 you said about [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus:

> You don't have to back up everything. Program files will be on the
> original disks or wherever you downloaded them from. It's config and
> data files that need to be backed up, and then only the ones that have
> changed since the last backup.

Now I have to find the time to find all my files that I need to keep
:-/ Now, let's see: CV, Netconnect configs, user-startup. That's about
it :)
> Neil

Paul C.

> Top Oxymorons Number 46: Found missing

I don't get that. When have you ever heard anyone say "found missing"?
... Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

Message 15344

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: 14 Jun 99 23:43:55 +0000
Hello all,
I know people whinge about off-topics here but this may be important
to someone.

I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
charging any calls they make to your phone bill.

I can't say whether that's not just a hoax warning or whatever for
sure, only that there is a claim the police have certified it as being

Good night, and don't have nightmares [said in tone of Michael Buerk
on 999]

Paul C.

Message 15345

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 14 Jun 99 22:49:51 +0000
What are you on about, Neil Bothwick?

> > Aren't egroups clever? So, if that message had bounced and the probe
> > (what?) bounced you would have been unsubbed. But you wouldn't have
> > received the message, so why did they bother telling you.
> In case it was a temporary problem, so you know why you've missed
> messages.

I'm sure you would realise that there was a problem when your mails
kept getting bounced.

> Neil
Paul C.

... If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

Message 15346

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: 14 Jun 99 23:21:35 +0000
MSGTO: Alex Furmanski
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)

[Alex Furmanski reveals his sordid fantasies to 600 people]
> Well done.  You're person number 4 to spot this.  And you moan at me for wasting
> bandwidth ;-)

Actually I reckon I was person number 1 (or 2). But I only check mail
once a day and sometimes don't send the reply till the day after. So
there, at the time I wasn't actually intentionally sending an
unneccessary reply.

> Alex Furmanski

Paul C.
Damn. I've just made an unnecessary reply and wasted bandwidth.

Message 15347

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave 3D
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:39:31 +0100
Greetings  Danny

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello All,
> =

> On 13-Jun-99, wrote:
> =

>> Hello
>> =

>> I own Lightwave 3D v3.5 and was wondering how I could either
>> upgrade to version 5 or purchase the complete package of version 5.
>> I've heard that Lightwave is no longer being produced for the Amiga
>> so I guess I may be stuck with v3.5, not that there's anything wrong
>> with it, but v5 should in theory be better than v3.5
>> =

> =

> Yes, but will it really be /that /much better. Last thing I heard it wa=
> on sale for =A31169.13 or 411.25 for the upgrade from V4 :(
> =

> Are the increaed features really worth the cost of a good PPC or a nice=

> shiny AmigaNG?

Go and read the feature list at

3.5 really shows it's age compared to 5. =

To be honest, I'm not sure if I would bother buying v5, seeing as Newtek
no longer develope it for the Amiga.

I'd rather hand my money over to Impulse or Eyelite; and save several
hundred quid in the process. Check out the screen shots of Tornado3d 3

It looks quite groovy. You could buy Tornado, and some beefy hardware to
run it on for the cost of an upgrade to LW 5.

To your main question. Yes, the cost will be justified if Lighwave is
making you money. 3.5 positively sucks compared to 5.



/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 15348

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: New ML - afb-ot....
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:04:58 +0000
Bother said Andy Mills as he realised we were talking about
New ML - afb-ot.... again...

[probs with reply-to]

>> I don't know whether this is egroups fault or not but I
>> won't be re-joining until it's fixed.

> It should be OK now, after ages arsing around with a snail-paced Egroups
> server....

Hmm, they do seem very slow this evening.

I'll try subscribing again now that it's fixed.

> BTW, why didn't you say so earlier? I'm not bloody psychic you know...

I thought I had - turns out it's still sitting in my
outgoing folder.  I must've hit hold instead of send.



Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15349

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:09:42 +0000
Bother said Ferenczy as he realised we were talking about
Word Processor packages again...

>> If you haven't already, I reccomend trying WordPad (AFCD41).

> Anyone else had problems with Wordpad's stability.

It seems to be perfectly stable on my system which is
quite surprising considering.

> Any ideas or parallel experiences?

I take it you've tried snoopdos already?


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15350

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:22:06 +0100
Hi Paul,

> I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
> being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
> line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
> It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
> charging any calls they make to your phone bill.

But why would AT&T be checking a BT line? This sounds a lot like a urban
legend, one that probably originated in the US. If anyone knows different
then sorry for butting in, but it looks a lot like a hoax to me.


Message 15351

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:46:26 +0000
Bother said David Patterson as he realised we were talking about 
HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?) again...

> As for those files, I guess as they're a good decade or so old and out of
> production it won't hurt to send them to you. Will it? Where do I stand
> considering their age, etc?

Don't worry about it.  Just wrap a towel around your head - if you
can't see them, they can't see you.  ;)

Actually, I think the files are still protected by copyright so it's
probably not a good idea to spread them.  Having said that,
if it turns out to be legal, I'd really appreciate a copy too.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15352

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:51:20 +0000
Bother said David Patterson as he realised we were talking about
POLL: Relationships with girls again...

>   o Girlfriend just voted most attractive female in the sixthform leaver's
> poll.

> Alright, no more gloating - I didn't even make the most attractive male
> shortlist,

They probably don't include the people who hang around outside the
school anyway.  ;)

> so I guess she must love me for my computing skills. Girls dig
> Amiga's y'know ;)

"Ooh, I just the love the way you partitioned that hard-drive."  ?
Nah, maybe not.  :)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15353

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 03:22:36 +0100
Hi Gerald & Paul.

> > I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
> > being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
> > line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
> > It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
> > charging any calls they make to your phone bill.
> But why would AT&T be checking a BT line? This sounds a lot like a urban
> legend, one that probably originated in the US. If anyone knows different
> then sorry for butting in, but it looks a lot like a hoax to me.

    It is actually a true warning - we've got letters up at work regarding
it - but it only applies to mobiles. Apparently if you press 90# (or, I
believe 99#) it allows them access to your SIM card so they can run up calls
on your mobile bill :(
    There's also a warning about people ringing you up at work saying you've
won a prize and can they have your postcode so they can deliver it. They
then assume the house is empty all day and go burgle it :( This one wouldn't
work at our house, though, as there's normally at least one person in most
of the time (apart from the pillock, sorry, dog!)
    Now I'm not saying they aren't both hoaxes, but if a company as large as
William Hills has warnings about them on their office noticeboards, they at
least deserve to be borne in mind...


Message 15354

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 06:15:05 +0100
Various people wrote about a bizarre happening:

> > > I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
> > > being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
> > > line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
> > > It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
> > > charging any calls they make to your phone bill.
> >
> > But why would AT&T be checking a BT line? This sounds a lot like a urban
> > legend, one that probably originated in the US. If anyone knows
> different
> > then sorry for butting in, but it looks a lot like a hoax to me.
>    It is actually a true warning - we've got letters up at work regarding
>it - but it only applies to mobiles. Apparently if you press 90# (or, I
>believe 99#) it allows them access to your SIM card so they can run up
>on your mobile bill :(

This is a hoax. We saw the same emails a few months ago at our office.
However, the company I work for (Lucent) make the telephone switches
and also the chips used in GSM phones, and our development engineers
send a note out saying that it was all b****x. Then BT made an
official statement saying that it isn't true.... Remember "Good Times" virus
hoax - along the same lines :)

>    There's also a warning about people ringing you up at work saying
>won a prize and can they have your postcode so they can deliver it. They
>then assume the house is empty all day and go burgle it :( This one
>work at our house, though, as there's normally at least one person in most
>of the time (apart from the pillock, sorry, dog!)

This one is real - has been happening in my area - people are also doing
surveys in the street to get the same information.....

>    Now I'm not saying they aren't both hoaxes, but if a company as large
>William Hills has warnings about them on their office noticeboards, they at
>least deserve to be borne in mind...

I wouldn't bet on it :)


Message 15355

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: 15 Jun 1999 0:21:54 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> Hi Neil,

>>> If you're reading all the messages online then it's definitely cheaper to
>>> have them delivered to your email account. It should only take you 5-10
>>> minutes to download the 100-200 emails a day that the AFB generates,
>>                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Ten minutes to download 200 mails? Are you using a 300 baud modem? !!!

> Ok then, 3 minutes, so I exaggerated a little :)
> Actually, since I quite regularly get sent large-ish binaries, 10 minutes
> isn't too much of an overstatement...

Fortunately, I don't seem to et all those large binaries posted to the
AFB list :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Penis Envy is a total Phallusy.

Message 15356

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:09:07 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Fortunately, I don't seem to et all those large binaries posted to the
> AFB list :)

Don't give anyone ideas...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer
Not Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 15357

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:11:22 +0100
Hi Paul,

> I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
> being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
> line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
> It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
> charging any calls they make to your phone bill.

An urban myth is being created in our presence. Cool! It's not necessarily
AT&T, it's your mobile phone provider, and it only affects mobile phones,
and yet, it's actually a hoax anyway!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
        Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 15358

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:13:24 +0100
Hi Chris,

>    It is actually a true warning - we've got letters up at work regarding
> it - but it only applies to mobiles. Apparently if you press 90# (or, I
> believe 99#) it allows them access to your SIM card so they can run up
> calls on your mobile bill :(

We had it here at work too, about three months ago, followed about a week
later by a denial.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15359

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Transmeta
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:26:58 +0100

> Hi all.
> I have just been trying to gather some info on Transmeta's
> 'revolutionary CPU' and so far all I have come up with is...nothing.

Just like everybody else.. :)
> I can get no solid information whatsoever.  All I am getting are
> people saying that Transmeta will be used in the new Amiga's,
> and then people saying that the previous is a hoax.

You are on AFB yet you don't read AF? Af125, p16, column 3,
halfway down..

"We are looking at the processors like Transmeta, Project X
and Glaze3D but we're also thinking about PowerPC, MIPS
and Alpha" - Jim Collas

I don't think Transmeta has a chance. It's nowhere near
complete, they don't even have a website for crying out
loud. At least they almost certainly won't have a chip out
by November..

> I have been on loads of CPU sites and all they say is that
> Transmeta is a software programmable Chip (NOTE: NOT
> CPU, CHIP!) that can be programmed on the fly so as to
> change it's instruction set to the task it is doing at the time.


> Well, it's certainly confused me as to why people are saying
> that Gateway are using this as the new CPU for the Amiga NG
>  - maybe it's to get people excited about nothing, but then that
> person is VERY horrible (To say the least!).

Because it can allegedly emulate an x86 class processor faster
than a real x86 class processor could run at the same clock speed.
A trivial task - x86 architecture is far from highly optimised..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15360

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:30:46 +0100
>     Now I'm not saying they aren't both hoaxes, but if a company as large
> William Hills has warnings about them on their office noticeboards, they
> least deserve to be borne in mind...

No, it`s a classic example of corporate paranoia. The suits know feck all
and get edgy when a new virus, scam or email thingy pops in their letter
box. Us tech staff know better, but we never get consulted.. ah well..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15361

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:43:11 +0100
Hello fool

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Actually, I think the files are still protected by copyright so it's
> probably not a good idea to spread them.  Having said that,
> if it turns out to be legal, I'd really appreciate a copy too.

AFAICR, Activision own the rights to all the infocom games. I guess you
could speak nicely to them. You _can_ get Zork I,II & III from their
website for free, though. 


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15362

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 08:50:55 -0000
> How about:
>     o Currently single coz she was cheating on me :(
> Martin.
Nope, mine should have been: -

     o Never going to trust women again because they always go for your ugly house mate even when they're going out with you.

Message 15363

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 15 Jun 1999 8:40:26 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> What are you on about, Neil Bothwick?

>> > Aren't egroups clever? So, if that message had bounced and the probe
>> > (what?) bounced you would have been unsubbed. But you wouldn't have
>> > received the message, so why did they bother telling you.

>> In case it was a temporary problem, so you know why you've missed
>> messages.

> I'm sure you would realise that there was a problem when your mails
> kept getting bounced.

But how would you know if some mails were getting bounced? If five of
your AFB mails yesterday bounced, would you really notice the drop in
traffic? If the list was run on Majordomo you'd have been kicked off
after the first bounce, whereas newer listservs make tests and give
the mail server a chance to come back up before taking such action.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Drive not ready: (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Engineering

Message 15364

Subject: [afb] Re: Your website on AFCD43
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:23:22 -0000
> Hi Guys,
> If you would like to have your website included (or updated) on Amiga
> Format magazine's CD #43, (issue 127, September 1999), could you please
> upload your archived website site to:
MY FTP program says it cannot open
what shall I do?

I e-mailed that e-mail addy at the end of the posting ( and hotmail came back with an unknown user thing.

I want to put my web page on the CD DESPERATELY so someone PLEASE help me.

I am using College computers (OS - Win95.  FTP- WS_FTP  Internet connection - Direct to backbone (T3))
I know how to use FTP to an extent, and have not had this trouble with any other site, but this one has stumped me.


Message 15365

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Your website on AFCD43
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:48:15 +0100
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > If you would like to have your website included (or updated) on Amiga
> > Format magazine's CD #43, (issue 127, September 1999), could you please
> > upload your archived website site to:
> >
> >    
> >
> MY FTP program says it cannot open
> what shall I do?

Mine works.. 'ftp'

> I want to put my web page on the CD DESPERATELY so someone PLEASE help me.
> I am using College

Use FTP as in the command, if you can. WS_FTP sucks.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15366

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Your website on AFCD43
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 11:16:18 +0100
Hi there

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Hi Guys,
>> =

>> If you would like to have your website included (or updated) on Amiga
>> Format magazine's CD #43, (issue 127, September 1999), could you pleas=
>> upload your archived website site to:
>> =

>> =

> MY FTP program says it cannot open
> what shall I do?
> =

> I e-mailed that e-mail addy at the end of the posting (
=2Euk) and hotmail came back with an unknown user thing.
> =

> I want to put my web page on the CD DESPERATELY so someone PLEASE help =
> =

> I am using College computers (OS - Win95.  FTP- WS_FTP  Internet connec=
tion - Direct to backbone (T3))
> I know how to use FTP to an extent, and have not had this trouble with =
any other site, but this one has stumped me.

You MUST prefix any file with AF i.e.  AF_MyFile.lha        GOT IT!
-- =

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in May!

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Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 15367

Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 11:52:38 -0000
 > I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
> being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
> line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
> It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
> charging any calls they make to your phone bill.
> I can't say whether that's not just a hoax warning or whatever for
> sure, only that there is a claim the police have certified it as being
> true.

Oh thats why our phone bill has gone up by 300%.

Ah, no.  Thats because of my flatmates being on the net all the time.

Good job it's an itamised phone bill!


Message 15368

From: "Neil"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA Special Released!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:00:08 +0100
> > 
> > Neil
> Well, it is a nice idea. Though an HTML version would be apprecciated.

Well, I did say this was the last of the WOA related things I would
answer, but there is a HTML version starting from Issue 3.


Don't forget:


Message 15369

Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:04:43 -0000
Hi Matt,

> > the next issue (r the one after that) on how to get these up and running
> as no
> > doubt there's others like me who dont want to pay out for StormC
> (esspecially
> > after the comparison you printed).
> Sam - RTFM. VBCC has docs telling you where to extract archives and place
> files. So does DICE.
Yup.  i went back and had another look,  sure enough, staring me straight in 
the face....  (Didnt read the whole doc the first time as the top half legal 
gibberish so I didnt bother with the bottom half.  TYPICAL.)  

Oh, and its up and running now (VBCC).

Just one thing.  I'm working through the C tutorials (I'll find a C book for 
the library soon as well) and am up to no 3.  however, when I run each program
 it does everything its meant to and displays everyhing its meant to but then
 also displays an error message.  Now it might be meant to do this in the first tutorials  and is explained in no 4+.  Any quick solutions till I get to 
that chapter?  I've tryed     EXIT();    sometimes it works others it doesnt.


Message 15370

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 05:21:04 -0700 (PDT)
> > Black Editor huh, I remember using that, I've
> progressed to GoldEd
> > myself got version 6 on its way,  I use as my
> simple text editor and
> > soon to use if for HTML, guess I'll be reading
> that section of AF. 

I find Blacks Editor incredibly intuitive, very stable
and an all round nice editor. I've never needed more.
Bit like the Amiga I guess :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Message 15371

Subject: [afb] Thanks for the info
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:23:59 -0000
Thanks to the couple of people who directed me to the Digita site at where I found out that Wordworth 7 can be bought direct. I have ordered a copy so cheers! 

I also ordered PPaint 7.1 today. Has anyone tried the update? (7.1b) I was wondering if it makes a significant difference when using CybergraphX.

John Hart

Message 15372

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 05:32:57 -0700 (PDT)
> If I had a nearly full hard disk, I'd either delete
> stuff or get a
> bigger one. Nearly full hard disks get very slow.
> Why worry about a
> few KB, the real waste of space in most programs is
> the features you
> don't use, not the easter eggs.

You cant seriously saying you'd be /pleased/ if an
Amiga spreadsheet package had that much pointless
bloat in it?!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Message 15373

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:34:25 +0100
> Oh thats why our phone bill has gone up by 300%.
> Ah, no.  Thats because of my flatmates being on the net all the time.
> Good job it's an itamised phone bill!


Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester